
Sayain preparation: Wonder women

Who was that kid? Why was he able to transform like that? These were questions that Diana couldn't stop thinking about. It was still the middle of the night as she arrived at Kame house. From the outside it was just a small house on an island. Diana had no idea why this place was so important. She knocked on the door as to her surprise a pig opened the door.

"Why hello. My names oolong!" The pig flirted towards Diana, the amazon however just drew her sword. Oolong fell backwards in fear.

"You know, pigs are usually slaughtered." The Amazon hissed as Oolong ran inside.

"Master Roshi this ones for you!" Around thirty seconds later the old man who was on the island with the others arrived.

"Why hello there." The old man whispered. "I remember you. The woman on that island. You helped Goku fight the Saiyan."

"Yes that was me." Diana replied.

"You look... I mean, were incredible."

"Thank you, though I already had a talking pig try to hit on me. I don't need an old man to try as well." Roshi backed away, knowing the power that she possessed. Diana walked into the house. It was much different than what she had on Themyscira, it had machines everywhere. Diana's thoughts were soon interrupted as she heard a woman shouting in another room.

"Hey Roshi, I have a messag... Oh my god, it's you!" The blue haired women said. She walked to Diana and raised her hands, the Amazon had no idea what that meant though. "Oh I see your island doesn't teach you about handshakes. Sorry where are my manners, I'm Bulma."

"Diana." The Amazon replied.

"Thanks for coming, I didn't think you would show after what happened."

"Yes, I'm here to help. You know it's funny, I never wanted to leave my home, even when I woke up this morning. One meeting with you friend, and I am in mans world." The two ladies laughed and shared each other's stories. Diana told Bulma about her home, Hippolyta and the gods. Bulma meanwhile told Diana about her time with Goku, the dragon balls and life before. "So are we going to wish Goku back with these dragon balls?"

"Actually that's what I was going to say before. Roshi!" The old hermit walked over to them both. "I got in contact with Goku and he told me not to wish him back yet."

"Why?" Roshi asked.

"Goku said something about getting some extra training. He really didn't give me the details though" Bulma replied as Diana got up.

"Listen I know I'm intruding, but due to me helping you. I can't return to my home." Diana said as they both sympathised with the Amazon. "May I stay here for the time being?" Master Roshi was about to say something, but Bulma smacked him on the head.

"Don't even think about it old man!" As Roshi rubbed his head, Bulma approached Diana. "Listen you can stay with me for the time being."

"Thank you, Bulma." After saying their goodbyes the two women stepped in Bulmas vehicle and set off.


Over the next couple of weeks, Diana stayed at Bulmas house. It was just outside a big city, but in a quiet area away from anyone. This was much different to the one called Kame house. It was bigger, had even more futuristic technology and even came with what Bulma called maids.

Diana had also started to learn about mans worlds customs. For instance Diana found out that to get something you had to have something called money. To earn money you had to work, she thought it was a good system. The Amazon also learned what was polite and what was considered rude, plus if you had a dispute it would not be solved by a sword fight.

Diana was in her room, reading on the history of mans world. More specifically about the First World War. What she read however caused a sense of shame in Diana's heart. She even shed a few tears as Bulma entered. The blue haired women sat next to Diana as they hugged.

"Diana, what's wrong?" Bulma asked. Diana managed to compose herself.

"I think I made a mistake coming here!" The Amazon said. Bulma looked confused as Diana continued. "I came here because through Goku, I saw a glimmer of hope that mans world could be saved. Everything I read in this however proves otherwise. All this death all this destruction, and for what?"

"It's true we have had a horrible past. World War One had a lot of bloodshed in it. At first the central powers originally wanted something. However it just turned into revenge for both sides. I'm not going to lie to you, it was not a great time in history.

"It's called the First World War! That means that there must have been at least one other after that."

"It's true. Just over twenty years later the dictator of a country called Germany, decided to invade another called Poland. This set off a war on a global scale, millions dead."

"Did it accomplish anything?"

"Yes it did. The dictator, who was called Aldolf Hitler was a ruthless tyrant who was willing to commit genocide to get what he wanted. Strangely enough when he lost, rather than pay for his time he shot himself. The most powerful man in the world, and he caused his own demise." Diana was now even more unsure with her decision.

"So how did it end?" Bulma then turned away.

"In destruction." Diana wanted to know what that meant, but didn't ask. Bulma then looked back at the Amazon. "That's enough history for today, come with me I have something to show you. The two of them went outside where Diana saw a sphere of some kind. "This is the gravity chamber!" Diana was impressed.

"So what does it do?" The Amazon was keen to know.

"Well it increases the amount of gravity underneath you. It can go up to one hundred times the earths gravity." Diana was now really impressed.

"So can this help us defeat the Saiyans?"

"Yes it can. To put it simply the more you train at a higher gravity the stronger you will get. Considering that you were raised as a warrior I think that you can handle it." Diana looked at it one more time before smiling.

"So can I try?"


