
Season 2- Chapter 33: battle of Void Rank people (4)

At Dai Yimu (head of Soul Fortress) side-

'I knew that Tian Qiu is a strong person, but never did I think that he is this strong, and this is making me nervous

If Tian Qiu is this strong already, then why is he serving Mao Xia? Or .. is Mao Xia stronger than Tian Qiu?

But then again, for who knows how long Mao Xia has been inside the prison then how can he grow strong?

Aah, the situation is worst than we all thought about it' Dai Yimu said as he looked around him.

The clone of Tian Qiu is hiding in the woods, waiting for a perfect moment to attack.

Dai Yimu takes his sword out of his ring and looked for the clone, the weird silence in the forest is making him worry.


Suddenly Dai Yimu heard some noise from behind him but when he looked back, he saw no one.


Suddenly a black wolf appears from the side and jumps at Dai Yimu, but before he could make any contact with Dai Yimu,

"Sword slash"