
The Keepers I: Terra

Lily of the Pei Family died three times and lived four times. Unable to take being reborn multiple times, she finally decided to stop being lazy and started to move. She broke off her engagement with the useless crown prince, took a strong disciple, and made her disciple the strongest among the strongest in the Secular World. She then entered the Earth Realm, took another disciple, and had her disciples do the job for her. Oh, and she took a handsome man for her yet another disposal! Ah! Nothing makes a sloth happier than having someone else do the work for her!

Bloody_Iron · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

The Earth Realm


"It was a last-minute decision to use the imperial uncle's name," she explained. Her initial plan was to burn down the palace, kidnap the prince, pretend he was dead, plot on the sidelines to make the population despise the emperor, and then urge the prince to lead a rebellion to seize the throne. When the previous emperor was incompetent, the idea of someone becoming emperor by revolt was nothing.

That strategy, however, would take years to put into effect, depending on Prince Zak's skill level. If he could master his magic faster than expected, she wouldn't have to worry about the length of time she would have to wait.

Despite its shortcomings, this world was better than the upper realms. At the very least, the Pei Family would have a long and peaceful existence. So Lily considered establishing the family's presence here. She might enter the realms in the future, but she still needed a safe haven.

Belladonna let out a sigh. "Hugo is a good man," she said suddenly, "but his family isn't."

Lily was intrigued by those words. "What kind of family did Empress Hannah come from?" she inquired. Hugo's maternal family was definitely something, as it took him years to eventually repress them.

Belladonna gave her granddaughter a look before deciding to share some Earth Realm knowledge with her.

"Your grandfather mentioned that you want to enter the Earth Realm."

Lily gave a nod. If she needed a true force, she had to enter the realm.

Belladonna exhaled heavily. "I'm not sure what kind of thoughts you have for wanting to enter that place," she stated "but the Earth Realm is dangerous compared to the secular world, and you won't be able to do the things you normally do there."

The Earth Realm was divided into two domains: lower and upper terrain.

The lower terrain was home to the four most famous sects. There were at least a hundred sects in that place on average, but only four were the strongest and stood out the most. They attracted disciples not just in their own realm, but also throughout the secular world. They also had royal families in the lower terrain, though they lacked genuine power. The imperial families in that area were identical to those in the secular world. The only distinction was the ability to summon magic.

The upper terrain, on the other hand, was dominated by five clans. Hugo's maternal family was one of those clans.

"When I was a kid, you used to tell me bedtime stories about the Earth Realm, but you never got into the details," Lily grumbled.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to live there? I asked you if you wanted to come with me, but you heartlessly refused, saying you prefer the peace and quiet of this empire. What changed?"

Lily pressed her lips together. Those repeated reincarnations changed it, alright. However, there was no need to inform her grandma of this.

"I want to grow, of course," she bluffed, "and it's good to change scenery."

"Come with me, and I'll introduce you as the lady of my sect; at the very least, you won't have to work hard."

Lily was almost enticed. Regardless, she suppressed her longing for a sluggish lifestyle. What if she died and was reincarnated again? That would mean starting over. She didn't want to have to restart her plan and confront the Imperial family over and again.

"No," she answered firmly, but her voice almost wavered at the end, almost giving in to her desire, "I will climb up higher with my ability!"

Belladonna's expression loosened up. Her grandchild had grown up. The little child she and her husband had raised was maturing and becoming more self-sufficient. She almost cried out.

"Grandma, are you crying?" Lily said, nearly startled.

Belladonna snorted while holding back her tears. "Something just got into my eyes," she explained as she brushed away her tears, adding, "Your parents will be proud of you."

Lily nearly lost her smile. That sentence increased her sense of guilt. As a result, she changed the subject of the conversation. They talked for over an hour before Belladonna reluctantly left.

Lily stood rigid in front of the study window for a minute after Belladonna had left. Her thoughts were wandering as she considered her next steps.

She was born with no magical energy within her body. She could, however, utilize magic. The only drawback was that she didn't know how to level up. Her grandmother tried to teach her, but nothing worked. This world's cultivation method had no effect on her.

As a result, she abandoned the idea of becoming a famous magic user like her grandmother in favour of a more leisurely life in the secular world. In any case, all beings die, right? We exist just to die. So, what was the point of pushing yourself to the brink of death just to die at the end?

She had no idea why she got such an idea at the time. Perhaps it was due to her grandmother's bedtime stories?

