
Wintermoon Palace

In the cold night of the Wuxiang Temple, the Qin Family is deeply engrossed in the strange phenomenon happening in the sky. A snowy and whitish color of the moon blotted and covered the entirety of the continent. Small fragments of snow is falling from the sky. At the same time, the mother of the Qin family gave birth to two children, Qin Long and Qin Tan. Qin Yuan, the head of the Qin Family is very happy that his wife gave birth to two adorable kids. But little did he know that in the time that the strange phenomenon happened, one of his kid is affected. A marked one one of them vanished as the night ends.

Years passed after the event, stamge things began to happen in the Qin family. Cattles gone missing, unidentified killings and destruction of farmlands. "This is happening continously, since the birth of his two kids, mishaps have arrived", an elder from the Qin family coldly remarked. He is Qin Xin, an elder who sides on the older brother of Qin Yuan who wants to take over the family. "Elder, don't blame the kids because we are having a hard time. Maybe someone or something is doing this things purposely inorder for our family to fall down. Don't forget that we have enemies lurking in the dark", Qin Chuan deeply replied. Qin Xin looked coldly to Chuan before leaving.

Meanwhile, the husband and wife is talking on how to solve this problem. "Husband be calm, we don't know if this was done by our enemies or one of us. We must first investigate the happenings and plan it out", said Qin Chin while consoling her husband. " I know my wife but it is happening for a long time. If this continues, I might..." before he continues to say the door was opened and Qin Long and Tan happily entered. "Father, brother caught the Fire Killin in the forest. He prepared a trap before so that the Fire Killin can be captured", Qin Tan said excitedly while praising his brother. " Good job child, but remember safety is much more important that any other things", Qin Yuan said to Qin Long. "Don't worry father, I'll always remember it and when the time comes that I get stronger and become a star cultivator I can protect the family", Qin Long said with pride.