

"I can't go. I am not going to leave you here Hardin. I can't do that"

She said, crying. He held her face with his blood stained hand and wiped her tears. With his last breath, he whispered "Run Bethany, run". His hand dropped from her face as he died. Tears ran down her face. She felt so powerless. She went up her room, grabbed a her back pack and stuffed a couple of clothes in it. She went through her dad's pocket and grabbed his credit cards. She knew the pin to everything. She took all the credit cards she could find and stuffed it in her bag. She grabbed her phone and her charger, threw it in her bag before heading out. She ran out fo the house and kept running. She had no where to go. She had no one except her family. Her dad always kept them safe. She didn't know any extended family. She didn't even know she had an extended family. She got on a bus, leading to no where exactly. She didn't know her way around. She got down from the bus. Everything looked different. Where on earth was she? She looked back and saw some men in black. After a few turns, she knew they were following her. She started to run again and they picked up their pace. This was supposed to be her birthday for fucks sakes. Who were this people? What did they want from her? Why were they after her? Her mind screamed at her. She found her way into a forest and kept running. She could hear the footsteps behind her, getting closer and closer. She slipped and fell down, hitting the back of her head and passing out. She woke up. How long was she out? She looked around. Nothing looked familiar. Where was she? She blinked. She tried to stand up to stand up. She felt a sharp pain run from her head down to her spine. She dropped back on the bed she was on.

"You were badly hurt. You should lay down for a while. You need the rest. You're safe here"

"Who are you? How did you find me? How did I get here? Where am I? Why did you bring me here? "

She asked, one question after the other. She couldn't stop the questions from flowing.

"My name is Emily. I found you. It's weird but I sensed you were in danger. I was going out and my heart was heavy. I knew you were going to come here because you have no where else to go"

"What the hell? I don't know you. I don't know where this is. You don't know me and I don't know you. There was no way I would have thought of this place as my last resort"

"You do. Your subconscious brought you here. You know me and I know you but you just can't remember me because I didn't exist in this form until recently. Out of all the buses available, why did you board one coming this direction? Why did you run this way? I know you don't understand it yet but I promise you that you are safe here. I would explain everything to you and you would be fine but now, you need to rest. You need to gather every strength you have and focus it into healing because you were badly hurt and if not for your abilities as a wolf, you would not be healing at the rate at which you are now and you would be dead. Just get some rest while I make dinner"

"What are you going to do?"

"Make dinner"

She said as she left the room. Bethany closed her eyes. She felt so heavy. She didn't know how to explain what she was feeling. There was no explanation for it. She felt like she was going to probably die of it. There was so much pain, physical, emotional and mental. She closed her eyes and hoped this was one of her crazy dreams. Her family can't be gone. Her life can't be gone. It is impossible. She wasn't going to accept this. This wasn't real. She said as she fell asleep. She woke up and it was dark. She could see the sky from her room. This place looked bigger than her house. Where was this? A penthouse maybe. The door to the room opened and with a clap, the lights came on. Blinding, she thought as she blinked to adjust to the light rays.

"I hope you're feeling better"

Emily said as she smiled at her. Beth didn't return the smile. She kept a straight face as she didn't see any reason to be smiling. The nightmare wasn't some cooked up work from her mind. It was real. Her family was murdered on her birthday and she is the only one who survived the massacre. There was nothing to be joyful about

"Would you like something to eat or drink maybe?"

"I am not hungry"

"Since that's your answer, why don't you tell me why you're here? Where is everybody else? Where's Dan and my sister with your brothers?"

