
The Knight is a She

The Crown Prince, Prince Leran has been betrayed by one of his royal subordinates and childhood best friend that is Callixa, the knight of his twin sister. After the attempt to kill him, Callixa suddenly loses most of her memories and acts like she is somebody else. Zana the modern girl who is gifted specially is in the body of Callixa. She started to find a way to return home. How can she escape the life and fate of being the shadow of the Dead Knight, Callixa? (Medieval + Modern Technology theme) Will continue on May

SophiaUrLove04 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Love Language

I accidentally bumped into an old woman with her grandaughter assisting her and that is where we get the information from.

What do they want from me? I mean... What do they want from Callixa? What did she do this time?

And who are they? they are not from the crown prince because the crown prince won't kill his subordinates heartlessly like that, right? Or am I wrong? He does?

Demion and I are heading to where the crown princess is.

I heard a whispering voice coming from somewhere. I heard it once when I was inside the underground dungeon. It was loud and clear. Now, it was speaking with an untamable uncomfortability.

'You must go back. Go back' It said. 

'Go back to where?' I thought". but it keeps on repeating over and over. So I told Demion that I wanted to go back to say something to the old woman and young girl.

And Hilariously speaking, I found them reporting us to a hooded man.

So I rushed back to Demion and told him everything.

We managed to escape the planned ambush by setting a decoy in our place to the given route and took another one while their attention was on the false target.

As we rode to the carriage escaping, he patted my head to comfort me. "I knew it, you still have it in you," he said.

What exactly? The identity? but I am not Calliza I Zana.

At night, he told me to rest while he was driving the carriage.

So I went to the inside and slept.

In a world that I was brought by a dream. Would I rather be dreaming another dream as well? As I close my eyes to the world that I am stuck with, I reopen into an empty wide room.

For being someone who can travel into the dream realm. The dream realm is rather abstract and distorted than the reality. Nothing is real, nothing is certain. It is just filled with complex ideas and details that serve as a brief phrase-like impression of the things in reality. It is well underdeveloped. The dream world originally morphed place by place and character by character. Once I saw a list of pictures of the places I have seen in my dreams and it shocked me and made me curious but nothing can give me any explanation about this realm. Nothing but to experience it on my own.

I was lucky to have a lucid dream where I found myself steadily standing while my mind is numb and empty. I was in a deep haze,

Until the voice that was calling me, appear before my eyes. Her aura is different, the way she moves and the way she talks but the appearance is just the same.

It was the Cyan-flamed knight, Callixa.

I have a lot of questions and right now she can answer it. I don't know where to start

"Why?..." I spoke when Callixa interrupted my sentence.

"So, you are the one who take over my body?" she said.

"Yes, you're right," I answer.

She sighed and sat at the red noble chair beside her. Was it there earlier? I didn't notice. In a blank space in which no other things but ourselves existed. Where the light and dark never merge and only divide. There appears a chair out of nowhere.

"The crown prince.." I continue.

"I don't want to talk about him," she said baring a serious lonely expression. She did not let me finish my sentence again.

But I have to know!

"I wanted to see you that's why I walk right into the subconscious part. This is a part where we can meet and talk. So feel free to visit me here often." She said.

Visit often, Am I in control of such things? I can't even control my dream- traveling and body transmigration.

"Wait! Are you saying that you don't know how to switch back?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Stop expecting me to know, we are both victims here, " she said. She sighed and continued, "You should not feel that pressure because I am more in trouble, especially when I see how great the risk that awaits my body because someone like you was in charge" she stated. Pointing out that I am a weakling implicitly.

I was speechless because she was actually right. I'm a wanderer and not a fighter.

"He sealed my fire, right?" she asked later confirming as she leaned forward at the back part of the chair. She had buried her face in her arms trying to hide her emotions.

"Damn-witted" her mean expression.

"I'll be the one to wake him up from his long-time dreaming. That moron!" she exclaimed.

"You are in danger Callixa!" I reminded her switching the topic that would make her lose her good mood.

"Uh... uh, uh..., we are in danger, " she corrected while her pointer was swaying in front of her.

After a few moments of thinking she spoke again "I guess I can at least let you borrow my sense of smell" she said. "so you can at least survive and be able to help brother Demi back to my darling princess" she added and smirked.

I thanked her for the help she was willing to offer.

"I have a task for you," she added as she remembered something.

"If ever you meet the prince along the way make him unseal my fire. Who knows I can teach you how to use it" she said.

I was dumbfounded, So there will be this time that I can be a warrior in my dream and not a mere prey?

I agree because this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a strong creature. Then she gave two more requests, one is when I meet the crown prince and the second is for the acknowledgement of Demion's loyal brotherhood.

I woke up from my dream.

While still dazed Demion started to speak, "You might have a nightmare that you are still thinking about it until now.

Actually, I am still not completely in my waking mood although what Calliza and I talked about is very important. If it was really the knight Callixa and not my mind fooling me. When can I obtain the sense of smell that she is saying?

and.., wait for the request.

while Demion was still talking when I spoke, "I think I dreamt of some important memories"

"And what is that?" Demion was surprised that he even stared in her direction.

I went in front of the running carriage, towards him and when I was seated beside him I gave the signal that I will tell him about something.

He seemed hesitant like me in that situation yet he still lent his ears.

I see, it goes like this.

"Brother Demi, you're so cute as ever." after a small lick on the cheek.

It was awkward but I can resist an awkward situation because I am a naturally awkward person.

Demion moves away in fright.

Is he reacting like a virgin, gynophobic guy?

Teasing and taking care of each other is the friendship language they have.

"I want him to feel acknowledged and appreciated by me even while I am in this deep slumber," she said.

I see so loyal knights are loyal friends too.