
Nightmarish Advancement Test

"RedQueen!" Samar greeted Stivi who had just arrived at the statue of Tier 5 Runeblade, Anisa. "Her fighting style greatly matches yours. See if you can undergo her Tier Advancement Test and inherit her legacy."

"So this is the reason you called me here so urgently…" Stivi murmured, taking a careful look at Anisa. 

The statue of the heroic warblade stood with a stoic expression, her sword drawn and ready to kill. Its armor gleaming under the soft rays of sun, Anisa exuded a mighty pressure upon all those who sought her approval. 

Stivi and Samar bowed with reverence to the statue, paying their respects to the valor of the deceased Runeblade. 

"Runeblade Anisa, please test my qualifications," Stivi said in a respectful tone and extended her hand towards the base of the statue. As soon as her palm touched the shallow palm imprinted on the base, Stivi disappeared from the Memorium, leaving Samar alone.