
The lamest superpower

After aliens attacked the earth, they gathered all humans for themselves as slaves, gifting only the top 10,000 people with the greatest potential a chance to live on equal footing as the other aliens. The humans chosen are grouped randomly, with ten players making each group, making 1000 groups. And only the best 50 groups will be considered winners, while the rests would end up as slaves. After randomly distributing powers to each person, Dorian discovers that he was unlucky enough to obtain the power to transform into a cat!

Da_Foxglove · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

A baby!

Tom ran with all his might, withholding nothing back, as regret filled his heart. He only felt grateful for not coming with Sarah, if he had then he'll be in real trouble. Tom had been an assassin while on earth, but if one was to watch the rate at which he dodged through the trees, it definitely was inhuman.

He climbes branches, jumps down, rolls on the ground, then stands back on his feet to continue.

"Who the heck is he, he's just too fast," one of his pursuers cursed.

"We wouldn't be able to capture him alive. Quickly Henry shoot the weakling with the arrow. If we can't have him as a slave alive, we can as well eat him dead!" A huge looking black man commanded.

Henry the archer then smiled as he aimed his arrow towards Tom's neck and fired. Tom was just about to jump over a valley to the other side when the arrow struck, and passed through his abdomen.

Tom couldn't even feel pain, as he fell deep into the dark valley.

"That dude sure is fast. He managed to jump right after I sent the arrow. He actually tried to jump over a valley!"

"Seems like we wouldn't be able to cook this one, let him have a rest for good."

"He should consider himself lucky to die such a peaceful death."

"Since he is unwilling to let us eat him, he'll have to settle for a beast doing so. Hahaha!"

The group of five didn't waist time by trying to look for his body as the ran back towards their camp.

Meanwhile Tom held on to a tree that unconventionally grew sideways, with his other arm clutching his abdomen.

Tom looked down the valley, seeing nothing but rocks, he then noticed a flowing river. His eyes then widened as he got an idea.

He thought of how to climb back up before, but now he climbed towards the opposite direction.

Slowly, but steadily Tom climbed down the mountain side, staining it with blood. Relentless, he continued until he was about 100 feet above the land, he then jumped off towards the river, diving in like an Olympic athlete.

Tom quickly swam out of the water, then looked for some leaves, and a vine to temporarily seal his wounds.

Tom then thought of his brother back on earth, his life, everything that had been taken away.

He remembered the invasion, how he had been taken away from his own city. If not for his damned luck, he wouldn't be here, being chased by cannibals, he would have been the one doing the chasing.

When he was captured alongside other humans, they had been randomly given superpowers. Some could summon fire, some lightening, some where archers some intelligent. Unfortunately, his bad luck wouldn't leave him alone, as he got the power to turn into a cat, yes a cat!

Tom had tried to shed tears, but not a single drop had emerged. If not for Sarah being by his side, he might have as well killed himself. Although Sarah was not of help in combat or finding food, she was not only capable of retaining Tom's sanity, she also had the power to negate his bad luck; good luck.

Its been only one month since the trial started, the 10,000 people had been reduced to 7,000.

The groups the aliens made them into was totally useless. In two weeks, the entire forest had been divided into two main camps. The weak, and the strong, while the strong kill the weak in other to make it to the last 500 people.

In this forest that seems more like a continent, beasts unknown to humans lay hidden, poisonous, and carnivorous plants await secretly. Certain places held other races like vampires, and zombies. This land isn't a place for one to just wonder.

"System, show me my stats," Tom referred to the only gift from the aliens, the system.

Name: Tom Banks

Race: Human

Power unlock progress: 50%

Strength: 12

Agility: 17

Stamina: 12

Speed: 14

Dexterity: 13

Intelligence: 12

Willpower: 14

Health: 21/40

Skills: None

Title: None

"I really need to get back to Sarah if am going to live."

Tom then turned into a golden haired cat and ran towards he and Sarah's camp, which was about three miles away.


Somewhere not quite far from where Tom almost lost his life, the group of five cannibals spied on another group of five who all had blue shirts.

