
the last appearance

after 6th period he walked out of class he did take the school bus back home because he knew that the bus was going to make him late for advanced algebra tutoring he had to be at the center by 4:15 p.m not 4:30 p.m so he had to wait for his parents he knew there was a school dance he did not want to be stuck in so he took out his extra math and sat down at a table where there was no one near him nut time passed and his parents did not come yet he decided they would come at 5:15 p.m after some time he wanted to walk back to one of his classes to sharpen his pencil and he walked to advanced math to retrive the pencil but a group of grils noticed him he did not make eye contact because he did not want them to think he was looking at them and he walked in the hall but he heard footsteps like someone was following him but he thaught it was no big deal because he was allmost there to the math classroom he just had to turn right he thaught about why his parents did not come to pick him up did they want him to stay at the dance he asked himself how and why would that be nesscary to leave him at a school dance he paused for a second to see if he heard anymore footsteps which he did not he went inside the math clasroom where there was no teacher because everyone but the dj left and the advanced math teacher trusted him after he sharpend his penicl he went back the same way he came he was going to sit down in the same spot the office was closed so he could not call his parents but when he was walking back he heard kuckles crack he looked around and there was no one there he decided to go the bathroom way just in case but then the grils saw him and he saw a bag he knew this gril was in his 6th period and that is all he could rember suddnly a voice said "hey you we want to talk to you about something" he did not reply because he was going to sit down at the table and do extra math work and he sat down at the same table but there was a another gril on the side of him on her phone the gril asked what he was doing and he said he was doing extra math and that they should be enjoying the dance and not bothring him but she ignored the answer but suddnly she asked the wierdist and scariest question ever at least to him she said do you ant to try the dance we can take you there i know you are the quiet kid with the straight A"s he asked her who her freinds were but when he pointed he was schoked to see these same grils were the ones that were following him he wanted to ask why they were following him but he did not no thanks he said but he the gril on the other side of him clenched her fists as if she was mad or ready to hurt someone he gril left so he could focus on his math he was on the 10th problem until the table he was sitting at got crowded he looked to see if there was ayone on either side of him and there was one of the grils was from his 6th peirod he did not want to make eye contact but he wanted to leave because they were on there phones and he did not like when people saw him he waited until he finished a page now he needed the 2nd page he knew where the math class was but not where the paper was he did not want to ask the grils for help so he walked to the classroom just then a voice said do you need help looking for problem 49? yes he said but when he found out who was asking that question he regreted it it was the same gril who asked what he was doing a the table here is problem 43 she said and he took it howvever know he did not know the way back to the table he was sitting at so he decided to go the short way which was the bathroom way when he went that why he would have regreted it however because that one move he made chnaged the whole night because he was going to feel pain for the next few days pain that would be unberable but this was not in his controll instead of the gril walking in front of him she moved to the back which was wierd but he started walking after the gril stopped but then he saw the other grils who were following him they were bocking the way to the table he said in a quiet tone "i need to get through" but he did not know what was coming for him he never made eye contact with them then he heard someone whisperd "do it" this is when he decdied he was going to go the other way he used his advantage of being thin to try and pass through he did manage to pass through until he was tripped by the same gril who asked him what he was doing but he decided he wanted to run and go to a differnt place in the school to do math or finnish the math he was working on but before he even started to run another gril pushed him backward and he fell to the ground he tried to get back up but he heard knuckles crack and the gril spoke saying "you left me no choice because you did not trust us in this siuation i thaught you were the person who would not run away i thaught you liked me" suddunly one of the grils dragged him and the other flipped him over he never made derict eye contact with the gril who was sitting right beside him suddunly a hand went near him and clenched into a fist he also saw that his pants were removed and his underwear then he suddlny felt a sharp pain, a pain he could not imagine felling it hurt but she did it again over aned over again he knew what was going on because he was being punched in the nuts but then suddnly the pain stopped because another gril came near him and dragged him into the bathroom the only words he could hear were "you will feel pain for not having fun because you do not feel pain when you are studying we know you are scared of theese things happping to you like getting muderd and totrued but we are going to use that against you then a hand went over his mouth he saw everything they had this was no murder this was a totrue session then he felt pain again but more pain because of his fear he was scared he wanted to run off and stay outside suddnly there was tape over his mouth the gril who asked what he was doing did the worst thing she showed him the brass kunckles the pain he felt was unbearable the metal on his private parts but he was already weak even before anything started he did not know what happend next that was his last appearance and the last time anyone saw him

series playlist

1.enemy imagine dragons

2. lucid dreams juice WRLD

3.wishing well juice WRLD

4.stitches shawn mendes

5.it will be allright dean lewis

6.let it go james bay

9.blury vision corbin kytes

Pranay_Kollucreators' thoughts