

The Devil Walking On Earth is what he is called by the supernaturals. Ruthlessness runs through his very soul. Heartless he is. He is unforgiving. His fearlessness is something known to every spices that exist. He is capable of wiping out an entire race and no one would utter a word to stop him. He's known for keeping only male guards but this time around he wants females as guard. This decision shocked the entire supernatural race. But most females dared not go to the contest. It was only ten if them. Among the ten females, one particular one caught his eye even though all the females have their potentials. She was fierce, strong, calm and Lethal and he loves the fire in her eyes. It reminds him of himself. ______Disclaimer_______ He watched as she stood in front of him, giving the five men a hard glare which left them shifting from one foot to the other. She never ceases to amaze him. How can a beautiful girl be so cold? He asked himself secretly. "My King wants to have a chat with your master, in peace," she said with the same cold emotionless tone with dark aura surrounding her. An aura that he has never felt around her in before. "Our King has no business with your asshole of a king," one of the men spat angrily. The next second she was standing close to him with her dagger on his spine. "Don't disrespect my king. I won't mind castrating you before ripping out your particulars. One more word of disrespect thrown at my king and I will make sure I add you to an art collection," she warned, her voice coming out darker than he expected which made a shiver run down his spine as the guard nodded with a fearful expression. "Now, lead the way. Try anything smart and I won't hesitate to slice you up," she muttered motioning for the king to come with them.He followed with the same cold expression. He has never met a woman as strong as her in his entire life and this female has his heart without knowing. She's The King's Guard.

CHISOM77 · Fantasi Timur
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34 Chs

Alpha Aziz Of The Dawn Moon Pack

She has distanced herself from him as much as she can unless they needed to go somewhere which she was involved, either than that, she was completely out of his sight on normal days.

She has been here for the past four days and was very diligent in her work as his guard but he was running crazy already, the frustration of not seeing her has his beast on edge. He had decided to come release some stress by training his warriors today and was met with a furious guard punching the bag with anger visible in her every move.

"Don't go near her" her brother told the king softly while Kelsey looked at the young man as if he was crazy. This guy is a lot more stupid than he actually thought.

"She's hurting herself and you're saying he shouldn't stop her?" Kelsey asked with apprehension as the masked male looked at his sister nonchalantly but Kelsey wasn't some to fool, he could see the worry in the young man's eyes but there was also a slight curiosity.

"She's dangerous as it is. If he goes near her she would hurt him, trust me when I say hurt is understatement of what she would do" the young man said with a sigh of helplessness. Kelsey looked at the man as if he was mad. That girl can't win in a fight with his king.

"Hahahaha, very funny" Kelsey said mockingly causing the young man to shake his head like a disappointed mother. It is official, this kid was mad. They both watch as the king advance towards the girl with squinted eyes. The girl watched his every move like a predator, the king was taking cautious steps towards her.

"Do not come near me" her voice rang out coldly, eyes blazing with fury and they wondered what got her into such bad mood.

"You're hurting," the king retorted giving her clentched fists a brief glance, not minding the icy tone she uses in speaking with him. The pack's brows raised at the tone the king used, he sounded soft.

"It doesn't hurt" she said with a shrugged. The king pursed his lips, looking at her.

"Let's get it cleaned up for you" he said taking a step forward.

"Can you just leave me alone? I am not your mate" she bellowed causing everyone's eyes to bulged out of their socket. The king lips pursed tightly, hearing her words, his beast whined in pain but he did everything to keep his expression impassive.

"I know. I'm just worried about you" he murmured with a shrugged of his wide shoulders as if her words did nothing to him yet Kelsey and Kelshun's brother knew that those words hurt the king greatly.

"Sis calm down. We could talk about whatever it is. Just don't hurt yourself like this" her brother said softly but still kept his distance from her.

"Let's get your knuckles cleaned up" the king said walking towards her but she shook her head and sprinted away from them causing the king to sigh helplessly.

"Ooohhh no. This can't be happening" her brother said with a worried expression.

"What's she doing?" The king asked with furrowed brows as he kept his gaze on the girl running.

"She's going to be running until her feet are all bloody and she out cold and when I say out cold, I mean she's would be gone for a week" her brother said getting out his cell phone, he quickly dialed a number as he begin taping his feet impatiently.

"You need to come to the king's pack now. I mean now, on all fours. Make it snappy" the king heard Kelshun's brother say before hanging up.

"What is next?" Kelsey asked looking at the girl who was running around the field in an inhuman speed. The pack was gapping at the girl in shock. She has already done about ten laps in five minutes.

"We wait for the person I called to come. Only that person could stop her. If any one gets close to her she might kill that person.

"Is she that dangerous?" Kelsey asked in surprise.

"More than dangerous" the king replied, with the way she delivered those punches he knew Kelshun wasn't a creature to be trifled with.

"She has been like this ever since she turned ten. It wasn't worst until a year ago" Kelshun's brother said with sadness in his eyes. He doesn't understand why Kelshun refused to let go, he hasn't lost a mate so he couldn't guess what she's going through everytime she remembers hers. It isn't fair that she was bestowed a mate just to have him taken away from her earlier than she expected.

Hamza understood Kelshun's brother's words but Kelsey didn't. Just as he thought of asking the masked male what his words meant, a very black huge wolf came sprinting into the training field.

Everyone looked at the wolf curiously, from the aura it was emitting they knew it was an Alpha. The wolf slowed down and shifted into it's human form, a man now stood in place of the wolf.