"Your sister? You're mom's sister? Mom didn't tell me she had a sister. She never told me she had a sister"

"We agreed she wasn't going to tell anybody. I discovered I wasn't the regular wolf. I was more powerful than the regular wolf. I was stronger than the regular wolf. I transformed at age 12 instead of eighteen just like you did and the alpha decided that I was a danger to the pack. The Southside pack. Cyrus was nothing but a dick that doesn't deserve his position. I wonder how he got to be the alpha though. So mom and dad decided to let me go stay with a distant relative who had no husband and no child. She adopted me and raised me as her own. Back at Southside, everybody thinks I'm dead. Nobody knows I'm here. I came here, I got a new identity. I got a new name, new passports. Everything changed for me. Life changed for me. I haven't gone back home in a while. I haven't seen any of you in a while. How is everybody? How's the house? I forgot, how could I? Happy birthday Bethany"

"Don't say that. There is nothing to be happy about. Everybody is dead. They killed everybody. They came to the house while I was getting ready for the party and they killed everybody. They killed mom and dad and my brothers. They killed everyone of them without pity or mercy and it is all my fault. They were there for me, weren't they?"

"Don't speak like that Beth"

"You said they came for you because you transformed by 12. They thought being more powerful is a curse. I transformed at ten. I have super speed and super strength and they know"

"And that was why they came after you. Cyrus hasn't changed"

"Cyrus? Diane's dad? Diane's my best friend. Her dad loves me like his own daughter. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me or my family. He isn't that type of person"

"Oh my sweet child, how can you possibly handle this? I am sorry but it is prophecy that you end Cyrus one day. That is your destiny and that is your fate. You have to kill Cyrus one day my sweet child. You would have to avenge your family but right now, you would have to heal from all these loss. I would get you a new phone and a new number. You would have to lose your contact with Southside avenue for the main time. You just have to stay hidden"

"I have to go back there. I have to talk to Diane. I have to talk to her. I can't change my identity. I can't change who I am. I can change my phone and numbers but I can't change my passport or my name. I wouldn't do that! I am going to go back there and I am going to kill all of them, every single one of them!"

"And Diane? Your best friend? You are going to kill her too? You can't just walk in there and act like you own the place. You are not even strong enough to!"

"I don't care. I can't stay here. I can't sit here and do nothing. They killed everybody I love on a day that was supposed to be special to me. They ruined my birthday. They ruined my life. They ruined my birthday for life. Every time it's my birthday, it's their death anniversary. None of them survived. Not even one. My life was perfect!"

"And mine wasn't? Beth, I understand what you are going through. I know what you are going through. I really do. I was forced to leave home at age 16. They didn't want me to turn eighteen because of the fear but Bethany, we are stronger than they are. We would train and get better, get faster, get stronger. We would go back and get our revenge. We would kill every one of them, I promise you but right now Beth, we are out manned. They would kill us without effort. We already lost so much to them and I am not losing you too because you are the only family I have left. So hell no if you think I am going to let you walk out of that door and head back to Southside and get yourself killed. We are going to go back Bethany but it is when they are not expecting you. It is when they have forgotten about you and your existence, that is when we attack. They would not see us coming bit right now, I beg you in the name of your dead parents, stay here and let me take care of you like you were mine. You would have everything here. Everything you ever want. Although you would have to school from home but it's fine. I have a daughter your age. Her name is Brielle. You would meet the rest of the family tomorrow but right now, just stay here. There is nothing for you there"

"I would stay bit not because there's nothing for me there. My life is there. My enemies are there and my best friend is there. I'm going back for all that really soon but you have a point. If I go back there now, I would just get myself killed and if I do, there'll be nobody to avenge my family"

"Thank you. You should get something to eat"

"I am not hungry. I just want to sleep"

Emily sighed. She stood up and touched her shoulder. There was no way that you could possibly comfort a teenager that lost her parents on her birthday. It would be a scar for the rest of her life. She would always remember every time she turned a year older. There was no comfort for that. She would be broken for ever. If she eventually heals from this wound, it would be a miracle. She was going to grow up with hate in her heart, or whatever was left of her heart. Emily was going to try her best to replace her family bit that was impossible. Her family were the only people she knew, the only people she trusted. Emily remembered calling her sister often and she would listen to her sister go on and on about how their family was. She would tell her about how they talked about everything during dinner. She would tell her how grateful she was for having children that loved each other and we're going to do anything for each other. Losing a family like that would affect you in every way. She would be unstable and traumatized. It would take a lot to heal her but Emily was going to try.