An hour later, Annalise had cleaned herself up after the knights were finished with a small stream nearby and Rafael stood guard with Ezra and Thomas to stop anyone from getting close to where she had taken off her dress to wash up.
Annalise was finally able to have a proper conversation with the women who were knights since they waited to bathe once the men were finished and looked forward to spending more time with them when she returned to the manor.
After washing up, Annalise joined in eating around the fires. Enjoying meat caught by both Ezra and the knights. She had caught Ezra sharing with one of the knights how he managed to catch a rabbit without taking a torch with him to see where he was going.
Ezra didn't want to answer at first as he continued to eat, but then he turned to the knight and started to explain how to properly hunt. Annalise didn't have to worry about distracting Ezra because he would make friends who would do that job for her.