
Important Meeting

After having a great date and night with Okita, Ryo took her back to her room in the middle of the night, he had already enjoyed her company, and she was too tired to continue, but unfortunately for him, when he went back to his room, Lita and Aria, were already asleep, so he was forced to, just go back to sleeping

Early in the morning Ryo went ahead to the meeting Room, he had to give his subordinates last day instructions before he travels to Luna Blue

Going inside the meeting Room, only the most important people in Babylon where here, This included Merlin, Qiness, Scáthach, Da Vinci, Lord El Melloi, and Agmond, His father was also there with his mother since they both are ministers, but they weren't planning on joining in the conversation, due to the fact that they wanted their son to stand out more and be the one to lead

Ryo [Alright, Good morning everyone]

Ryo greeted everyone before looking at Scáthach, so she can make her report

Scáthach [Nothing out of the ordinary, they haven't made a single move, everyone from Wallachia Kingdom is the same as ever, but we have to do something, We need to save those humans, Ryo!]

Ryo [Since we have new people today, I'll start by informing them first, Six months ago we were attacked by Zeke Tepes Dracula, The young brother of Ergo Tepes Dracula, The Hero-God of Wallachia, and he is The current Dracula of Wallachia, of course we killed Zeke, But Ergo has yet to make a move]

Lord El Melloi [Hold on, wasn't he human? all the records in the library say that all the God heroes in Diavola are Humans]

Ryo [That is a Lie, The truth is that he is a Vampire, he and Goddess Hero Kara made an agreement, I don't know the contents of it, But she keeps quit about his true race and he doesn't move out of Wallachia, {The World Order}, despises Vampires, if he were to come out, than the Pantheon will destroy him, and he fears that]

Da Vinci [The Pantheon, The south continent and arguably the strongest]

Ryo [There is no argument, they are the strongest, they have 17 God-Heroes and 11 Demon Gods on their side]

Merlin [If I'm correct, than I believe Ergo is doing something, Wallachia and The Diamond Kingdom are both equal in power, so the agreement they made makes sense, but due to the rise of Babylon, it is odd how they have not made any contact with us, We are obviously the scale changer, our strength has been proven by defeating Zeke, so why has he yet to make a move? is it truly hatred of Demons? The Hero Goddess knows our worth, that's why she wanted to add us to her ranks, but why didn't he make a move?]

Ryo [He didn't even try to avenge his brother either so I expected him to ask me to join him at some point, but that didn't happen]

Lord El Melloi [Because he doesn't need too!]

Ryo [Huh? are you saying that he can beat both us and Diamond Kingdom alone?]

Lord El Melloi [Precisely, we are looking at this all wrong, why did he make an agreement with the Diamond company? Vampires are the strongest at night, and he is a God-Hero Too, they were equal, He wouldn't be content with only part of the continent, why hasn't he taken Arkhan, Eden or even Divola?]

Da Vinci [Because he needed Time!]

Lord El Melloi [Precisely, He needs time, He didn't make the agreement to save people, if Lady Scáthach's report is correct he has large camps of human "cattle" he is vile and evil, he would rather die than be equal with humans or even worse, Demons]

Ryo [I see, He is preparing something, Something Big]

Scáthach [But there was nothing out of the ordinary, no extra training for his soldiers, no change in routines, there was nothing that would make me believe that]

Da Vinci [I think I have an Idea what it could be!]

Merlin [As expected of a Genius such as you!]

Ryo [What is it Da Vinci ?]

Da Vinci [Just like I said earlier, I made so much research when I came here, I didn't know that Wallachia was a land of Vampires, but I knew vampires exist, if you look at the history of them, here is what is says]

Da Vinci brought out a tablet that has all her info as she handed it to Ryo

Ryo [*reading* "Saladin the Son of Thanatos and Akilla the daughter of Ouroboros, are the reason for the birth of vampires, unity between a True Undead and A True Dragon"]

Da Vinci [Go on, the book explains more!]

Ryo ["Saladin fell in Love with Akilla and he forced himself on her, when she got pregnant, she birthed the Dracula Dragon, Vlad]

Ryo ["Vlad was raised with dragons and he was considered one as he had the power of one too, but his Grandfather hated his existence, so he banished him, the Vampire Race has lived in fear and hatred ever since then, and so with the years they lost their direction and became Only Vampires, some say that their Dragon side is lost to history, but only few know that they are capable of reaching that power by purifying their bloodline"]

Ryo [Still that doesn't give me much]

Da Vinci [The Vampires want to go back to their glory days, to use the powers of a Dragon and a Vampire]

Ryo [But this is only Myth Da Vinci, Mythology in this world]

Da Vinci [Ryo, you just came back from a world where Mythology and things people thought weren't real, turned out to be true]

Ryo [I see... Thank you Da Vinci, I'll have to relay this to Kara, if she truly is the hero she claims to be, she won't hesitate to ally with us, Don't worry Scáthach, I will save those humans and I will avenge them, however we can't rush irrationally]

Scáthach [I understand, it's just that I saw some terrible things, and I took all my will to hold out, and not save them]

Ryo [Sorry you have to trough all that for us]

Scáthach [Anything for you Ryo]

Da Vinci [*AHM*]

(A/N Some World Building, and some exposition! have fun !)


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