
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

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In truth, Zul'jin's decision to join the battle was originally part of Liressa's plan, which is why this heroic Farstrider had remained inactive.

However, unexpectedly, Zul'jin seemed determined to instill more trust and experience into his subordinates. He had kept his temper in check, refraining from participating until now.

The trolls' impending total assault fell in line with the intentions of the Farstrider general, as the novice rangers had gradually grown accustomed to the battlefields' iron and blood.

Before launching the counteroffensive, it was preferable to use the positional advantage to once again weaken the trolls. It was at this moment that Liressa issued secret orders to the Farstrider camp's second daughter.

Shira clenched her fist as she looked at the message delivered by the messenger.

"Is it finally time... sister, let me surpass you completely!"

This confident elf swiftly convened a meeting with four high-ranking individuals, including Charles, Arwen, Lyadrielle, and Sean.

"What!? Flanking maneuver?"

Sean was the first to rise in surprise upon hearing Shira's command.

"Are you kidding? Although we have nearly 500 rangers here, it won't be easy to completely defeat those tough-skinned trolls. How do we flank them?"

Shira remained unfazed, saying, "Stay calm; we will need to split our forces again. Skalan, you will remain with Charles, and a few priests to guard the Farstrider camp."

"The rest of us will sally forth. We will follow mountain paths, bypass them, and launch a sudden attack on the rear of the troll main force near the Sunwell Temple."

As the others exchanged bewildered looks, Charles expressed skepticism.

"Absolutely not. This plan is too reckless. If the trolls discover your movements and disregard the camp's defenses to counterattack directly, you will be the ones ambushed."

Shira frowned, although she acknowledged the plan carried risks. However, the potential rewards were immense. Once they annihilated the 500-strong main force, there should be few Amani trolls left, and the high elves could potentially launch another attack on Zul'Aman. This would be a fitting opportunity for Shira, who was eager to prove herself.

Skalan, at this point, scratched his head and spoke, "Captain Shira, it's not that I'm unwilling to follow orders, but frankly, this plan is too risky. Why don't we concentrate our forces to defeat the trolls in front of the Farstrider camp first?"

Shira pounded the table, saying, "This is a direct order from the Farstrider general! Are you defying orders?"

Charles questioned the riskier plan, "Is this daring strategy also the Farstrider general's command?"

With that question, Shira found herself stumped. This plan wasn't part of Liressa's original orders.

Liressa's intent, as Skalan had suggested, was to use a frontal assault to crush the trolls outside the Farstrider camp and then make a rapid march to attack the flanks of the retreating troll main force.

Though it might not achieve Shira's dream of retaking Zul'Aman, it was a more conservative approach to solve the current troll invasion.

Lyadrielle, a fellow woman, gazed at Shira, hoping to understand this ranger captain better after several days of interaction. Shira had a strong will, but she didn't seem to be as radical as she appeared. Could something have happened that Lyadrielle was unaware of?

In the end, Shira used her authority as the highest-ranking officer in the area to make the decision.

"My decision is final! We will proceed with this plan. I will lead the night expedition. Those who are unwilling to join can remain behind to defend!"

As Shira left in a huff, Charles and Arwen exchanged a glance and shook their heads in resignation.

"Should we say, 'Like mother, like daughter'? This situation was anticipated by the mentor..."

Arwen approached and patted Charles on the shoulder, reassuring him, "Don't worry. I'm following Miss Shira. You and Skalan focus on defense."

He then turned to Sean and Lyadrielle and asked, "What about you? Are you coming with us?"

Sean, raising an eyebrow theatrically, said, "Of course! If the highest-ranking officer of the Farstriders has given an order, I'm obliged to follow it. Plus, Captain Shira probably needs our mage support."

Lyadrielle nodded firmly, "I'm going too. I'm worried about Shira's safety. Her current state of mind seems unusual."

Since they had all decided to join the assault, these three also had to prepare their units and depart overnight.

Before leaving, Arwen called over the two who would remain behind.

"Skalan, after we leave, you and Charles will be in charge of the camp's defense. Try to delay the trolls as much as possible and don't let them breach the camp."

"Arwen, you don't need to worry too much about us. It's Captain Shira who... well, anyway, please assist her more."

Skalan was left feeling quite helpless by Shira's unwavering determination. Still, orders were orders, and all he could do now was hope that the plan would proceed smoothly.

That night, Skalan and Charles watched Shira lead the way on chocobos as she left the camp. After most of the troops were gone, only around a hundred rangers and a few priests remained at the Farstrider camp.

However, with the advantage of the fortified position, defending against this troll flanking force should not be too difficult. The key lay in what Shira's daring raiding party would accomplish.

As expected, the trolls launched their total assault the next day. While the situation on Liressa's front remained uncertain, at the Farstrider camp, even Harlaz, who had been directing operations from the rear, drew his distinctive green-bladed curved sword and charged to the front.

According to the intelligence provided by Liressa, both Harlaz and Nalorakk were high-ranking mid-level warriors.

If Harlaz attempted to charge into melee under the rain of arrows, Charles alone wouldn't be able to handle him. He would have to rely on the veteran Skalan to deal with Harlaz, while Charles could provide support and clear the troll group leaders.

With a war cry, Harlaz charged while brandishing his curved sword. As his subordinates, the language of the enemy was a crucial skill to learn. Charles and Skalan could clearly understand what he meant.

"Ha, you want to breach our camp? Come on!"

Skalan, experienced and not too old for a fight, saw the charging trolls and was filled with the same fire that had burned during the Troll Wars. He nocked an arrow onto his longbow and waited for Harlaz to enter his firing range.

Charles, equally prepared, aimed his bow at one of the trolls charging at the front. He was inwardly praying that the trolls would not pay too much attention to them.