
the King of Winter[A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Fanfic]

Jon Snow was betrayed and murdered, but death isn't always the end. The Old Gods needed someone to fight the Night's King, and what better than the blood of the King of Winter? The one who had defeated the Night's King in the past.

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6 Chs

Chapter 6 Jon, Wynafryd, Rodrick

Jon Stark

Jon sat on the throne in House Ryswell's castle. A somber air filled the halls. House Ryswell's fate was sealed. House Ryswell had received a reprieve for their rebellion in the past. But in the present, they stand by House Bolton and plan to establish themselves as kings. Therefore, there was no more forgiveness for House Ryswell.

Jon's eyes fell on the remaining Ryswells, which consisted only of a child and a woman. Because Rickard had died in battle, the lord and three children were at Winterfell. His voice was full of authority as he announced, "House Ryswell has joined forces with the one who betrayed the northern land and stood against the righteous king. For this betrayal, I can't forgive."

Jon wasted no time in carrying out his decree. Boys are sent to the wall when they are old enough. Where they will take up their duties as sworn brothers of the Night's Watch, women will be led to the Silent Sisters, their voices forever silenced in service to the dead. The remaining people who had no blood connection to House Ryswell were given the opportunity to go to the wall or join him.

As for the castle and lands of House Ryswell, Jon has decided that they will be divided and given to any lord who joins House Stark when they reach the Rills.

Once the matter was resolved, Jon ordered a proper ritual for the deceased. Either through cremation or returning to the noble family. He then held a banquet in honor of those who fought alongside him. 

The next day, Jon sent the raven to the nobles of the Rills to demand their loyalty. Within a few days, they rushed to kneel before him. There were four nobles who lost their heads when sending ravens out to Winterfell, which were captured because Jon had ordered the Skinchangers to keep watch after they received the letter.

Jon also sent a letter to Mors to prepare for the campaign. Old Umber retakes Torrhen's Square without any squids remaining.

With his army well rested and reinforced, Jon ordered the march on. Barrowton was their next target. 

House Dustin, who joined House Bolton, would suffer the same fate as House Ryswell, despite the fact that House Dustin had been lost since the death of Willam Dustin at the Battle of the Tower of Joy without a tracer. Bloodline or even a bastard who could claim the name House Dustin?

Barbrey, Willam's wife and Lord Ryswell's daughter, ruled Barrowton for the past two decades with Eddard Stark's approval, but she used it against Stark, so he was sure to get rid of her and erase House Dustin's name from the house. Existing nobles

Several days later, Jon's army arrived at Barrowton, slightly later than Mors's army, because he had to stop to 'greet' the nobles of the Barrowlands. Mors himself 'greeted' the nobles along the way. This made their army much larger since their separation at Deepwood Motte.

As Jon and Mors gathered their army outside Barrowton, they expected to be met with shouts of battle, but instead Jon was met with a white flag waving. The castle gate was opened. and the nobleman walked out and stood waiting outside. which expresses surrender. 

The castle keeper shows up to offer bread and salt. Jon takes it and leads his army into the castle. He sat on the throne of the former Barrow King to judge the castle's custodians, with Jon appointing them rulers of Barrowton and the Barrowlands. 

"I, Eddy, on behalf of House Arrow, swear allegiance to House Stark forever." The steward, who had been appointed Ruler, kneeled and proclaimed his oath to the King in the North.

Upon recapturing the Barrowlands, Jon sent Mors back to Torrhen's Square because he had received word of the movement of an army south from Winterfell. 

Jon then traveled to Moat Cailin. 

As Jon approached Moat Cailin, he was not surprised to find that House Stark's banner was flying proudly on the castle instead of House Bolton's emblem, as he had seen it through the crows before. He couldn't help but admire the grandeur of the strategic fortress of the North. But instead of having three towers like in the lesson, now that he saw the fourth and fifth towers being renovated, it looked like House Bolton could do something good for the northerners as well.

"Very clever, Bolton," Jon said, accepting the previous Lord Bolton's decision to play the game to establish his own power base in the North.

Because if this is successful, the North would be safe from land armies, and House Bolton would gain favor. At that time, the people would accept House Bolton as ruler.

And now the fortress being built has been handed over to him by Howland Reed, an important show of loyalty and support for House Stark. 

