

This is the starting of the end. The war has already begun, who shall wave the flag of victory an who shall fall an never see the face of light again, it all begins now

After he had retrieved the sword, figured out that the traitorous kimuah was the one pretending to be his mom, he tried to escape but kimuah was too fast that's when his friends, akena and minus had arrived, the battle was about to begin.

" What are you doing here"

" Very dumb question kluas an judging from your current situation your not in the position to tell us not to help" Said akena

" cut the chit chat and drop the sword and I'll let you and your friends" said kimuah

Kluas look at his sword envisioning every possible way this could go wrong so he had plan to just go with his friends and try to escape he knew at his level he could never seems of defeating him, " guys on me minus flank. Akena on the left"

And they stated to attack. Charging right at kimuah with now intention of fighting him. He took a kunai an threw it at him and his friends did the same at that moment the he grab all three and when he looked up they all vanished.

" phew that was a close one, kluas never do that again why did you even get on that dragon"

" I can't explain, it felt like someone was calling me an I was drawn to it like some type of spell."

" oh ok I see now let me see that sword"

" Oh I can't get up to move I only did it once"

" here let me try"

He tried to pull out the sword but it weighed a ton

" My this is gonna be a real problem"

" Back at the cave kimuah said some stuff about the old world"

Pondering if it was through.

" for now I have a new mission I'll find everything about the old world see if can give me any knowledge of how to defeat kimuah"

They set out to find the chialry. The lay of the land was knew to them, a decision was made, to the village they went upon there arrival it was evident that this place has been under siege.

" You sure you still want to search this place, even if anything was here it must be lost now underneath all this rubble" minus said

" Let's not give up yet we'll split up an scout out this area look for anything suspicious are even better a chialry, rally back here at noon. Report your findings then"

All went in separate directions. The village seemed like it had been under an attack just a little while ago, buildings turn to mere pebbles, not a single person was in a house. While walking minus came upon this structure. It was amongst the few building's that had survived.

" oh well looky here isn't this perfect I'll have to tell the other about this" Minus said

Akena had no luck in finding anything, she used her spare time to help the people of the land out. Kluas on the other hand ran up in a couple of bandits. " come on what the hell do you want I'm really not in a good mood so please don't start with me"

The bandits ignored the warning an went for him, he look ad the only thing on him was his sword an his knife, he tried drawing the sword but the same problem reacquired. It won't move. The bandits came in close proximity towards kluas that's. When he pull up the knifes instead. The first on had the only chance at him but unfortunately for him kluas got the best of him. After that he knock them all out and left them in the middle of the alley way. " this damn sword. Of I can't wield it what's the point" he sighed in frustration And went on his way. He met back up with the others at the rendezvous point. All were less than successful at completing there task except minus, " you won't believe what I found amongst this rubble, a chialry" he blurted.

" what are you waiting for take us there" kluas said

They traveled back in the same direction that minus came from an went inside the chialry, " wow this age is amazing" left kluas in a aww

" do we even know what we're searching for" akena said

" Nope just looking for anything intriguing" they looked for hours but with no success

Until kluas found something quite out of sorts so he decided to take a look it was entitled " pov of a pervert"

" Hey minus what's a pervert" he ask

" A pervert well they were the gods of the old world living by no rule, and women were there life, they spent there life mastering the art this deviant behavior spying the skills of observation, I always wanted to be one why did you ask"

" this book it says pervert so I had to ask"

" Give it to me" with a cynical look an his face

Kluas didn't understand his obsession with the book but for him it was another dead end another couple hours of searching and still nothing. So they decided to leave. Minus took the only thing that caught his attention. His doubts lead him to believe that he would never find something to help you master this sword. There journey had to continue, on his way he tried to wielding the sword but still no luck. That's when he came upon a bunch of robbers and a couple of cargo carriers. " hey what are you doing" minus said

" are you blind there robbers" kluas said

" Oh"

The robbers pulled back and decided to take out them but three mysterious people intervened, they attack them instead as they ran upon this next group the mysterious person drew there swords and took them out with one blow.

Minus, kluas and akena were very surprised with the skill of these unknowns. Kluas step over to ask who they are " who are you people?"

