
Chapter 3

When Myranda came back to Homra, Mikoto came out of his room almost in a hurry to where he about runs into Myranda.

Myranda: Hey, can you watch where you go a little, please and thank you.

Myranda pushes her way by Mikoto when he finally speaks making her stop in her tracks.

Mikoto: Yeah I can, I just choose not to.

He says leaning against the wall.

Mikoto: You ok, you seem more tense than usual, everything ok.

Myranda: Yeah, everything's fine, no need to worry about me, I can take care of myself.

Mikoto looked away about to say something, but when he looked back she was gone.

Izumo: You really like her don't you, boss.

Mikoto: Is it that damn noticeable, I thought I was good at hiding my feelings. Mikoto said with a smile.

Izumo: I probably know you better than anyone here and till you know that to. It's hard to hide things like that from me. Izumo said with a chuckle.

Mikoto: It's easier said than done. He says sitting at the bar.

Meanwhile in Myranda's room.

Myranda is on the phone, goddammit Yata, why did you even leave the damn bar, why can't you just stay put sometimes.

Yata: It isn't my damn fault I just wanted to ride my skateboard down the road, I didn't know someone might try to jump me.

Myranda: Sometimes, I wonder who is older, you or me, because half the damn time I'm the looking after your sorry ass.

Yata: I wonder that too, I'm the one that is supposed to give you orders, not the other way around, now will you help me out or not.

Myranda: Fine, I'll be there here in a minute, see ya.

Myranda walks out of her room and out of the bar very quickly with an angry look on her face.

Izumo: What did Yata do now.

Rikio: How do you know it was Yata, Izumo.

Izumo: She isn't ever that stressed out, unless it has something to do with Yata, you can tell by her body language.

Mikoto: He's right Ricki, don't question Yata when he gets back, we all know how you are. She might end up overhearing you and you might be her next target to yell at.

Rikio: Is it me or does she yell to much.

Mikoto: That isn't any of our faults, she and Yata have had it rough and you know that.

Rikio: Yeah yeah, I know boss, I know.