Accompanying the acquisition of Moat Cailin is the arrival of Lady Flint of Flint's Finger, who has led her army to pledge allegiance to House Starks in place of her husband, who is stuck in Winterfell.

Seeing that everything was in order, Jon allocated a number of soldiers to guard the gate to the north. Ordering that no one except Stark from the South pass through, he turned his attention to White Harbor, where he knew House Manderly remained steadfastly loyal to House Stark.


Wynafryd Manderly

Wynafryd stared out from the high walls of White Harbor. She had received a letter days before Jon Stark's visit. She was not worried, for House Manderly's loyalty was unquestionable. Although her father and grandfather left to join House Bolton, it was only in name. House Manderly's loyalty has always been with House Stark and will never waver. Her grandfather had made many arrangements to support House Stark.

News of Jon Stark's impending arrival spread like wildfire throughout the city. This caused excitement and fear among the townspeople. The new King Stark's heroic deeds reminded them of the Stark Kings of the past in their brutality, decisiveness, and ruthlessness.

From her vantage point, Wynafryd could see the vast expanse of the city below, which is bustling with various activities. As people rushed to prepare for the arrival of the Stark army, the streets were filled with talk and speculation. 

Wynafryd's thoughts turn to her family and their position in these uncertain times. As members of House Manderly, they pledged allegiance to House Stark generations ago. Even after House Stark fell, they struggled to put the Stark pieces back together again. Because they know that only Stark can protect them. Without Stark, they might have to find a new place to live, like they did when they escaped from the Reach.

She could feel the tension increasing as time passed. Each minute brought Jon Stark and his forces closer to the city's gates, and Wynafryd's mind filled with calculation. Opposite her sister, Wylla, who seemed excited without thinking about anything, is trying to find a new king in the north.

As the gates of White Harbor opened to admit Jon Stark and his army, Wynafryd stood at the forefront of the crowd. Her heart was pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She watched the Stark banner flutter in the wind. Along with the sound of hooves hitting the cobblestones.

Jon Stark rode through the city gates with a white wolf as big as a horse. Flanked by his bodyguard, Wynafryd stepped forward to greet him. She had a determined expression on her face. Her chin lifted with pride as she welcomed the King of the North to her family's city.

"Welcome to White Harbor, My King," Wynafryd greeted, her tone steady and respectful as she conveyed a long-standing gesture of welcome. "On behalf of House Manderly, I offer you bread and salt, Your Majesty."

Her servant walked in with a plate. and respectfully handed the plate to the king. As the king picked up the bread, he took a bite and swallowed it. She relaxed and began to say her vows.

"Your Majesty," she began, her voice clear and unshakable. "On behalf of House Manderly, I swear allegiance to the King in the North and House Stark."

"Thank you, Lady Wynafryd; your support means a lot to me. Especially during these challenging times." The king's tone was filled with joy.

Wynafryd nodded back with a small smile. "It is an honor for House Manderly to stand alongside House Stark, and we will remain steadfast in our loyalty and support."

When that happens, the ceremony ends. She couldn't help but feel proud to do this duty. Normally, it must be her grandfather or father who is the lord or heir. However, neither of them were present at this time, and they had assigned her as their representative. Her decision is House Manderly's decision. 

Moreover, she was relieved that the king seemed more friendly and dignified than rumors had told her. She imagined that the man who caused the Wildlings to follow him into battle and plant people's heads along the shoreline would look even more barbaric. 

Wynafryd had seen the king before him when he was a solemn and sad child. She didn't care much for him due to his bastard status, and she was competing with Alys for Robb's attention, but now that he was king,.

'The King is single, and Alys is married. So one competitor is gone,' Wynafryd secretly thought. She knew of her duty to House Manderly to marry in order to cement ties with other houses and increase her power. No one in the North doesn't want to marry House Stark, especially now that she won't be just the Lady of Winterfell but will also be Queen in the North. 

Wynafryd found the position very attractive. There weren't many women in the North right now who were close to the king's age. and even less compared to the power of the house.

"Your Majesty, I have arranged accommodations for you and your people," she began in a firm tone. "And if His Majesty allows, I would be honored to take you on a tour of White Harbour."

As Wynafryd spoke, her gaze met her king's. With a serious and sincere expression on her face, she hoped he would accept her offer. Realizing that it was a gesture of goodwill from the House of Manderly to their venerable king.