The dynamic trio. One of the members walk over and introduce himself " I am Cristian lucios, the others are chronos nebuli and camiliam spear and we have been searching for you my king" they bowed and proceeded with there conversation " the king left us with a promise to take care of you, with his last words in battle being that now we have found you and we're here to do as our king commands"

Kluas look around then back at them " your talking to me, as you can see I'm not in need of any protection"

" What of we offered to help you master the sword, from the looks of things your having a hard time with it"

" How do you know of the sword"

" Because we were close friends to the king and he thought us everything there is to know about the sword an we're here to teach you how toaster it"

Kluas step aside an ask his friends for there opinion. " What do you think"

" I think it's the best shot you have of mastering the sword so I vote you take it" minus said

" yeah what he said" akena added

Kluas then turned around and said " sure I'll take your help but do anything to cross us or let me doubt your trust and I'll kill you"

" I can see that you are your father's son, idle for your personality you have our sworn allegiance" christian said

They headed west looking for the chialrys, trying to find out more about the forgotten world.

Hours still no one in sight not a village are animals nothing at all. Finally they came upon a little cottage outside the area of hail village. Having a place to rest they decided to best course of action was to help kluas with his sword training so they took to the back of the house and made there some type of training ground and for the rest of the day that's all they did. Kluas knew the basics of sword fighting but welding the Devine blade was a whole different story. This sword was derived from the ancient days coming from the gods as the last gift along with the jugas but to activate the power within one must go through the trials of equinox, equinox was the almighty among the gods he alone could wipe out all the other gods at a bat of a eye. The trial was simple but terrifying. To achieve all this you have to be in a state of transition which they called eldor to unlock the full potential of the Devine blade all this has a cost and that cost is your soul. No one has ever overcome that trial, there's a reason why only one family is in control of the sword. Only they alone can break the curse set upon the sword, but for centuries the medruckilas have been unsuccessful in there futile attempts to break the curse only one man has been successful and it was the greatest warrior the world has ever seen, kluas's father, he still didn't receive the true blessing of the sword he only broke the curse and received the unfinished transformation luxx loray. The true form hasn't appeared back only once this form was revealed an it was the first wielder of the sword grey obilisk. Now back to the task at hand they finally told kluas everything and he was willing to sacrifice his humanity for the benefit of the world knowing he might not be able to see the face of light again. Fully aware he might die if the eldor goes wrong. It was time to begin the ritual. They all went back inside to prepare but the dynamic trio left out one thing, kluas would be facing the gods three to be exact. " are you ready, kluas this will be excruciating and u may not come back alive." Christian asked

" I am time to face the truth"

The ritual had begun. Chanting the words of the ancient language " heres noblile grete jun" they repeated

He was finally in transition state. " Wake up" a faint voice said " wake up" but this time louder " get the fuck up" kluas then jumped up but his eyes weren't fixed upon the person who was talking, everything was blurry a d distorted. When his eyes settled down he saw three humongous men bold figures with no disregard for muscles.

" Yow little man you cool" the gigantic man said with all light resonating from his body

" I'm ok if that's what your asking"

" oh yes I forgot your generation is full of ignorant fucks"

" hey a little bit more polite please. First impressions remember have to look good infront of our guest"

" ha, I don't give a single shit about our guest, not a single one of them was able to master the power except for that one guy but only because we help him, as far as I'm concerned this race can go fuck it self cause there all just waste of cosmos I don't know why father why father is so obsessed with them he has way better toy's than that"

They all looked down at kluas contemplating the best course of action to take.

" I am mateous god of fortune, over there it's verdillian god of wisdom and the overly confident and obnoxious one is cal lium god of war an we are here to help you"

" don't listen to him we're here to kill you" cal lium said.

" The correct word is teach you get it right you might scare the runt away" verdillian followed

" no one told me about this" kluas answered with concern in his tone

" that's because you weren't suppose to be told now stand it's time for you to die"

Cal lium rushed forward towards kluas in a lightning fast speed. In a split second his sword materialized from thin air. He grabbed hold of it and tried to block. That endeavor was fruitless he got hit straight to the wall. Cal lium attack once again but Klaus saw the forthcoming of his strive an quickly switch to counter attack instead of waiting to get beaten to a pulp. He vanished then his body reverted back to its natural form. He went for cal liums head but he blocked and hit him down " shit this is so boring let me size down a little maybe I'll have some more fun"

Cal lium shape shifted and turned into a human " come at me boy let's see what you have"

To be continued