
10. my girlfriend is goddess


Chapter 13

Arch stand up and turn towards Erica and bow down and place his face on the ground!

Erica: you know the rules. only him deserve to be bow before; and arch get on his knees while thanking Erica for saving him!

Erica: you should know better. I didn't come here because of you; and again; there's more enemies coming for you!

Erica walk towards Arrio and Arrio move backwards; and arrio slip to fall and Erica grab Arrio hand and pull him up and Arrio bump into Erica arms;

Arrio and Erica stared deep into each other's eyes; while the breeze borrowing gentle and Arrio stretch his hand to touch Erica face and Azula and arch start clapping and Erica push Arrio backwards

Azula: that was romantic and Erica say; it looks more like that, but it's a deferent case!

Garrison mansion in the living room Mabel sitting on the couch watching TV and her dad walk from upstairs and say; where is Azula!

Mabel: she went to meet Arrio in office!

Garrison sit beside Mabel on the couch and say! Have you go to the office before?

Mabel: I don't have nothing to do there. I don't even know the area!

Garrison: Mabel I know you don't put your self in anything that has something to do with the whole family. but you are family too and we love you! And Melissa run from the stairs to downstairs just when she is about to go kitchen and her father call her!

Melissa return back to her father sitting on the couch with Mabel!

Garrison: how many times do you want me to warn you not to run on the stairs?

Melissa: I'm sorry daddy, I wanted to pick something in kitchen!

Garrison: be careful,

Garrison office

Arrio and Azula and arch enter and Arrio sit on the chair and Azula too sit!

Arrio: who Erica truly is?

Arch: that is the only thing I can't figure out; she seems to be more powerful in all the realms and the gates!

Azula: she, say there is more enemies are coming after you. You have to talk to her for help!

Arch: right now only one person could make her listen to me; and that person is Arrio! She seems to have some strong connection with your brother here!

Azula turn and look at Arrio and Arrio say; why are you looking at me like that?

Azula: what is going on between you and Erica?

Arrio: nothing, Erica doesn't even allow me to talk to her! when I try to! The last time I visit her house; she just offer me juice and went upstairs leave me alone in the living room; and say; I can leave anytime I want;

Azula: there could be something special about you! That is why she came to protect you!

Two days later in restaurant.

Erica order her meal just when she is enjoying the he meal and Santiago enter and flash on Erica.

Santiago stared at Erica for few seconds and walk to Erica and say; good afternoon!

Erica rase her head and look at Santiago and respond.

Santiago: can I have the pleasure to sit with you!

Erica: why not! And Santiago pull seat and sit while watching Erica eat!

Erica: why are you stared at me like that?

Santiago smile slightly and say; is a pleasure watching a pretty like you eating!

Garrison office. Arrio sit on the chair flipping pen in his hand and think about the reason Erica save him!

Arrio: last time she say she doesn't like me and will never like me then why did she protect me? Is she hidden her feelings from me? And Arrio phone ring!

Arrio:📞 hello. Mabel are you ready and Mabel say yeah meet me at the location! And she hang up; and Arrio pick up his car key and walk out!

Minutes later in restaurant!

Mabel and Arrio enter and sit and Arrio pick up the Manu from the table and call the waiters

Arrio turn his head and saw Santiago pull seat for Erica and Erica stand up and they walk towards outside while Arrio watch them!

Mabel: the waiter is waiting for you and Arrio say; did you see Erica? and Mabel say; yeah what is wrong?

Arrio: nothing and he place his ordered and Mabel too order!

Hours later in Santiago friends apartment! Santiago enter while singing and dancing!

Santiago friend: what is the matter; you seem excited?

Santiago: what can I say; I meet my princess today in the restaurant; she is so beautiful and calm! I think this is what they call love at first sight!

Santiago friend: you mean, you meet her today and you are already in love with her! What if she has boyfriend?

Santiago: I have already think about that. Making her mine is the goal for now!

Garrison mansion in the kitchen. Azula is preparing meal and arch teleport in and walk to Azula and wrap his arms around Azula and kiss her on her neck and Azula say; you are back!

Arch: I can't stay away for minutes; I always wants to be around you!

Azula: I love you; and thank you for loving me!

Arch hug her tight in his arms and say sometimes I just wish we could be like this forever! And Azula mother enter and say; oh I'm sorry and Azula and arch separate while arch rub his hair!

Azula mother: this is kitchen; doing this here will get you in trouble if your father find out!

Next day in Erica house.

Arrio knock on the door but no respond and he knock again; and Erica open the door and say; how can I help you.

Arrio: are you dating him?

Erica: dating who? And Arrio say; the Santiago

Erica: are you stalking me and Arrio say; why would I do that! I only pass by and saw you two together!

Erica: maybe I like him; he is great guy! You have to be happy for me;

Arrio: where are you going dress like this?

Erica: I am going out on a date with him; and Santiago car car arrive!

Erica give her keys to Arrio and say; Lock the door and put the keys under the flower pot! And Erica walk out while arrio watching her from the window and Santiago get down from the car and open the door for Erica and Erica enter