

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
600 Chs

Chapter 480

The fork whizzed through the air like an arrow leaving the bow and went s

traight through Duncan's arm.

"Ah!" he screamed, cold sweat pouring down his face.

"Remember, if this happens again, I won't stop at just an arm," Dustin wa


"You —

you're ballsy!" Duncan pressed his arm that was bleeding profusely, and

ran for his life–

his former moments of glory had now turned into a humiliating spectacle.

"Dustin, what was that thing you took out earlier? Why did that guy get o

n his knee immediately when he saw it?" Dahlia couldn't help but ask curi

ously once Duncan was gone.

The others didn't utter a word, but they were also bewildered.

"Oh, two days ago, I saved a patient, and his family gave me a badge. The

y told me that if I ever got into trouble, this could save my life. I did

n't think I'd actually have to use it," Dustin said with a laugh.


That's unbelievably lucky," Dahlia said, slightly surprised. She

had almost thought that he was going to

end up in deep shit.

"Hmph, how impressive can that be? In the end, he was still riding on som

eone's coattails!" Terrence said


Dustin's actions had made him feel ashamed. "You got all the glory becaus

e of that little badge. I'm tall, rich, and handsome, but why do I have t

o be shown up by you?" he thought bitterly.

"Dustin, to forge iron, you still need a strong

hammer. A favor can only

be used once, so don't be too pleased with yourself. Next time, you won't

be this lucky again!" Julie said indignantly.

Her man was the best man in the world. What was a barefoot doctor in comp


"Really? I guess," Dustin said with a light smile. He was too lazy to def

end himself. There were always bound to be green–

eyed monsters who couldn't see the glory of others.

"Dustin, this badge of yours is really pretty. Can I borrow it for a few

days?" Florence's eyes were sparkling as she stared at the Consultant Bad

ge in Dustin's hand. If she could get her hands on the badge that could m

ake people kneel, then of course she'd want to take it for a spin.

"This badge already has an owner. Even if I gave it to you, you can't use

it. You might even get into trouble," Dustin said, shaking his head.

Considering Florence's personality, if she got a hold of this, she could

turn the whole world upside down.

"Hmph, what kind of trouble? I think you're just selfish!" Florence's fac

e turned frigid.

"Mom, what do you want to do with Dustin's badge?" Dahlia frowned.

"I just thought it was pretty and wanted to take a closer look. Who would

've thought that that bastard would be so petty? Whatever, I don't want i

t anymore! It's just a shitty badge; what's so special about it? You can

hold onto it until it rots! Let's go!" Florence blew her top. She wasn't

in the mood to eat anymore; thus she straight up asked them to leave.

"Even at her ripe old age, she still throws tantrums like a child," Dahli

a said helplessly, shaking her head.

"After so many years. I've gotten used to it." Dustin thought nothing of

it and changed the subject. "By the way. didn't you come looking for me t

o discuss something? What was it?"

"It was nothing. I just wanted

to refer you for a job," Dahlia said, forcing a smile.

"A job? What kind of job?" Dustin was taken aback.

"To be the Chief Security Officer of the Nicholson Corp. What do you thin

k?" Dahlia arched her brow.

"Chief Security Officer? What gave you that idea?" Dustin was puzzled.

"This is my first time in Millsburg, and I'm not familiar

with the people or the place. Taking on a multibillion-

dollar corporation, there will surely be many hardships. I need someone

to help me," Dahlia explained straightforwardly. "The corporation's secur

ity department is in

charge of safety and security. Any sign of trouble has to be taken care o

f in time. There are many positions in the company that carry a lot of we

ight, and this is a role I can't give to an outsider; I have to keep it w

ithin my circle. After giving it a lot of thought, I think you're the bes

t guy for the role!"

She'd appointed him

Chief Security Officer, half because she trusted him and half because she

wished he'd stay by her

side. After all, she'd be the closest person to him.

If he took on that position, she

wouldn't have to worry about Natasha stealing him from the shadows. By th

en, with time, feelings would develop. Well, then things would be up to h

er, wouldn't they?