
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

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48 Chs


We got up early because we needed to find a good place to practice, luckily, that didn't take very long?

Lucky for us, every big city had a place for their knights and mages to practice and this place was open to the public.


"Ok, so now, we first have to figure out your capabilities."

Markus stood next to me, Nagi had taken Diana and taken another spot in the practice hall, they would be doing the same thing.

"First things first, do you have any sins or virtue skills and if so what are they and are any of them your main sin or virtue?"

"Yes, I have Wrath, Gluttony and Mercy. Wrath is my main sin."

"Interesting, it's rare to have both sons and virtues in your skill list. Gluttony is probably the most usefull for.

The fact that you have Wrath as your main sin is actually pretty good. Wrath boosts all your basic capabilities in exchange for being consumed by rage, when it's your main sin on the other hand, you are capable of thinking clearly, although you are still very angry.

Mercy is ... not super usefull unless it's your main virtue, that's when it allows you to heal others."

This questionnaire went on for about an hour where he described my skills in detail if he knew about them.

The first thing we started training was my combat ability when it came to hand to hand combat. Because I could change my body into whatever I wanted, I had the potential to be one of the most versatile fighters ever.

The days passed by like this, I learned how to fight like a normal human, but I also used the time to get used to fighting in my animal forms.

Another thing I learned was that I could still create armor with the Stone Body skill, and the most usefull part about it was that it didn't need to be for me.

After a while I started noticing the pink haired girl sneaking glances at me. She trained in the same hall as us and seemed to be capable of using light magic.

Whenever I brought her up and Terry was near he just seemed to sniff and told me to stay away from her.

Talking about Terry, whatever he was doing, it wasn't selling. He sometimes dissapeared for days on end and when he returned he seemed to be in a worse shape every time.

He was tight-lipped about what he was doing so we stopped asking questions. He did help me with magic though. It turns out the spells the system gives you only scratch the surface, they are the most basic of that tier of magic.

Magic itself was also very subjective, the same spell could have vastly different outcomes depending on who cast it.

The more I started getting into magic research, the more I had a strange itch at the back of my head like I was missing something but I could never quite understand what it was.

After a few months of heavy training I finally approached the girl.

"Hello, can I help you with something?"

She seemed startled that I actually came over.

"S-sorry, I don't understand the question. Why did you think I needed something?"

"It's just that I've seen you looking at me a lot these last few months, I'm just curious, that's all."

"Oh, that, I'm sorry, I'm just curious about what you are, that's all. you're so chunky and you don't really seem to be made from flesh and blood, but that's ridiculous because monsters can't pass the barrier and humanoids definitely have flesh."

"Oh, that, yeah, I don't have any real flesh but ..." She quickly jumped back in fear. "Nonononono, it's ok. I'm a spirit, it's why I can pass the barrier. The barrier got explained to me recently so I understand your confusion."

Her green eyes suddenly lit up, seemingly, she had gotten the answer she needed.

"I'm Sang, by the way. It comes from one of the old languages from another world, I think it was called French, I don't remember what it means though. Nice to actually meet you."

She did a complete 180 and changed the subject ... Well ok then.

"I'm Lizbeth, most people call me Liz though, it's shorter."

We talked a bit more and I invited her to join us for dinner, something Terry wasn't all too happy with.

"You took her with you, after I explicitly told you not to talk to her. Sigh, why don't you listen to me. Oh well, if you want to befriend a member of the most dangerous race in existence, that's your choice."

I looked at Sang, her demeanor suddenly changed, her eyes had had a soft look in them, now that look hardened. Her voice also deepened and her body that had seemed frail now seemed to be indestructible.

Even the feeling you got from her changed. Before, you got the feeling like she was a pure and innocent little girl, now, it felt like looking at royalty, her demeanor demanded respect.

"I'm a scholar, and I've been around long enough to reach tier five with nothing but magic research, it's not that hard to pick out your kind then, Ancient One."