The next couple of months Diana had got into a routine. She would wake up. Train in the gravity chamber in the morning. Go to the city in the afternoon. Go back to the gravity chamber in the evening and then to bed. Bulma only ever saw the Amazon in the evening now. She was too busy working to try and mass produce the scouter. It had been harder than she originally thought. Nevertheless she was determined.

With about five months until the Saiyans arrived Bulma started to wonder if Diana would be strong enough. Originally she told her to take it easy. This meant that Diana was now easily able to move at eight times earths gravity. With d-day approaching however Bulma thought that maybe it would be better to throw caution to the wind and take a few risks. She was interrupted however by a familiar voice.

"Glad to see you still love working the machines." The voice said. Bulma turned around to see her ex standing in front of her.

"Yamcha?" Bulma shouted as she hugged the desert bandit. "What are you doing here? I thought you were training with Kami!"

"I am, I came down here to deliver a message." Bulma then let go of Yamacha.

"What message?"

"Kami would like to see your friend Diana tomorrow. Just meet him on the lookout." Bulma smiled disappeared as she went back to work. "So are we going to talk?"

"Now you want to talk? You seem to always find a way of never giving me any attention." Yamcha was surprised by this outburst.


"Just leave me alone!" The bandit sighed. Bulma instantly regretted what she said, as she turned though he had already left.

Then next day Diana was flying in the air. Bulma had told her that Kami had wanted to see her. Bulma did mention this Kami before but never went into much detail. All that she knew was he created the dragon balls and was piccolos doppelgänger. All of a sudden she could see a huge floating tower in the distance. Diana realised this must be the lookout.

She landed on it and was greeted by four men. The Amazon realised that these must be Bulmas friends. The short bald one was Krillin. The three eyed man with the very short man was Tien and Chiaotzu retrospectively. Finnaly the man with brown hair and a big scar was Yamcha.

"So I see Bulma gave you the message then." Yamcha shouted as they all approached Diana, who nodded.

"Yes. I am here to meet Kami."

"Well your in the right place, come on we'll show you around." Krillin said as they walked along the lookout. Diana was stunned by the view over the edge of the tower.

"Quite a view isn't it." Tien told the Amazon as she continued to look over.

"Yes, mans world truly is beautiful isn't it." Diana replied, the others looked at her confused.

"Why do you call it mans world?" Krillin asked. Diana just laughed.

"Why do you think? This world is run by men. My people believe that man is a cancer to this world, that's why we live in seclusion." The others now felt uncomfortable.

"Look this world isn't perfect but we don't give up on it!"

"Yeah, Goku always taught us to fight on, even when all hope is lost!" Yamcha shouted as they all nearly fell off when someone appeared behind them.

"What are you doing!" A voice shouted behind them as they all turned around to see a creature with black skin there.

"So is this Kami?" Diana asked, the creature though just laughed at that statement.

"No, my name is Mr Popo. I am the assistant of Kami, it is very nice to meet you Diana." Diana was shocked with what Mr Popo had just said.

"How do you know my name?"

"I will let Kami explain it to you." Mr Popo then looked at the others. "The rest of you get back to training!" They sprinted off as Diana was escorted inside where she saw what looked like an older version of Piccolo. Mr Popo then left leaving the two of them.

"It is very nice to meet you Diana." Kami said as Diana bowed.

"As well as you. May I ask though how do you know me?" Diana asked as Kami smiled.

"I don't know of you directly but what you call the gods have told me quite a bit." Diana then looked at the guardian with confusion.

"Wait you know of Zues and the other gods?"

"Yes, they are actually good friends of mine. They don't like to be involved in earth matters, so they always have a guardian to protect the earth for them. That is my role in all this. That is why I have bought you here. I have a message from Zues himself."

"What kind of message?"

"A proposition. Zues says that if you give up on this quest of yours, he will let you back into Themyscira." Diana just stood there, not believing what she was hearing.

"I can go back home?"

"Yes." The Amazon was overwhelmed by this. Then she looked out the window and saw the four men training, and remembered what she was fighting for.



"I have lived my whole life away from mans world. Man may not be perfect but deep down, I know that they can improve." Kami smiled after hearing this.

"I will pass on the message. Oh and Diana, I think you made the right choice."

"Thank you Kami." Diana looked once again to the four men. "So do you think we will do it?"

"I honestly do not know. One thing I do know however is that after these Saiyans arrive, everything will change." Diana then turned back to Kami.

"What do you mean?"

"For a very long time I have managed to hide people with extrodinary abilities. However when these Saiyans hit, there will be no hiding, running or tricks. People will find out that they are not alone, or that they have a fraction of the power in the universe. I honestly don't know if they're ready."

"Mans world will have to be if it wants to survive." Kami then smiled.

"I always hope that when people like you would be discovered it would bring hope to this planet. Everyone looking to the sky in wonder."

"Wonder, huh." Kami was confused.

"What is it?"

"Just a name I have been thinking of."
