
The King of Tricks and Magic

It's a story about the legendary magician! A legendary Trickster! In the modern world, he uses all kinds of trickery to trick all the geniuses and the smart people to perform magics! And one day, the legendary magician was sent to a world of swords and a world where real magic existed. As he summoned to the new world, he only brings 1 thing from the modern world, a deck of cards that evolved and become a magic card skill! Follow the magician's story as how he subdued dragons, tricked liches, and made the kings of countries knelt beneath his feet with his absolute trickery and his power to do the impossible! ----------------------------------------------------- One of the King Of Kings Series Update: 3-7 Chapters Every Week Discord: https://discord.gg/x2dJ8xMF6h

Arkalphaze · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
233 Chs


[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards: Normal cards, Appraisal card [special]]


As the battle raged on, the Goblin Duke's relentless strikes were met with Oz's agile evasions, each dodge executed with increasing swiftness and precision. With every blow dodged, a flurry of cards would assail the Goblin Duke, leaving behind a trail of crimson scars etched into its robust frame.

With each passing moment, the Goblin Duke's unease grew palpable. Despite its formidable stature and rank, it couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Oz's movements seemed to blur with every passing strike, his speed escalating with each dodge and counterattack.

And with each dodge, Oz's confidence only seemed to swell, his eyes alight with a gleam of anticipation.

(He's getting faster every time he dodges my strikes!)

(The strength and agility of this human... it's inconceivable!)

(It's as if he's toying with me!)

Frustration simmered within the Goblin Duke's breast, fueling its fury as it continued to unleash its onslaught upon Oz. Yet, despite its best efforts, not a single blow found its mark.

(This human is no ordinary foe!)

(With each dodge, his movements become more fluid, more precise!)

(Who is he?)

Suddenly, a wicked grin twisted across Oz's lips, signaling the onset of his final gambit.

"It seems the real fun is about to begin! Brace yourself, Goblin, and pray you don't disappoint!" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"Don't get cocky, HUMAN!" the Goblin Duke thundered in response, its eyes ablaze with fury. In a surge of raw power, its form expanded, muscles bulging as it unleashed its full might.

(So this is Strengthen combined with Superhuman Strength and Evil Gaze,) Oz observed calmly, analyzing the Goblin Duke's transformation.

The creature now towered over Oz, its monstrous presence casting a sinister shadow over the battlefield. Yet, undeterred, Oz focused his qi, fortifying his defenses without sacrificing his agility.

(Fascinating,) he mused, his gaze unwavering as the Goblin Duke charged forth with renewed ferocity.

With a deafening Boom, the Goblin Duke's club cleaved through the air, aiming for Oz's head. Yet, when the dust settled, the Goblin Duke found itself surrounded by a shimmering sea of golden cards, its body lacerated from a million invisible slashes.

In a frenzy of rage and agony, the Goblin Duke unleashed a deafening roar, thrashing about in a blind rampage. But it was too late.

"You've lost, and yet you refuse to admit defeat," Oz sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

With a swift dash, Oz closed the distance between them, his card slicing through the air with deadly precision. And with a final Slash, the Goblin Duke's head tumbled to the ground, its monstrous form crumbling in defeat.


<Detecting...< p>





. Detecting finished>

<The 100 host has defeated an entity that possesses a power greater than the by more folds>

<Rate of accomplishment: Impossible>

<The host REN ARKEN has given the title "The Fate Stealer">

<From now on, every entity that host killed from the first time will be automatically changed into a card with perfect condition of entity's power>

<The 9 decks that given to host will be a permanent gift as the reward of killing Goblin Duke>

After the announcement prompt heard on Oz's ears, a cascade of ethereal blue particles enveloped the fallen Goblin Duke, coalescing into a singular point of radiant azure light.

As Oz watched with bated breath, the luminous glow gradually subsided, revealing a shimmering blue card descending from the heavens.

Excitement coursed through Oz's veins as he seized the card, eager to discover its contents. With a swift motion, he flipped it over to reveal its secrets.

[Goblin duke card [Special] [Develops]

level: 272

Strength: 296.000

Agility: 10.000

Vitality: 2.000.000

Mana: 500.000

Spiritual: 30.000

Skills: -strengthen -club dash -Leap -superhuman strength -ruler's aura -evil gaze

Description: The card consist of the power of a Goblin duke, the host could use its maximum power by fully equipping it and transforms into a Goblin duke, but the host could also half equip it and got to use 20% of its original status.




The revelation sent shivers of anticipation down Oz's spine. To wield the full might of the Goblin Duke—what an exhilarating prospect!


(The whole goblin transformation gig... Interesting!)

Intrigued by the card's stipulations, Oz wasted no time in deciding to fully equip it, channeling his intent as the card dissolved into radiant particles that enveloped his form. With a focused thought, he chose to fully equip the card, his body engulfed in a dazzling display of azure light.



Oz marveled at the drastic transformation coursing through his being. His stature had surged to towering heights, his muscles bulging with newfound strength.

With each breath, he felt an indomitable power pulsating within him, rendering his former reliance on trickery obsolete. No longer did he need to dance around his opponents; now, he could charge headlong into battle with the sheer force of his formidable physique.

Recalling the pivotal moments of the previous skirmish, Oz replayed the sequence of events in his mind. With precision and cunning, he had deployed his arsenal of cards, using the queen cards to ensnare the goblin duke's awareness and impair its senses.

Then came the onslaught of damage-inflicting cards, each one adding to the creature's grievous wounds. It was a relentless barrage, culminating in a calculated strike that severed the creature's head, delivered with precision timing after weakening its defenses with a well-aimed Jack card.

In mere moments, the battle had been won, a testament to Oz's prowess as a legendary magician and trickster extraordinaire.

It dawned on him that the true power of the cards lay not in their stated damage values but in the skill and strength of the wielder. The more adept the user, the greater the havoc wreaked by these mystical artifacts.

As he assumed the formidable form of the goblin duke, Oz couldn't help but entertain the notion that this new guise might offer a simpler path to survival in the treacherous depths of the forest. With resolve in his heart, he embraced his newfound form, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead.

(AN: If you interested please support me in vote and comments, all critics and comments is welcomed and please forgive my bad English :) )