
Chapter 9

That night everything happens so fast, at first, I thought things were fine, but it looks like we shouldn't be too proud of small victories. By the time Vanilla and I finished the two remaining people in the book lending area, Mr. David, Alex, and Wulan had already defeated the people they were fighting. A trap set by Kara and Kiara captures one of the attackers who are about to run away. After Kara and Kiara cleared up the people guarding the entrance, we tied the man. Libraries don't like to kill people. We put one of the attackers that we caught in our trap in the public reading room. We interrogate him because he was the only one who was still conscious.

“So, is there any reason why the 'Sect of Noire' visit the library at night? I don't think borrowing books is one of them. " Mr. David, opened the interrogation in a relaxed tone, tilting the attacker's chin up.

' PUIH! ' The man spat on the floor. “ YOU ARE TOO COWARD! STUPID LIBRARIAN! THE KNOWLEDGE IS USELESS IN YOUR HANDS. " With angry eyes and short tempo of breath, the person shouted out loud.

"SHUT UP!" 'SLAP!' Alex slaps the man. "Answer the question, once again, what is your purpose tonight?" I do not know who is this person, but I can see in his eyes, Alex really hates him.

“You librarians are too timid to use your strength. Humans should be the most victorious race in the world. But you, a bunch of fools who call themselves the Keeper of Knowledge, shut out that opportunity. " The man lowered his tone while glaring at Mr. David. In a situation that is quite bad, I was surprised because he can still control the tone of his voice, and emotions.

“ Know your place! This is the reason why we in the library never agree with the Noire Sect. You are a group of barbarians who promote violence without reason, you always disturb the peace. " Wulan emphasized her voice a little, then paused for a moment. "Especially you, sir, 'Black Fox'." When Wulan mentioned the name I saw Alex stiffen up.

Suddenly the man kicked Mr. David hard, the knots on his wrists untied instantly. It turned out that all this time he had been hiding a small knife under his sleeve. When Alex was about to help Mr. David up, the man threw a hand grenade.

"GET DOWN!" Shouted Mr. David. In that tense moment when everyone stepped back my hand reflexively took my staff and then deflected the grenade towards the bookshelf.

"I thought I saw an old face, I was wondering why I saw a glimpse of Pandu's face earlier, it turns out that his son has joined this bunch of idiots, and is that his weapon? As far as I remember that weapon was only held by him, no wonder you can use it. I am Panji, but you can call me 'uncle'. "

Uncle? Who is this person? Why is this person claiming to be my uncle?

"Nonsense! Surrender, or I'll separate your head from your body! " Vanilla point out her sickle, this is the first time I heard her scream this loud and rough.

"Separating my body from my head? Look around you "- instinctively I looked around, it turns out that there are already several bombs stuck throughout this room," will my head be separated from mine, or will your bodies be scattered? You, son of Pandu, I will give you a chance, come with me and join the sect, or follow these fools and end up like your father. " He raises his hand towards me, there is a strong desire within me to reach for it, it could be that he is the only family I have. But I discouraged it.

"Shut up! Don't believe him Sastra! During your parents' final battle, was he there to help them? ” Mr. David pointed his ax at the man.

"So your name is Sastra? Truly the name of a librarian, well if you are more interested in hanging out with these idiots I will not insist. " He took out an object, shaped like a remote control, with a few buttons and an antenna, my instincts telling me it was a detonator. “Don't move! If you try to attack me, I'll immediately press this button. I'm leaving this place because of my nephew. But if I hear that he is hurt because of you guys, I will destroy you with my own hands. ” That person slowly walked out of the library, we slowly followed him from behind. When he got out, he threw the remote detonator at me. "Your ability is great, son, just like your father. My brother seems to pass on his talent to you. I honestly still finding the cause of his death. Before I leave, starting from today, be careful with those you trust the most. " Then he got into his car and left the library.

I sat down, it seemed all my adrenaline had run out, what a tough night.


The next day we cleaned up the entire library. Luckily, there were not too many items were affected. Some furniture such as bookcases, tables, chairs, lamps, and so on can be repaired and replaced immediately if the damage is too severe. The books which were affected are also those books that are generally found in any bookstore, whether digital or conventional. I helped Alex and Kara fix some of the furniture. Mr. David goes to a nearby furniture store to search for irreparable furniture. Vanilla and Kiara visit a nearby bookstore to replace the damaged books, while Wulan lists the affected books and immediately informs Kiara and Vanilla. We spent the whole day tidying up the entire library.

After a tiring day ended and the front door of the library was closed, Mr. David gathered us in the living room in the inner area. Since everyone was already exhausted, we ordered pizza and then talked about the incident that had just happened. At first, everyone was still laughing with their success stories on defeating the sect. But things got a little tense when Mr. David brought up the topic of the attacker's identity yesterday.

“So, yesterday it was the Noire Sect. Maybe Alex can tell me about them, can you describe them, Alex? Remembering only you and Vanilla who have received lessons about them. "

"Okay, Sir." Alex nodded. “The Noire Sect is one of the great powers that coexist with us. Do you still remember the lesson that Mr. David conveyed about the existence of people other than humans? " We nod. “As one of the great powers, there are people who want humans to become the highest rate in the world. In the past, you may have often heard the term ' Witch Hunting '. Where people who are considered witches and considered threatening human existence will be hunted down and executed. It was one of the Noire Sect's forms of activity. Of course, not only that, there are many more if you look back from the pages of history. ”Alex paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "That sect was the cause of my parent's death."