His hair as dark as his wolf's fur which shown under the soft morning sun, his eyes were a sea blue colour with green ring around them. Straight nose, strong and sharp jaw, thick brows and high cheekbones makes him look more handsome and younger than his actual age.

He stood in a sweatpants with a black shirt on. His muscles bulging under the shirt, stretching it as if to rip the shirt into shreds, he was about 5/9 tall. He wasn't really thick but he was tall. His eyes turned to the girl running around the field in worry. As she was getting closer, he moved to step in her way. Everyone watched what he was doing with interest.

"Galia..." the man called causing the girl to stop immediately. Her eyes snapped towards the man, she was panting while looking at the man who moved and wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his embrace which she returned.

"It okay girl. We can talk about it later, there's no need to pass out again, he murmured kissing the crown of her head. Her arms around the man tightened in return.

"Popsy," she murmured softly, a hint of happiness in her tone.

"Your one and only true love"the man joked causing the girl in his arms to let out a giggle, Hamza's breath hitched when he heard her giggle. For once, she sounded carefree.

"Come let's clean those knuckles for you" the man said pulling out of the hug and taking hold of her wrist. Hamza felt slightly jealous of the man who was now walking towards them with the girl at his side. Although he felt jealous, he still kept his gaze on the pair. Kelsey's brows raised when he felt the king's emotion slipped into the bond their share as first and second in command. This king was getting interesting everyday ever since the girl came to the royal pack.

As the duo got closer, the unknown Apha kept his intense gaze on the king of all werewolves kings which the king noticed and return nonchalantly. The Alpha smirked and put his arm around Kelshun's waist possessively, immediately, the king's jaw clentched tightly as his eye colour shifted between his beast and his human side.

The Alpha continued caress the girl's belly which she didn't seem to mind. It was becoming hard to control his beast and his own jealousy and anger. The king kept gritting his teeth so hard that the Alpha was afraid of his gums bleeding. As if to piss the king off more, the Alpha kissed the girls neck burring his face between her neck and shoulder as he inhaled her scent loudly.

A growl ripped through the air causing everyone's eyes to snapped towards the King just as the duo came to a stop infront of the king. The king's claws were out, his fangs elongated which he pressed into his lower lips, tasting blood in the process. His eyes darker than before. The unknown Alpha chuckled lightly as he kept his gaze on the king.

Was his little girl that blind? This king was literally in love with her, from the moment he set his eyes on the king he knew what those look on his eyes meant, it was the same look his son always had whenever he set his eyes on Kelshun.

"Good morning," the unknown Alpha greeted bowing his head to the king in submission and respect.. Kelshun's brows raised at the Alpha's attitude.

"Good morning" the king replied after gaining his senses back, he was shocked at what just happened. He didn't know there were still some Alpha's out there who respects him as the overall king of the werewolves.

"I'm Alpha Aziz from the Dawn Moon Pack" the Alpha introduced himself, shocking everyone including Kelsey and the King himself. The Dawn Moon Pack is one of the most powerful packs in the supernatural realm. Scratch that, it was the second most powerful pack while Kelshun's father's pack was the first most powerful pack.

The king stretched his hand for a handshake which the Alpha accepted wholeheartedly. In order to win this war against his enemies, he would need all the help he could get. From now on he has to get an alliance with the powerful packs in his realm.

"When was the last time you respected someone outside your family and friends?" Kelshun questioned with raised brows causing Aziz to let out a laugh.

"I don't remember, princess but I know I have always respected the overall Boss King of our Kind" he replied cheekily but there was sincerity and truthfulness in his words which again shocked them expect Kelshun and her brother. Both siblings knows that Alpha Aziz isn't a man to be bought over easily. You can not buy his respect not can you buy his honour and dignity. He's an experienced man who has seen many things in life. So him respecting the king of all the weres is really not shocking to them.

"Okay, I bet your mate would be proud of you" Kelshun said with a chuckle which made the man grinned knowingly.

"She is princess" he confirmed cheekily. "Let's get those bloody knuckles cleaned up baby" he added pulling her with him. The king, Kelshun and Aziz walked in the direction of the pack house while Kelsey and the masked male stayed back to train with the rest of the warriors. Kelsey and the young man watched the three people until they were out of eye sight. Both men turn to the warriors with a cold gaze, getting into training mood.

"Alright, fall in line" the beta's voice boomed with authority causing everyone to do as he said without a second thought. They know when they're to be serious and when to be jovial.

""Meanwhile"" The King and the Alpha and Kelshun entered the living room of the pack house. The king brought the first aid kit out and brought three bottles of water from the kitchen. He unsealed Kelshun's own before giving it to her while he handed the Alpha's own to him with the seal intact. Aziz almost chuckled in amusement.

Aziz drank half a bottle of water and set the rest on the table before grabbing the first aid kit and attending to Kelshun's blood knuckles as the king watch them silently, a little bit of jealousy creeping into his chest. He has lived for enough centuries to distinguish his own feelings. He knew he was in love with the girl at first sight and right now he knows he was jealous of her being that close with another male and an alpha at that.

But remembering that Aziz has a mate calmed him down a bit, just a bit not much. Thunder has been quite after the girl declared she wasn't his mate, he was too quite for his liking. He sighed inwardly as he tried to call him forward but Thunder has already put up a thick wall which shocked him. "Hey old man, are you there?" He tried again but his words echoed throughout his head, bouncing back to him.