
The Land of Aetheria: A Tale of Redemption

Second and Last Sundays of a month = New chapter https://discord.gg/XKm9qrP2Pm ――――――――――――――――― Synopsis A teenage boy, driven by the legacy of his ancestors, embarks on a journey to redeem the pride of his race. Haunted by his family's past struggles and the burden of his people's current suffering, he must face his greatest challenge yet - to restore the honor of his people and bring back their lost glory. In his quest, he must overcome a number of obstacles. Along the way, he is forced to confront his own inner demons and confront the truth of his own identity. In the end, he must find the strength within himself to become a hero and lead his people to a brighter future.

Sleepyrxheal · Seni bela diri
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1 Chs


⟶ In your world, Enera is the fundamental energy that permeates everything, from the tiniest particle to the grandest celestial body. It is the essence of creation, the life force that connects all living beings and empowers them with unique abilities.

In this world we encounter various races, each with their own fascinating approach to harnessing Enera. While humans, in their quest for technological advancements, have somewhat neglected their innate connection to Enera, other races have embraced its potential.

The Elementans, While they cannot generate Enera, they possess an innate talent for manipulating it. Through their mastery, they can bend the elements to their will.

The Sages, beings with a deep understanding of Enera. Their expertise lies in producing and channeling it with astounding finesse. The Sages are the artisans of this world, creating intricate constructs and ethereal manifestations of Enera's power.


⟶ The peaceful coexistence of the Sages and Elementants in the Aetheria region is suddenly shattered when the Elementans' chief catches wind of the Sages' newfound abilities. Fearing that the Sages might become too powerful, he launches a devastating attack on one of the five main villages, the Land of Lightning, leading to the tragic loss of many lives.

The impact of this ruthless act ignites the flames of war, projected to last just a few days but extending beyond all expectations, lasting for generations. The conflict engulfs the continent, claiming countless lives, including those of prominent leaders. Yet, the potent energy that the Elementans feared so much does not perish; instead, it passes on to the next generation, kindling the spark of hope for those who dare to challenge fate.

This heir, a fearsome being known as the Lightning Demon, possesses unimaginable power, almost wiping out both sides of the war without remorse. His rampage spares no one, not even women and children. The reason behind his unleashed fury remains shrouded in mystery, but one thing is certain—he must be stopped, no matter the cost.

The Elementans, humans, and sages unite to halt the Lightning Demon's rampage, but just as quickly as he appeared, he vanishes into the shadows, never to be seen again. The world trembles at the memory of the devastation he caused, and uncertainty lingers in the hearts of those who survived.

After the war, the Sage land lies in ruins, with many seeking refuge in the human mainland, Vinland. Some Sages, however, choose to stay behind, forming groups in the hope of restoring their heritage and preserving the remnants of their once-great civilization.

In the aftermath of the war, people wonder about the fate of the Lightning Demon. Did he perish, or is he imprisoned somewhere beyond reach? But amongst those seeking answers, one boy stands out—the boy who lost his family in this war, the boy who seeks closure and understanding. This boy happens to be one of the last remaining members of the Land of Lightning, the lone sage with the weight of the past on his shoulders.


-Present day

Western State, College


"Where am I?" I thought I was in school, but for some reason, I'm not. Instead, I'm surrounded by a haunting scene of death and destruction. "Is anyone there?"

{ THOM }

Suddenly, a searing bolt of lightning strikes right in front of me, and out of its brilliance emerges a figure—cloaked in blood and exuding an unsettling aura of vengeance. I can sense the fury that drives him, and I instinctively know that I am now facing a formidable foe. He manifests a menacing sword and bellows, "It was you; you took everything from me, and now I shall take from you!"

As the tension thickens in the air, I remember who I truly am. I am no mere human; I am a sage—a Diven Sage—But the question lingers—what has led this tormented soul to seek revenge against me? Amidst the violent clash of forces, I find myself in a battle not only for survival but also for uncovering the truth behind the enigma that this war has become.