

MATURE CONTENT Six months after my parents died in a ferry crash, i was found by the village inspectors and taken to my mother sister "Aunty clementine Harris". She and her family were not nice to me, up till now they call me a cursed child, a child who killed her parents like it was my fault death rejected me. Bearing all hardship with the Harris who are suppose to be like a second family to me, i strive on working as a seamstress and keeping my love affair with master Harrison Lytton a secret, it did'nt last for long. The spring festival gave me the shock of my life, master harrison will never be mine, not in life, not even in death. Worst, i saw a blue eye vampire and he killed master harrison right in front on me. This is my story. THE KING LOST LOVE

Big_Ruthie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


From chapter one to chapter four is like an introductory to my novel, to make it more understandable. I will be starting up chapter five like a freshened start so please don't lose interest and i promise you will love what is coming.