Anyway, she had no idea how powerful her magic could become. She could trample Elder Leo to death right now if she chose to. However, once she entered the Earth Realm, she was unsure whether she could still raise her head arrogantly.


Lily rubbed her brow. She shrugged, feeling lighthearted.

Take it one step at a time.

She would gain nothing if she continued to dwell on the unknown future. Instead of thinking about it, she should return to her room and rest. Prince Zak would begin his training in the coming days. As a result, she had to preserve her energies. After all, she ought to stay watching to encourage him!


For the next three days, the imperial family seemed to become mute. No one dared to invite the Pei Family to another absurd banquet, but they had heard that the crown prince, Olivia, and the others were being trained by Elder Leo himself.

The emperor, for his part, continued to function as emperor. In every court meeting, though, his face was as black as the yok's bottom. But the ministers couldn't blame him. His palace burned down and the Pei Family snatched his son. It would be strange if he didn't react negatively. Aside from that, there was nothing extraordinary to pique the ministers' and citizens' interest.

Meanwhile, at the Pei Family's Duke Estate, Shadow Guard Loid silently entered, accompanied by a bulky man.

When Lily saw them, she was taken aback. She looked at the other guy as she questioned, "There are no wars. Why are you oozing bloodlust?"

Guohua, the second guy, knelt and declared emotionlessly, "Your servant, Guohua, is here to serve our Young Miss!"

His kneeling produced a heavy sound. Lily quickly rushed to help the man up, concerned. "What are you doing?" she chastised. "Will it kill you if you don't salute?"

Guohua remained unmoved. "It's been a while, Young miss," he acknowledged. Lily could detect the depth of his emotion despite his stoic demeanour and unchanged tone of voice. "The army has been idle, but rest assured, we have never let our guard down."

Lily let out a helpless sigh. She opened her lips to retort when someone interrupted her.

"Guohua! Is it you, Guohua?"

Duke Pei joined them with wide eyes.

Guohua almost knelt down again when he saw him, but Lily held him up.

"Enough of that already," Lily remarked. "Save your knees for battle."

Guohua was still undecided about kneeling when he heard the young miss' words. "Are we going to war? Has the Imperial Family finally decided to revolt?" he asked, his countenance serious.


What revolt?

That was the Imperial Family. If battle broke out between them, it would be the Pei Family who would wear the rebel cap!

"There's no war," Duke Pei responded. "The world is at peace. Let's enjoy it while it lasts, shall we?" He waved his hand and said, "Anyway, come to my study. I want to talk to you about something."

Lily remained in the hall while Duke Pei and Guohua proceeded to the study room. After the other two had left her sight, she turned to face the man behind her.

"You're too quiet," she said, "I haven't heard you talk since you came."

Shadow Guard Loid pursed his lips as he looked at Lily. His eyes flared with a complex feeling before calming down.

"I'll leave right now, Young Miss," he murmured, not waiting a second longer to vanish into the shadows.

When he finally concealed himself, his complex expression returned.

A million armies, which the Pei Family had been proudly raring, exceeded his expectations. Let alone their barracks. He had no idea such a location existed in the secular world. He would never have found it if Lily hadn't told him the route and given him her token of identity. What's more...

The soldiers of the Pei Family oozed battle prowess. Even he, a high-level magic user, shuddered at the sight of them. Thinking about his master who told him to protect Lily and the Pei Family, Shadow Guard Loid smiled wryly.

What protection?

The Pei Family didn't need it at all!


"How's the army?" Duke Pei inquired. He was standing, his gaze empty as he peered out the window of his study. "You haven't had your fair share of battles in a long time, and if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be stuck in this world."

Guohua shook his head. "No one forced us to stay here, so you shouldn't take the blame, Lord."

Duke Pei let out a sigh. "My time in this world is coming to an end," he sat down and stated. "Like my father, I will never ask you to stay for the sake of Lily; you are free to leave at any time."

Guohua fell silent. "My Lord, accept this last salutation of mine; from now on, our army will listen to the young miss' words," he knelt.

They had pledged their allegiance to the family, but it was a family custom that only one could head the army. When the former Grand Commander stepped down, the new one would take over, and all commands would be delegated to the latter.

And, despite having the ability to choose their fate, Guohua and the others had already decided to join the Pei Family for the rest of their lives.

Duke Pei sighed, overcome by emotion. He stood up, patted the lad on the shoulder, and said, "From now on, you're in Lily's hands."