

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
600 Chs

Chapter 174

When the old man suddenly sat up, all the guests were startled. Some of t

he women screamed frantically,

losing their composure.

"It's a zombie!"

Shocked to the core, the crowd scattered in all directions. No one expect

ed that the motionless corpse would

suddenly spring to life.

It was such a terrifying moment!

"Dad? Y–you're not dead?" The middle–

aged man pretended to be shocked.

"Yes, I'm not dead." The old man gave a forced smile.

an was

His voice was slurred as

his dentures were knocked out. Combined with his swollen cheeks, the old


a comical sight.

"Oh my god! This young man could even revive the dead! How could this be?


"No words could express my amazement right now!"

"What a strange

way to treat people! Are medical techniques nowadays getting more straigh


Staring at the old man, who was obviously alive and kicking, there was pa

ndemonium in the hall. Some of the onlookers were shocked, and some were


"Hey, I saved your father's life! Is it too much to ask for you to show s

ome gratitude?" Dustin smirked.

"You bastard! Even if my father survived this ordeal, it's because of his

good luck! It doesn't change the fact that Immortunol is poisonous!" The

middle–aged man was livid.

"That's right! I almost died after eating your medicine. Now, I'm still f

eeling sore all over!" The old man gritted his teeth and looked resentful


After enduring such a fierce beating, he couldn't let Dustin go without e

xtorting sufficient compensation.

"Oh? Where else

do you feel uncomfortable? Let me have a look." Dustin stepped forward.

In fright, the old man backed away repeatedly. "What are you doing? I'm w

arning you, stay away from me!"

"Don't be nervous! Your illness is not fully cured yet, as you have just

regained consciousness. Here, let me diagnose you for a complete recovery

, just in case." Dustin smiled.

"Dustin, the knife you wanted is here!" At that moment, Ruth ran over exc

itedly. In her hand was a large kitchen

knife that she somehow managed to find.

"Perfect timing. Although it's bigger than what I'm used to, it's just ri

ght to crack open a skull" Dustin took the

kitchen knife and swung it around.

"Crack open my skull?!" Hearing this, the old man trembled all over. "Son

, let's not waste any more time! I think

I need to go to the hospital for a full examination right away!"

"Oh, right! Of course, we have to go to the hospital first!" Seeing the u

nfavorable situation, the middle–

aged man quickly helped the old man to his feet and tried to run away Inc


"Did I say you could go?" Dustin took a step forward and grabbed the old

man by his hair, pulling him back.

"I always treat my patients to the best of my ability, even after their d

eaths." How can I ignore it when you are so sick?" With that, he started

brandishing the kitchen knife back and forth.

"Don't, don't! I'm not sick, I've already recovered!" The old man shivere

d in fright.

"Don't be stubborn: your illness is life–

threatening. Everyone witnessed it just now." Dustin said earnestly.

"That's right, old man. If you're sick, you should seek treatment as soon

as possible. You shouldn't refuse his good intentions!" Someone piped up


"That's right, this young man is highly skilled in medicine. You should t

rust him. Nothing bad will happen." The others agreed and began to persua

de the old man.

"I'm fine; I'm really fine." The old man shook his head frantically, tear

s streaming down his face.

"Lie down and don't move. Let me see where to make the first incision," D

ustin ordered, pinning the helpless old man down.

"Let him go immediately! You're committing murder!" The middle–

aged man panicked and tried to stop Dustin. but was held back by several


"According to my diagnosis, you are in grave condition! Let's start by cr

acking your skull open, and then we will move on to cutting your abdomen…

" Dustin trailed off, lifting his knife to strike.

"Wait! I'm not sick, I'm really not! Someone paid me to pretend to be dea

d!" Realizing his life was

at stake, the old man finally revealed the truth with a wail.

"He was paid off?"

"Pretended to be dead?"

As soon as everyone heard this, their faces went red with fury and outrag


"What a bunch of scammers! How dare you have the audacity to cause troubl

e here?"

"I can't believe I felt sorry for you just now. It turns out that you're

all liars!"

"Young man, just chop them up. Trash like them deserves to die!"

After learning the truth, the crowd erupted into chaos. Some of them even

threatened to get physical.

"Tell me, who put you up to this?" Dustin held his knife to the old man's


"I don't know, we were just paid to do this. We don't know anything else.

" The old man shook his head.

"Please spare us, we won't do this again." The middle–

aged man spoke up, frightened for his life.

They were just scoundrels who preyed on the weak. Once their true identit

ies were exposed, they lost all their courage.

"Take these troublemakers away!" At Natasha's command, the two were quick

ly taken away.

She didn't need an answer. She already knew who was behind all this.

"Useless idiots!" In the crowd, Edwin snorted coldly and left.

He knew he had lost today. All his schemes had come to nothing.


over, we're done for." Quentin's face was pale with despair. The initial

glimmer of hope was instantly dashed in the blink of an eye.

If Immortunol was successfully launched, how could he sell his Eternumax?

He had put in his entire fortune!

"Dustin, how did you

know that the old man was pretending to be dead? I saw that he wasn't bre

athing." Ruth couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"That old man was using a technique called Breath–

holding; that's why he could pretend to be dead. I'm familiar with many o

f these tricks used by scammers everywhere, it's not even worth mentionin

g." Dustin replied with a faint smile.

"Oh, I see. It's a good thing you figured it out, or else things would ha

ve gone terribly today!" Ruth patted her chest in relief.

"Mr. Rhys, you are indeed amazing. You exposed the deception of those two

ruffians effortlessly! My

admiration for you is immeasurable!" At that moment, Malcolm came over to

flatter Dustin.

Just sitting there quietly wasn't really his thing.

"Dr. Shane, he just stumbled upon the solution by chance. How can you low

er yourself to his level?" Jessica gave Dustin a cold glance before smili

ng at Dr. Shane. "If it weren't for your help in developing Immortunol, t

he Harmon family would be in huge trouble! You are the biggest hero of th

e day!"

"What are you talking about? Who said I developed the Immortunol?" Malcol

m frowned.

"What?" Jessica

was momentarily stunned. She exclaimed, "Who else has the ability to do t

hat besides you?"

"You really have no eye for talent! The mastermind behind Immortunol is n

one other than Mr. Rhys beside you!

*Malcolm rolled his eyes.

"What?" At this revelation, Jessica was instantly dumbfounded.