
Let’s be friends (3)

Giselle took a step forward to match when Thomas pulled Annalise back with him. "Can I come with the two of you?"

"Why?" Annalise asked. She wasn't a lady like Giselle and she had something important to do today.

"Just for us to chat and be friends-"

"I don't need any more friends," Annalise cut in. Dealing with Thomas and the girls in the manor was enough. "Go friend ladies who like you and stop trying to be where you don't fit in. Aren't you worried they'd ridicule you more for being with a maid? Or don't tell me you're still trying to get close to Rafael again?"

"Oh, no I am not trying to do that. He's turned me down for the final time so I am moving on. My brother might kill me if I continue to try to court Rafael. I just need someone to be around for a moment to get away from what is being said. I won't stay by your side for long. I plan to leave, but I don't want them to think they made me run. Only for a few minutes," Giselle pleaded.