
The kingdom that burned for her

I wonder why the kingdom burned for her read to find out

Catherine_Louwrens · Derivasi dari karya
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The kingdom that burned for her.

I didn't mean to kill her. One second can change your life. One choice can make or break you. One moment can set you on a completely different path to an entirely different life. One decision was all it took to destroy me.

yes, I am the villain in this story. In a kingdom divided by warring nobles, dragons, and mystical creatures we live in times of magic and evil.

"Your arm is bleeding," Aurora muttered.

"Oh really? | hadn't noticed that half of my precious blood was pouring out of my arm, but thanks for telling me." I snapped back .

We are in the middle of a war fighting against the unwelcome even though I am a criminal.

"I think we should get going now, it's getting too crowded here! I shouted.

But it seems to have gone in one ear and out the other, aurora is fighting with some random idiot.

" Aurora, I swear if you don't get your ass here now I'm going to", I trailed off.

"Run you, buffoon!" She screamed ,we were being chased by a grotesque creature that seemed to be an ogre.

We saw a cave in the far distance and hasten like our lives depend on it ,It was dark and cold, tunnels that went on for miles, water dripping below we could hear ogre humid and moist breath.we had spot a glint coming from one of the tunnels and perambulate towards it.

We ambulate onto a land then headed for The Forest of Cries and were met with a beautiful sight the most gorgeous, exquisite creature ,

"what was it?"

"who knows?"

" I'm in love" I said jokingly.

I looked at her she had a face lost in thought.

" You're in love with me?," said Aurora.

Not this again,she knows the response to annoying question.

"I think you're delusional."I Snapped.

"And I think you're in denial" she teased.

She looked at me with her big doll-like eyes that were a gorgeous brown cinnamon color.

"we should try to fix the problem you created, make our kingdom one again". She Said.

"See now why would I do that ?" I asked.

"Well half of the kingdom wants you dead," she replied.

"Wow a month ago it was the whole kingdom, things are looking up," I said while smirking.

The next thing I saw was her fist flying going towards my face and I was out like a light.

" hey Alex, Alex wake up!" Aurora screamed in my face."

"Aurora your breath stinks could you kindly move your face away from MINE?" I said in annoyance.

" Okay, time to get down to business" I heard her say with a giggle.

I was so tired of this, She's so annoying and too bubbly for my liking. A few hours later we left to go to our target spot.

It's been three hours

And still no sign of them.

" So you must have a lot of friends right ?" She asked me while staring into my eyes, I can't she is too cute.

"I hate everyone."

I said while looking away "Except me, right?" she said giggling.

"Especially you."I teased.

She pretended to be hurt.

"Now you just hurt my feelings, old man!" She laughed.

" For the last time I'm only 28" I muttered.

"Still old, you're basically 30," she said with a mocking tone.

The next thing I know I see blood going down her head and an arrow that is Pierced through her Cranium, she's smiling at me and topples over. Aurora's limp body lay's in my lap, her blood seeping into my clothes and skin.she was everything to me.

I never even got to tell her,

that I love her.

I screamed and cried. it's all my fault I should have been keeping a look I got distracted with her now she's dead.her soulless eyes staring into mine.

I got up and ran towards the second kingdom,I am going to burn it to the ground and everything with it.

"Alex you are like glass; if you're broken then they're the ones who're bleeding."

That kept playing through my mind while I walked through the burning kingdom covered in blood.