"Who are these people?"

"Probably a group with dead members trespassing our land. They must pay!"

They cannibals then blocked the path of the group.

"This is our land, all trespassers must pay!" said the black man as he pointed a finger towards the group. Streaks of lightening visible in the sky danced together, forming a biger bolt of lightening, before stricking down on the other five.

Throughout this time, the blue shirted group didn't attempt to dodge.


The accumulated lightening bolt struck down on them.

"Commander Black bolt, you are simply amazing, now we do not need to cook these fools, as they have already been roasted, we just need to eat them!"

"Who's eating who?" a voice rang out from the debris and dust caused by the lightening.

"How are you still alive, what sort of sorcery is this?!"

"How are we alive? I think the question should be how are you alive?" The leader of the blue shirted group retorted, and gave the cannibals a wide grin.

"Why are they only four, where's the last?" One of the cannibals remarked.

"Run!" The leader of the cannibals shouted, but it was too late. The missing member suddenly appeared behind the fleeing group, and immediately slit the throats of two men with his daggers in one smooth swift movement, as he went on to two others.

This demon like assassin killed four men able to contend with several dangerous beasts within five seconds, leaving only thier leader alive, without even having to use his powers. How pitiful.

If Tom was to witness this scene he would immediately recognize this blue shirts as belonging to the major group for the strong; invincible. This group was the second largest group, with about 100 members. Only second to the group of the weak; hope with 450 members.

Black bolt immediately drew out as much lightening as he could and shot at the assassin. The assassin didn't dodge, as he faced the bolt head on.


The sound similar to countless glass objects breaking resounded. And in the resenting made mist of dust, and leaves, the figure of the assassin could be seen.

"Impossible!" Black bolt fell on his bottom, and couldn't run. "You are being guarded by a force field?"

"Yes, we indeed are. We had no intentions of killing you guys before you ambushed us. Join our group invincible, and you'll be saved." Their leader said, going straight to the point.

"I'll join, I'll join." Black bolt answered, even without thinking.

"Good, very good," the leader smiled, as he handed black bolt a blue shirt.

This is the cruelty of this world. One minute ago he was the honoured team leader, but now, he doesn't even think before joining the slayers of his colleagues. Who is that man who doesn't fear death.


Tom wailed in agony, as Sarah poured a warm liguid into his wound.

This liquid is the squeezed out juice of the stem of a plant Sarah had stumbled upon. As expected of someone whose power was good luck, and was also a former nurse.

Sarah's initial group had kicked her out for one reason; she's pregnant. No one will want a pregnant lady in their group, no matter how powerful.

If they could just see how powerful her luck was, they would regret casting her away.

As for Tom, it was obvious. Someone having the superpower to transform into a cat? How ridiculous. He was immediately kicked out, even though he is a skilled martial artist.

Tom and Sarah met by chance, about two weeks ago, just after the separation of the strong and the weak.

Sarah was going to be killed by a member of invincible, but was instead stabbed from behind by Tom. Since then, Tom and Sarah had stuck together. Her luck proving more, and more useful everyday. Tom had began to question why she was kicked out of her group.

"I told you not to go, that you can't trust anyone. Now look where stubbornness has gotten you." Sarah shaked her head.

"I did it for us. He told me that I could find fruits there. Look, I even got some for you," Tom said, pointing to a wet bag of fruits.

"Are those fruits worth your suffering?"

"No, but I'd like a little thank you for starters."

Sarah immediately burst out laughing, this boy wouldn't just accept his mistake.

"Well since you need it so much, thank you for caring."

"You're welcome."

"Am done sealing your wounds. Now, you have to drink this."

"Noooo! Not this time, am not drinking that poison!"

"Tom, don't start. You have to drink this to recover your health. Besides isn't even that bad."

"It tastes like elephant poo!" Tom folded his arms like a little kid. Sarah could not help but wonder how such a person that could not even drink something that is a little bitter in order to regain maximum health could call himself an assassin. He is simply a baby!