
The Kings of The Unstable World

leoraph83 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

A look into the soul.

[Kage's POV]

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

I awake to the sound of water dripping onto a rock nearby.

I don't quite remember what happened but the last thing I saw was Typhon being thrown against the jagged rock wall of the dampened dark cave. I remember screaming a terrifying scream and then...nothing.

I thought I had used up all my energy and that I had died.

Where am I? How did I get here? I think as the dripping water slows to a halt.

I began walking around, Feeling with my hand on the wall even though I could see well enough. The stone felt cold and damp to the touch. Some parts felt softer than others, Like a kind of clay.

It was oddly serene in this cave. I felt safe and at home here.

As I rounded a corner I could hear the faint sound of moving water in the distance. Naturally I decided to move slowly towards it.

Water is my affinity, My peace. It felt nice to take a break from the burning flame of rage.

It seems I had gotten lost somewhere in the fight. I lived fighting and I loved it too. Every waking moment I always prepare for a fight, A duel, A joust, A spar. Though I had never stopped to enjoy a single moment.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

There it was again. The dripping sound of water. This time it had not startled me nor did I feel unease in my heart.

I go down a slope, I can feel the decline under my feet and the hardening rock.

I turn a wide corner and see the underground river. It's absolutely beautiful, A glowing teal colour. It appears that it's filled with bioluminescent creatures.

The river is slow moving and as I stare at the water I begin to focus on my breathing. I know every breath I take, Every muscle I move. I am suddenly aware of everything.

Though not in a panicked way. I feel tranquil, as if I have achieved enlightenment.

I follow the river upstream to a nice little pond. Well it's more like a spring actually but it looks cool and calm.

I step into the water, It's not cold but it's cool to the touch. Refreshing, Perfect. I wade further into it until I find a nice deeper spot with a rock outcrop to rest my back on.

I let out a sigh and close my eyes. As I reopen my eyes I see something weird, There is a strange man holding my brother.

I instinctively throw a lightning bolt at his feet before sending hundreds more Around his body.

I can see my brothers life energy fading and though I don't trust this man, I'll have to for now. I try to tell him to get out quickly. Thought unfortunately I didn't think he understood me.

He tries to dash toward the exit of the cave and I can see every action made as if everything is slowed down 40,000 times. I send a blaze of essence towards him.

Hoping to keep my brothers life the Blaze of essence encases his body, stopping his life energy from leeching out.

The man grabs Typhon's spear and dashes out of the cave as I turn to face the creature.

Even though this situation is very tense I feel at ease still. I can still feel the water surrounding my body. I close my eyes and before I knew it I've already punched the bear and have jumped back.

The man walks back in with a dagger in his hands.

Where has he put my brother? What has he done?

He doesn't look malevolent so I should let him help. He dashes towards the bear and stabs it as I conjure a stone spear behind the beast. When his dagger is planted in the bear I kick ot hard in its jaw.

The man then blinds the bear and removes the light from his eyes.

"What a cool ability" I thought before I placed my hand on the beast. I closed my eyes and felt the water around me. It felt abundant and powerful enough to make me feel calm. I opened my eyes and stated what I wanted.

I had wanted the bear to Flee.

In turn it had gotten sent back by a huge force of energy and...the rock spear growing in size pierced a large enough hole in it's chest to fit my body through. I walk back over to the condemned animal and place my hand on it again...

I can see everything. Everything this beast has seen, Everything it knows, All of its power, It's life essence, Spirit energy, Everything.

After I've taken everything it's known, I walk out of the cave and look for Typhon. I spot him in a tree passed out and I jump up and place him on the ground, After placing two fingers on his neck to confirm his pulse I stand up and close my eyes.

Back in my cave. I'm safe again.

The stream is now two slightly different colours. This appears to add more depth to it.

I decide to follow the stream down instead of back to the pond.

I walk for hours and hours yet it feels like seconds. Maybe it was the other way around...I'm not sure.

