

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
600 Chs

Chapter 25.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" Dahlia was

dumbfounded and rooted to the ground in disbelief. Looking at Dustin's

cold expression, she thought he felt unfamiliar. She could feel grief and

sadness. washing over her as a result. "That's right! That's what I

wanted to tell you! Please keep in mind not to meddle in my business. My

life and death have nothing to do with you. We are no longer related. Do

you get it?" Dustin scolded her fiercely. His cruel words froze Dahlia.

She didn't expect Dustin would complain and blame her instead of thanking

her for her kindness. When had they become enemies? "Hey, Dustin Rhys!

Are you even human?" Standing on the side, Lyra couldn't take it anymore.

She scolded, "How can you say that to Ms. Nicholson? She was trying to

help you! How can you be so ungrateful?" "What do you want me to say? Am

I supposed to praise her for being brave and barging into Trevor's

place?" Dustin asked coldly. "You are such an ungrateful guy!" Lyra was

pissed off. "That's enough! Stop it! From now on, I will never meddle in

your business. Whether you're alive or dead, it has nothing to do with

me!" Finally, Dahlia could no longer hold herself back. With that, she

left angrily. Nobody noticed the usually tough lady had started to tear

up. "Dustin Rhys! You'd better remember what you said today! Don't come

and ask for our help next time!" Lyra glared at him and caught up with

Dahlia. "What an idiot," Chris uttered, following after them. This was a

chance for him to swoop in. He couldn't let this chance go. "Silly

woman…" Confusion filled Dustin's eyes as he stared at Dahlia leaving. He

had purposely said that to protect her. Trevor would have taken advantage

of her if Dustin hadn't arrived on time earlier. He didn't want anything

similar to happen again, so he had to cut ties with her heartlessly!

"Finally, it's time to take action." Dustin took a deep breath, turned

around, and stared at Drey Group's building. He hadn't left earlier

because he was afraid. He simply hadn't wanted to put Dahlla in danger.

Now that Dahlia was safe, he had no worries anymore. Revenge was a dish

that must be served cold. Unfortunately, Dustin was an impatient guy. He

had to take revenge today! With that thought in mind, Dustin strode into

the Drey Group without hesitation. Under the people's shocked gazes, he

locked the main door. Soon, cries and howls rang out from the building.

The whole process took about 20 minutes. 20 minutes later… With a loud

bang, the office door on the top floor was smashed by one of the

bodyguards 'dead bodies. Dustin stepped on the corpse as he entered the

room, covered in blood. He looked like a devil from hell. The whole place

was covered in gore. It was terrifying! In the office, Trevor's

bodyguards were shocked. They were dumbfounded, and chills started

creeping up their bodies. Dustin was like a monster; they didn't expect

him to be so strong. He had killed everybody from the first floor to the

top floor! He had killed almost 200 men all by himself! Was he even

human? "Who–Who are you?" Panicking, Trevor stumbled backward. When he

saw Dustin coming back, he smiled smugly, assuming that Dustin must have

a death wish. Soon, he realized he was wrong. He was completely wrong!

Dustin didn't have a death wish. He was on a killing spree!