
A tale as old as time

"You may have heard all the tales about how the hero rides into battle and slays the dragon and saves the princes. But that is not how reality is. There is no hero just Dragon Hunters that save princesses for money. Most princess fall in love with there saver. Your are not to return any of there advances." Hunter Brain droned on for what seemed like forever

Miley had joined the Dragon Hunters as a cadent because she needed money not to fall in love. The Dragon Hunters were a large organization that found captured princes and princesses. The profession was mostly dominated by men so much so that the Hunters would look over most woman when scouting out cadets to train to be Hunters. Miley was lucky to have been training in the fields when a hunter scout was passing though. "Miley what were we talking about" Brain ask out of no were. "We were discussing how to act when a princess falls in love with you." responded Miley. "We left that subject an hour ago." responded Brain. About half the class was socked a this revelation but the other half was not. " That worked better than I expected" exclaimed Brain. "To clear up any confusion, Miley was right but I simply lied to see who was paying attention or not". The rest of the class was pretty uneventful and the cadets that were not paying attention were sent to detention.