
The King's Den

Love can be expressed in any kind of relationship. Love can change any form of relationship. It can change two complete strangers to a father and mother, an aloof colleague to a dear friend and an enemy mafia gang to a beloved family?? Love can break all limitations but can it break the sheer will of two bitter enemy sides? Will they be able to mold back the broken relationships or will everything go in vain?

SiriusCapella · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Angel Eyes

Among all the chaos, Nate had been trying to communicate with us and was yelling a bit now. We gave him a brief about the involvement of Victor's men and their connection with the partner Jonathan plus Dominic's situation.

"What the fuck were you thinking!? I don't care what it is, you were not supposed to jump in recklessly while trying rescue the damn billionaire!" he scolded me.

"Hey, if we don't rescue him, we lose. His partner will go straight to Lansky and make the deal. Don't want that, do we?"

"We needed a solid plan before jumping in. This almost ended badly." Derek said eyeing me coldly to which I felt guilty. His back was hurt because of me.

"I-I am sorry…" I said sighing. "By the way, we cannot leave Dominic here…"

"Yes I know, you will support him and we can take him to the visitor's room. I will cover for us. The office room is further away and will take too much time to reach."


Derek went forward while I held Dominic's arm around my shoulder to support him. With Derek's signal of an all clear, Dominic and I scuffled towards the room.

Once I laid him down on the couch, Derek left to search the office while I stayed to check Dominic for the USB. I glanced at the clock and the time was close to 2:00 AM.


Dominic looked closely at Diana memorizing her features as far as he could see. Her gloved hands searched his body. Her touches didn't disgust him like those other women.

The abuse had brought hatred and made him feel dirty if any woman touched him but this woman felt different. It had him wondering about the reason, was it her lack of bad intentions or did he find this mysterious woman not to mention saviour, intriguing?

She had black hair and not blonde, his eyes followed her eyes which were trying to find something. The toxin broke through causing him to wince back but the look of concern flashing through her eyes lessened his pain.

"Angel eyes" he said without thought. Diana paused for a moment looking at him weirdly and then continued.

"What are you looking for?" he asked genuinely. She looked at him amused.

"Like you would give it to me…"

"Anything for my saviour."

Another weird look shot at him, she shook her head not wanting to talk too much. After a while, she sighed and looked back at him.


He thought for a moment and then it struck him. His head throbbed but a slight smile rose to his lips that she had asked for his help. She frowned when he took her wrist and led her hand closer to him.

Before she could pull away, he put her hand on his chest and tapped it. He had an inner pocket like box which molded with his body making it invisible. Her eyes lit up a bit and eagerly opened his buttons.

Halfway through Diana realised what she was doing and stopped to look back into Dominic's eyes. He was amused at her realization, his lips arced once again. She murmured apologies and removed the box. The contents which were the security system's control and USB slid out and plopped on the couch.

Derek returned and Diana showed him the USB along with the security system control. Derek was confused at Dominic's attitude to hand over the USB that he sent a silent glare at him in suspicion.

But Dominic was too busy staring at Diana which irked Derek further. He had a few USB devices that he had gathered in the office so they decided to leave with whatever they got. Diana tried to activate the security system but it required a fingerprint scan. She pressed Dominic's finger to the device screen and it was ready to activate.


"Wait, let's go closer to the exit and then activate it."

"Okay" I murmured.

After one last look at Dominic who was in pain again, we both entered the narrow corridor. Before we could hide from the footsteps, Jonathan came strutting with what looked like will papers and noticed us. We tried reaching our guns but his was already pointing at us.

"Who the fuck are you two? And where is Dominic!?" he demanded.

What a lousy character.

My left hand was at my back with the security system device. Derek understood my idea instantly and got ready. My finger pressed the activate key and in a second, the alarms blared across the club.

Derek immediately used Jonathan's loss of focus and shot him in the hand. My kick sent him a few inches behind to fall with the papers which flung across the corridor. The sound of men rushing upstairs alerted us and without any other choice, we ran towards the balcony.

The pool was right beneath it. Derek removed one of his gloves and we hurriedly dropped the USB devices into it making a waterproof pouch out of it.

"Hey! Stop!"

We both looked behind to see Dominic's other associate pointing a gun at us. To create a diversion, I flung the security system device towards him which got him confused for a second.

Without further delay, we both jumped into the pool without hesitation. There was so much shouting and screaming that we ignored the surroundings and went straight for the bike.

"Nate, please tell me you have control over the CCTVs on the street."

"Yes, you are clear. Just, get outta there"

The cold night returned as we shivered while I rode the bike through the foggy street, towards home.