
Is My Mind Playing Tricks?

The ground was cold and rough as it was painted with splotches of blood here and there. The dismal atmosphere which was generated from the rainy day coupled with the thunderous clouds and the fog enhanced the effect.

"Haaah... Never would I've thought tha-" A voice weakly said before getting cut off by a sudden kick to the stomach.

"Shut the fuck up already," another voice complained as it then spat onto the ground.

"Even in my death, I won't stop talking you know? the other voice chuckled and then started coughing. "Never would've thought that you of all people would cause the end of me..."

"Don't you dare mention our little princess bastard!" The voice resounded before sounds of grunts and moans came from the other man. The man who was lying on the floor spluttering blood all over the wet ground was Feng Yun, the man who had the highest chance of reaching the SSS+ rank which held the world's most famous and talented people. Yan Xue, the creme of the crop of actresses. Jun Xiao, the CEO of the most successful perfume company. Xie Yun, the undisputed leader and emperor of the Business world.

There were more but they were only in small quantities; there were only 6 people that had entered the SSS+ Rank and not many others but Feng Yun was the man who grazed the threshold to that difficult obstacle. But now? He was caught in a trap that will cost him his life, his only love of his life was forced to betray him because of her family and he was drugged leaving him no strength to defend himself against the vicious kicks and punches.

"DON'T! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!" A young voice resounded from the distance and the sounds of heels clanking against the ground could be heard. "FENG YUN DON'T LEAVE ME YET!!!!" She cried out before getting restrained by a group of trained and vicious bodyguards.

"Forgive me, young miss..." The leader of the group spoke before force-feeding her a sleeping pill. Feng Yun could only look helplessly as the once lively and bubbly girl he knew was now pitiful. She still had tears coming out and mutters of 'Feng Yun, swear on me that you'll never leave me'. He mustered the last of his strength to crawl towards her but collapsed and only longingly stared at her figure vanishing with the horizon; he stretched out his arm towards it.

"Nighty-night!" The same voice that tormented him said before he then felt a kick smashing into his face as he then fell to the floor dead...

"Feng Yun! Feng Yun!" A voice resounded as Feng Yun lifted his drowsy head before being stunned. WHAT THE FUCK!? I WENT BACK IN TIME!?!?! He rubbed his eyes before taking a look at the classroom and then himself, however, he'd seemed that he has forgotten about the classroom while his fellow classmates stared at him as if he was a new species.

"Oh uh... sorry Teacher, I was dreaming for a bit." He awkwardly scratched his head and bowed to the teacher before taking his seat. The teacher was stunned for a bit at this sudden attitude switch in this problem student of his but then nodded and continued with his lesson.

Feng Yun looked out the window thoughtfully while muttering.

"Is my mind playing a trick and I'm in a coma or is this really fucking true?" A few minutes later it was now lunchtime and Feng Yun quickly exited the bathroom and took a good 5 minutes looking at himself.

He had the look of a hedonistic young master; his hair was messy yet had a unique flair to it. His eyes were pale gray enough to suck a passersby' soul while his shirt was ruffled revealing the perfectly chiseled and toned body underneath.

Well... this is going to be a fun life. He said inwardly while sighing.

--After school--

Feng Yun quickly shoved his stuff into his bag and quickly exited the school but as he tried to go through the main gate he was stopped by a few people who were bigger and taller than him.

"Feng Yun comply and come with us or we can do it the hard way and force you to come." The leader of the group said with a snarl.

"Is that so? Then go on I'll come with you," Feng Yun said with a grin and casually walked to the leader. The leader was stunned with Feng Yun complying as they were ready for a fight as the man in front of him's reputation for being an arrogant and vicious man was over countless fights. He was nicknamed The Grim Reaper.

This is a great start... First chapter and it's already a cliffhanger lol :P. 3/Week upload. Tuesday Thursday Saturday probably 4 But I'm lazy lol.

I can't be bothered to edit my work some times and I want editors oof send help 2 me plz I ned dat help4 Female Martial Emperor and The King Of Entertainment.

Zephnircreators' thoughts