Her king looked around the bustling courtyard of White Harbor. Then he nodded, accepting her offer. "Thank you, Lady Wynafryd. I gladly accept."

With a graceful gesture, Wynafryd motioned for the servant to bring the horse to her. Then she rode. 

Her king turned and ordered his followers to disperse. with only a few people following him. Including wolves She guided them through the busy streets of White Harbor. As they walked, Wynafryd took the opportunity to give the king some information about the city and its history.

"White Harbor has long been an important port in the North," she explained, "founded by House Manderly over a thousand years ago. After receiving the favor of King Stark at that time, and since then, it has grown to become the largest city in the North. Our port is the center of trade in the region. They bring goods from every corner of the kingdom and abroad."

"It is an impressive city," her king said. "Your family has done well in creating such a prosperous trading center."

Wynafryd smiled politely at the compliment. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We are extremely proud of our city and its prosperity."

As they rode along the lively streets of White Harbour, her attention was drawn to the direwolf beside the king. It had sharp red eyes and fur as white as snow, according to rumors. It trotted silently beside them. Its presence both concerns and interests the people along the walkway. So she seized the opportunity to talk with the king. Hoping to make an impression

"Your direwolf is truly beautiful, Your Majesty," she said with admiration and curiosity. "I know the bond between Stark and Direwolf. But seeing it with your own eyes is one thing. Stark being able to tame a horse-sized predator is really interesting."

"Ghost has always been by my side," her king replied. His voice was full of fondness. "He was more than just a companion. He is family."

Wynafryd's smile widened at the king's words. Her admiration for the bond between man and beast is evident. "Having a faithful friend by your side will bring great comfort. Especially in times like these."

"Indeed, Lady Wynafryd, in times like this, having a trusted friend by your side is comforting."

As they continued walking, conversation flowed easily between them on topics of history, politics, and the intricacies of daily life in the North.

However, as they approached the grand castle entrance, their conversation naturally stopped. The towering stone walls of the castle appeared before them. Casting a solemn shadow over the bustling activity of the city below.

"We have arrived at the castle, Your Majesty," she said, her tone sounding respectful. "I hope you are satisfied with our humble abode."

"Thank you, Lady Wynafryd," her king replied graciously. "I was impressed with this tour."

"If you find yourself needing anything during your stay, please feel free to ask," she offered in a warm and good-natured tone.

"I'll keep that in mind, Lady Wynafryd. Thank you," her king said before stepping through the door. with his loyal direwolf following close behind.


Rodrick Ryswell

Rodrick walked along the outer wall of Winterfell. His footsteps echoed on the rocks as snowflakes danced around him. He watched the snow fall from the sky. It is normal in the north. Winter is moving further north. But he also knew that this winter was different. 

Winter is coming...

House Stark's motto has always been true. Unlike other houses that have mottos to glorify and awe their homes, House Stark's motto is simply a statement of the truth about the harsh climate. But in some ways, it was used to intimidate their enemies. because in winter, no place is safe. Even in the castle, there wasn't enough to escape freezing to death.

While walking through the campsite, he glanced towards the House Manderly and House Umber camps. Both were nearly empty when their forces were sent to fight against Jon Stark's army. The young Stark proved to be a difficult foe to read, as he didn't live up to expectations. It's their hope. For a month, they waited for the attack. Expeditions were sent out across Wolfswood, but there was no sign of Stark's army. There was only a slight clash with the other party's expedition. Until news arrived that a large group of Stark troops were at Torrhen's Square,.

Ramsay Bolton's orders are for House Manderly and House Umber to send troops. It was a calculated move; House Manderly's loyalties were uncertain. Suspecting their involvement in the Freys' deaths, House Umbers only obeyed because their master was imprisoned.

As they waited for news of the upcoming battle, reports of House Stark's victory throughout the western region were floating in. 

Stony Shore, The Rills, Barrowlands, Flint's Finger, and even Moat Cailin fell to Stark forces, shaking them up.

The loss of the West will only increase tensions among House Stark's enemies, especially the people of House Freys, who find themselves isolated and vulnerable in the North. Calls for retaliation grew louder, urging Ramsay to retake Moat Cailin, so Ramsay sent out House Bolton's men.

Rodrick knew that their current situation was very bad. He couldn't be more upset. Not when he missed the opportunity to hold a wedding with House Stark or that Willam died without leaving a child in Barbrey's womb, and now he's a lord who lost his land. Everything he brought to Winterfell is all that remains of House Ryswell. 