After an extremely long time, I come across a split in the stream where the colors change paths. I decide to follow the newer colour.

As I follow this new colour, The surrounding stone looks...older than the stone I remember.

I hear a low grumbling bouncing off the walls as I walk further away from the main stream.

After several minutes I round a corner and in full view is the ancient one. Sitting atop a rock with the colour of the side streams water flowing from...towards....away....I can't tell.

He notices me and speaks in my language.

"What is it you want Demon." His words like a vipers bite.

"Demon? I am no Demon." I state bluntly in an argumental manner.

"You are no ordinary human either." He scowls

"You whom shouldn't have been able to best me, Now have me forever preserved in your own spirit." His words like ice that only gets colder he continues. "You have took my family from me and left me here alone. How I'd love to tear your flesh from your skeleton."

"Then why don't you, beast." I retort "I am but 20 steps away from you with my own legs and it would be less for yourself. So why is it you cower and not dare to move?" My words fiery like the darkest pits of the demon realm.

"I have tried" he says tiringly "I cannot move with malicious intent for I will be restrained." He says as he growls and tries to swipe at me.

Several white and black glowing tendrils clasp it's arm and restrains it.

I laugh.

"What of it beast? You lost and have been imprisoned. Why is it you complain? Is it because I have bested those that came after you? Or is it that your hatred stems from defeat?

"All of the above, you monster." He grumbles.

"I am an honorable soul, I have no predecessors yet I believe they would want me to be hospitable. You may make reasonable requests and I shall attempt to fulfill them." I offer

"I want my family." The beast wasted no time in demanding.

"Lucky for you beast, They are currently alive..Yet barely. The spirits are in the process of transitioning. I can steal them for you, If that is what they want." I continue.

"I will release the bonds spiritually for now and you may speak to them. If they would like to join you here, I will absorb them too."

The beast thinks for a moment.

"There is no repercussions to you?" It asks.

"Ah but of course there is. The longer the bonds are released my heart will be stopped. Of course I understand you may want to use this to finish my life but it will not happen that easily unfortunately. See unfortunately for you my spirit is a vengeful spirit and I will surely hunt down the spirits of your kin."

"I see...." he whispers. Well more like a telepathic thought as bears can't really speak. "Let me talk to them."

I nod as I create a highway to the real world where the bears spirit can roam and speak.

After a minute of the bear talking I grab hold of my blade and prepare to sever the highway.

Him and his family cross it and the two younger ones try to strike me as they aren't yet bound by my will.

I throw them off to the side with ease and recall the spirit of the ancient one.

The tendrils grab at it and pulls until it's back.

I raise my blade and fall to my knee as a sharp pain hits my chest.

I feel like this is the end and as my eyes close I see a bright white yellowish light.

"You aren't done yet...Kage" I hear reverberate throughout my body and soul.

Suddenly a green flame envelops me and a lightning shroud surrounds my blade as I regain the strength to stand and slash the spirit highway, returning pulse to my heart and binding the beasts with my will.

"You got what you wanted." I spit out like a distasteful food.

I turn and leave the cave as I retreat back to my own pond.

My place of safety.

I grow more and more tired as I try to return, yet I feel no exhaustion.

The heaviest weight envelops my every being and yet I continue my journey.

As I finally reach the pond I feel too tired to walk anymore. I fall straight into the body of water I call home in my mind.

I feel like im drowning yet my lungs fill with no fluid. I float and breathe just fine, yet I feel as though I've sank to the bottom of this endless pit.

I need to get out, to get up. I start kicking, pushing and trying to get out.

After a long while I get out and I close my eyes, breathe.




[Typhon's POV]

A sharp exhale as I slam against the rocks. Yet when I open my eyes I am in no damp cave, No threats, No fight.

What do I see? I see a large green field, Rolling hills and a orange forest in the distance.

Closer to the edge of that forest I spot a small cabin with smoke coming from two different spots. For some reason, I am drawn to that cabin.