




I was most familiar with coldness.

Day by day, I saw the cold sky aloofly hovered over everything. Every night, I felt the coldness of the walls of the castle, the place where I imprisoned my own body. Most of all, ever since I could remember, I was aware that inside of me, my cold heart that was indifferent to all living things was beating.

I, who was called the master of the werewolves, the monster of the lower realm, have known and was already conscious of the coldness, every second of my life.

Except for that night, when for the first time, I didn't notice coldness... or the lack of it.

/"Warm,/" I muttered with a soft voice that even I myself failed to recognize.

/"How can your body be so warm... and so soft?/" I added as I ran a fingertip on the skin of the small woman who was deeply sleeping beside me.

Her exquisite long hair was like a silk curtain that covered the pillow on her head. Her beautiful face, that looked so peaceful as she slept, did not have any trace of the passion that her ocean blue eyes reflected when we were connected.

She merely laid down beside me, breathing deeply as she rested her exhausted body. Without any care, fear or apprehension. The hand of the clock continuously ticked and I merely laid unmoving as I looked at her.

Thus, I did not know how long it was when rain started to pour outside of the castle, giving a soft noise that covered the sound of her breathing. I could not help but to furrow my brows.

'In the past, the sound of the soft drizzle of the rain never failed to help my body relax. However, I am irritated by it right now.' The thought flowed out of my mind, surprising me.


/"Hmmm. You are but a small human. Yet, it seemed that you have completely enamored me,/" I whispered before leaning over, intending to place a lingering kiss on her clear forehead. After doing so, I closed my eyes and laid on my back. The middle of my belly felt warm as the rampaging power that for years threatened to explode inside of me had completely settled down. Aside from the completely exhausted body, I seemed to have been temporarily healed.

'It seems like… you have indeed done wonders in my body,' I thought to myself before a small smirk appeared on my face.

'Laksom,' I sent my trusted aide a mindlink in order not to disturb Emma who was sleeping beside me.

'I deserve punishment, my lord,' Laksom quickly answered me through the mindlink that I established.

'Punishment?' I replied to him before my eyes turned back to the beautiful woman. 'Indeed, you have been preposterous,' I added.

'I was, my lord,' Laksom stuttered. 'The healer said... that it was the only way we could assist you and lessen your pain,' he added.

'No matter what, you did not have the right to send a woman in my quarters,/" I coldly stated. Laksom did not reply. However, outside of the doors of my quarters, I heard him kneel down and bowed his head, waiting for his punishment.

'However, you are in luck,' after a few seconds of silence, I told him. 'If you have sent me another woman, blood could have spilled inside of my castle tonight,' I added. And suddenly, the air of the castle turned eerie.

'Do- do you need my assistance, my lord?' After a couple of seconds, Laksom dared to ask. He didn't need to say anything further. After all, I exactly knew what he was referring to.

For the first time, and in order to help me cure my affliction, a woman had slept in the king's quarters. As the members of the conclave suggested, to avoid any future complication, the healer should clear the memory of the woman and erase any trace that I have left on her body. Logically, I would agree with them. However, when I looked at her, all of the logical thoughts came out of the window.

'In fact, all my actions ever since I met her are unreasonable,' I thought as my fingertips softly touched the soft part of her neck. The instant I felt her velvety skin, my eyes started to darken. I closed my eyes to calm myself down.

'Immediately bring the head healer,' I ordered Laksom through our mindlink.

'Yes, my lo-' Laksom was about to reply when I added, 'Tell her to carefully treat Emma's body and erase all the ache and pain away.'

'My lord... the head healer is tasked to care of your health only. She might protest healing the miss,' Laksom carefully reminded me.

'If the head healer can't follow my simple order... get rid of her,' I answered.

'...yes, my lord,' Laksom said in a solemn voice.

'Make sure that her body is cured,' I told Laksom. 'As for her memory…

...don't touch it.'

'Ah?' Laksom could not help but to exclaim.

'You heard me well, Laksom,' I simply stated. 'My body needs to recuperate,' I said as I felt my vision was slowly being consumed by darkness.

/"Treat the lady very well. If something bad happens to her while I heal…

...then no one would be able to bear the consequences,/" I softly muttered.

/"Ah, that's right,/" after a few seconds, I suddenly said.

/"If a male dared to see and touch her body…

… get rid of them, also,/" I stated my order before I felt my body fall into unconsciousness.