
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

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66 Chs


As they left the Farstrider encampment, Charlemagne and Aurelia walked in silence. Their decade-long companionship had suddenly led to this parting, and they were unsure how to bid each other farewell.

"Aurelia, I..." Charlemagne began, but was interrupted by her.


After a prolonged silence, they both spoke at once, causing them to pause and then burst into laughter.

Their laughter, crisp and bright, lightened the heavy atmosphere, and they returned to their usual interaction.

"Aurelia, while you escort Prince Kael'thas, be cautious. I've heard that even in the human capital, there are often criminals prowling about, and you..."

"Hmph! Who do you think I am? Mere bandits couldn't harm me, and the prince is already a 7th Circle mage. If he wanted to, he could easily deal with those riff-raff himself."

Sunlight filtered through the sparse forest, casting a radiant glow on Aurelia's confident face.

Charlemagne flashed a gentle and apologetic smile as he caressed his girlfriend's cheek.

"I'm sorry; I misspoke."

"It's okay; I know you're just worried about me."

Aurelia closed her eyes and nuzzled Charlemagne's hand, which bore calluses from years of archery practice. They cherished this brief moment of tenderness.

A soft breeze rustled through the forest, causing a gentle, wave-like rustling sound in the leaves, rousing Charlemagne and Aurelia from their idyllic reverie.

"By the way, Aurelia, if you have the chance, please mention the matter of forming a melee unit to Prince Kael'thas."

After coming back to reality, Charlemagne remembered his concern from the previous day and shared it with Aurelia.

Aurelia arched her golden eyebrows slightly. "I can't guarantee that. I'm just an ordinary Farstrider accompanying the mission, and I might not even get a chance to speak with the prince."

Charlemagne kissed her forehead and gently reassured her, "It's alright; if you have an opportunity, just bring it up. I don't have high expectations for the prince's acceptance, but it's worth a try."

"Hmm... I wonder when we'll see each other again after this separation, Charlemagne. You won't go off with another elven lady behind my back, will you?"

Seeing Aurelia's playful concern, Charlemagne kissed her lips and replied, "How could I? After ten years together, you should know what kind of person I am."

"Heh, I've read in novels about elven men being fickle. Who knows if you'll be different in private than in front of me."

Charlemagne understood that Aurelia was simply being playful before their parting, so he used his best soothing techniques.

Once the tender moment ended, Aurelia returned to her independent and spirited Ranger demeanor.

"I wonder what human lands are like. I've never been out of Quel'Thalas since I was born. I hope they have decent warriors. I'm looking forward to seeing the development of the human realm after so many years since the Troll Wars."

Charlemagne gazed at the confident expression on Aurelia's face. Since the days of King Anasterian's close cooperation with the human kingdoms, the high elves had been distant from humanity. Every time human kingdoms extended invitations, King Anasterian had sent Prince Kael'thas in his place, leaving the elven leadership largely ignorant of the current human affairs.

"This is actually a good opportunity. You can experience human life and learn how it differs from ours. It should be enlightening."

Charlemagne suggested, gently stroking Aurelia's golden hair.

"I understand, but..."

Just as Aurelia was about to continue speaking, a voice suddenly emanated from their surroundings.

"Big brother, what were you and sister Aurelia talking about? It seemed quite serious."

The sudden interruption didn't startle Charlemagne and Aurelia, as they were accustomed to it. They both sighed in unison.

"...Lorthemar, when will you stop with these unexpected appearances? Could you please announce yourself next time before interrupting us?"

Aurelia gave Lorthemar an unfriendly look, as she didn't appreciate being interrupted while spending time with her beloved.

"Lor'themar, you truly live up to your reputation. You should consider changing your profession to a rogue; it might suit you better."

Charlemagne also couldn't resist teasing his younger brother. Although he had developed a habit of keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings as a Farstrider, he still couldn't track Lorthemar's movements.

"Big brother... So, about this nickname, what is it? Why do you like calling me that? Moreover, aren't I Lor'themar, and you're the big brother?"

Lorthemar's inquiry made Charlemagne feel somewhat malicious.

"Don't call me Big Brother! Get rid of 'Lor'themar' and 'Big Brother' completely. Now, tell me, Lorthemar, what..."

Annoyed by Lorthemar's use of the nickname, Charlemagne quickly shifted the conversation. He and Aurelia had arrived near the Farstrider Village, with the towering Farstrider Spire in the distance.

"Participate in the battle?!"

In the Windrunner family home, Wrenessa, Lireza, and Lorthemar all exclaimed simultaneously.

"Big brother, you're not joking with me, are you? Why is this so sudden?"

Charlemagne sternly shook his head and responded, "Do you think I would joke about something so important?"

Wrenessa fretfully chewed her thumb's nail. "Second sister is going to the battle, and Mother is accompanying the envoy to the Stormwind Kingdom. That means only you and my little brother are left at home?"

Aurelia tenderly stroked her sister's silver-gray hair. "That's right. Since Mother is the Ranger-General and participating in the battle, I entrust our little brother's care to you."

She then turned to Lorthemar and issued a solemn directive. "Lorthemar, you have to take care of him during this time. Wrenessa is anxious, and Lireza is quite mischievous. I hope your calm and stable personality can look after them."

Lorthemar nodded with a somber expression. "I understand, sister Aurelia."

"Big brother, can't I join the battle with you?"


Charlemagne responded sternly to Lorthemar's question. "If both of us were to die in the battle, what would become of our family? Do you want to end the Sunstrider family line?"

Wrenessa glared at Lorthemar when she overheard his playful nickname. She didn't want to be interrupted while she was affectionate with her lover.

"Okay, all joking aside! Stop calling me 'Big Strong' or any variation of it. Now, both of you, listen."

Charlemagne, still perturbed by Lorthemar's interruption, quickly changed the subject. He and Aurelia were now close to the Farstrider Village, and the Farstrider Spire in the distance was visible.

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