Roose: His youngest son wants to ride out to reclaim the castle and avenge his brother, Barbrey and Roger is forced to stay. because he feared that another person would die.

The alliances that had been discussed withdrew. Promises of revenge against the Freys or more territory could not hold them back.

Rodrick wanted to withdraw, but when the Rills were divided and a new ruler was appointed, he had nowhere to fall back. Their solution is to fight for House Bolton until the end and hope to win, or run to swear an oath to the Night's Watch, or flee to Essos to save his head.

But Rodrick will not escape. House Ryswell is of king blood. They were as ancient as House Stark claimed them to be. If they were to end, they would end on the battlefield.

Not far away, he saw a soldier in House Ryswell's uniform running towards him, so he stopped and waited.

"Sir, Lord Bolton has called a meeting," the soldier reported.

"Lead the way." He nodded and followed the soldier to the meeting room.

Inside the meeting room The nobleman at the table was looking serious. It is certain that anyone who has read the dossier of war and is smart enough to know what Jon Stark is going to do once he captures Moat Cailin is going to conquer the lands of Manderly, Hornwood, Flint's Widow, and Bolton.

He doubted that every major house except House Bolton would oppose Jon Stark.

House Manderly has his heir back and has no hostages except for Lord Manderly, who is in Winterfell under the pretext of injury, leaving his son to lead the army. The nobles of House Hornwood have a direct issue with Ramsay's torture of their mistress. House Flint's Widow loses her heir at a red wedding.

If Jon Stark can rally them, it will leave Winterfell isolated and surrounded by enemies. The solution is to stop Stark before he can. or taken the territory under Stark rule, but either way, they have one disadvantage. That's Intelligence.

Jon Stark has made a big move and made a big deal out of it. If they make the blind decision to march their army away from Winterfell, what is the guarantee that Jon Stark won't attack Winterfell or ambush them along the way? If this king were a master of strategy like his half-brother,? They would have been fucked.

Rodrick sat with the lords of the Rills, whose numbers had greatly diminished as they all retreated to their homes. This situation also happened on Barbrey's side; he wouldn't blame them. No one wants to be on a sinking ship. As Lord Flint's finger and Flint's widow withdrew, Ramsay's threats had no bearing on their decision.

"Lords, I know the terrible news we've received in recent days," Ramsay began.

"But this will be good news. We received a letter detailing the bastard Stark's movements," Ramsay said, and murmurs filled the hall.

"Reliable or not?" Lord Manderly asked.

"We have no choice but to take a chance, Lord. Perhaps you should teach your children well because they opened the door to welcome Stark."

Lord Manderly didn't show any concern at Ramsay's accusations; he just looked silently towards Lord Bolton.

"soldier! Take Lord Manderly away."

The escort soldiers moved as ordered.

"Winter is coming, Lord Bolton. Winter is coming, and the North remembers."

Lord Manderly left his words before being led away without resistance.

A knock sounded. The room's attention was drawn back to Ramsay.

"Alright, I was originally going to wait for King Tommen's support... But the news said that Bastard Stark was going to leave White Harbor in a few days, considering the timing of sending the letter. By now, they were probably preparing to travel. The target is Hornwood. We will ambush them there. Hornwood Forest will be the corpse of that bastard Stark and the traitor!"

After Ramsay finished speaking, the nobles, large and small, cheered. Although it was not as powerful as in Stark's time,.

"What about Winterfell?"

Ramsay's eyes narrowed at the mention of Winterfell. 

"We will leave behind a small army to defend Winterfell," Ramsay announced, his voice dripping with false confidence. "The remainder of our forces will move to Hornwood to crush Stark."

Rodrick eyed the other lords warily. Leaving Winterfell weak seemed like a dangerous gamble. But they had no choice in the matter. They must stop Jon Stark before he can fully muster support.

When the meeting ended, Rodrick couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness that had overtaken him. The plan to ambush Stark's forces in Hornwood Forest was risky. With a heavy heart, Rodrick prepared to lead his men into battle. Hoping that they would win against Stark's army, deep down he feared that their fate was already sealed and that House Ryswell would soon meet their end on the battlefield.

The crows hovering around the castle seemed to reinforce his fear.
