
Sayain preparation: Batman

Dick Grayson couldn't sit still, he was actually going to Japan. A year ago he was just a boy living as a circus performer. Now he was traveling the globe in a private jet. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Dick looked up to see his adoptive carer, Bruce Wayne.

"How do you like the jet?" Bruce said as Dick sat down on his chair.

"It's amazing, the view is excellent, and everybody on board is really nice." Dick replied softly, he was still getting used all this. "Thank you, Mr Wayne."

"Dick we've been over this, call me Bruce." Dick looked at the billionaire not amused. Bruce sighed as he continued. "Look Dick. I know the last six months have been hard on you, I get it." The boy suddenly lost it.

"No you don't! You have no idea what it's like seeing your parents die right in your arms not having the chance to say goodbye." Bruce looked down and had a tear in his eye.

"Yes I do." Dick looked at him confused. "Do you remember what I told you about my parents?"

"Yeah they died when you were very young."

"That wasn't the whole truth. One day when I was eight, me and my parents went to the theatre. After the show was over my father decided to take a shortcut through an alley. We got halfway across when a man with a gun approached us. He took everything we had on us, except my mothers pearls. When I shouted at him to stop he panicked... And shot my father." Dicks face fell as he heard this. He instantly regretted what had been said earlier, Bruce then continued.

"After my father fell the man then ripped my mums pearls from her neck. She screamed out for help, but was shot down as well. I just stood there, like a coward. The man then pointed his gun at me, and pulled the trigger. For some reason however the gun jammed. Sometimes I think it's the devil, keeping me alive to remind me constantly of my failure." Dick started to cry as Bruce walked away. Now thinking of a relationship that was beyond broken.


As they landed in Japan, Alfred took Dick to see the sights as Bruce went to Capsule Corp. reliving his life was always difficult, even though it felt like all the time. However Bruce was on a mission, and personal matter would not interfere. Bulma Briefs was hiding something, and it was up to him to find out what.

As Bruce arrived at Capsule Corp he was bombarded by the press. The billionaire wondered why they were all here. He entered the building and spoke to the receptionist.

"Bruce Wayne to see Bulma Briefs." Bruce said.

"Ahh yes. I'm afraid that Miss Briefs called a press conference. She asked that you be present before your meeting after." The receptionist replied as the billionaire smiled.

"Very well." Bruce was then escorted to a conference hall. He was surprised to see so many people here. It must be a pretty big announcement if this hall was full. lights suddenly went out, the stage was lit and Bulma Briefs entered. Everyone clapped as the young CEO entered the area.

"Welcome. Welcome everyone to this special announcement. Over the years Capsule Corp had bought this world forward. From our energy saving cars to our new medicines. However one thing my father always wanted was to help the local authorities." Bulma shouted as Beuce continued to listen. "Well today that changes. I introduce you all to, the scouter." Bulma revealed something that made Bruce jump out of his seat. The equipment the alien used was being paraded around by Miss Briefs.

"The scouter will be used by the police to discover various things like where a criminal is hiding, where a hostage is being held or if there is a weapon. This will revolutionise the way that our police force operates." Everyone started to applaud as Bulma continued with her presentation. Bruce was too concerned with the scouter. What was Bulma doing? Questions needed to be asked. If not by Bruce himself then by the bat.


Bulma Briefs was beyond happy. Not only had her presentation put stock prices through the roof, she also scared Bruce Wayne from their meeting. At the moment her life couldn't have been better. Then she remembered about the impending attack. With Goku gone, how were they to win? It would take a lot of hard work but the young woman was determined to help her friends win. Bulma finally got back home, her mother was at the front door greeting her with open arms.

"Bulma! How's my beautiful baby girl?" Mrs Briefs asked. Bulma hugged her mum as she came inside.

"I'm great, the performance went according to plan." Bulma replied.

"That's wonderful to hear. Your father will be so happy. Listen Bulma, about your friend..."

"Look mom. I'm tired can we just talk about this in the morning?" Mrs Briefs paused for a second before looking at Bulma.

"Ok dear. In the morning." Bulma hugged her mother again before heading upstairs. She got to her room and opened the door. Bulma looked up and jumped at what she saw. In her room was a man dressed in black armour. With ears that were shaped like a bat.

"Hello Miss Briefs we have a lot to discuss." The man said as Bulma ran to her cabinet.

"Don't bother, I already took all of yours guns ammo." Bulma just stared back at the man. This was batman, the dark knight of Gotham city.

"What do you want?" Bulma asked.

"I need to know everything about Son Goku and all your friends." Bulmas heart skipped a beat as she heard this.

"No, I will not stabbed my friends in the back!"

"I saw you on that island. You know what is coming in a years time. If you don't help me Miss Briefs then our whole world might be destroyed." As much as she hated to admit it, he was right.

"Fine!" Bulma then started to tell Batman about all of her adventures with Goku, Diana, the Saiyans and everyone else. It took a long time, but she finally got to the end.

"So these 'dragon balls' can grant you any wish you want?"

"That's correct, we have them all. However Goku said to wait until the last minute so he could do special training of some sorts." This whole conversation, everything the Bulma had said. It was all too much for the dark knight.

"Thank you, Miss Briefs." Batman walked to the exit.

"Thank you Mr Wayne." Bruce looked back and Bulma, startled. "Oh please, a superhero in Gotham city, who has very advanced armour and weapons. Who is around the same height as Bruce Wayne, plus identical skin colour. Not to mention you both arrive in another country at the exact same time. It wasn't exactly hard to figure out who you are." Bruce gave Bulma a look.

"You are quite the detective Miss Briefs."

"Don't worry I won't spill you little secret. Providing you don't sneak in my house ever again." Bruce smiled as he jumped out the window and headed into the night.


It had been two weeks since Bruce's encounter with Bulma. It certainly had shaken him up. He had been sleeping less, avoided more meetings plus spend little time with his loved ones.

All of his attention had been put into stopping these Saiyans, though there were two problems. All of his battles had been known quantities, Bruce always came to the fight prepared for everything. This time he was heading into too many unknowns for his liking. However the biggest problem were the Saiyans themselves. Not only were they extremely powerful, they were incredibly fast as well.

Too even stand a chance Bruce would have to find someone who could keep up with these aliens. Then it clicked, Bruce realised who he needed.


Meanwhile up above Alfred was checking in on everything else. One of those things being Dick.

"Master Dick, it is time for bed!" Alfred shouted as Dick groaned.

"Ok fine." The two of them went upstairs as Alfred noticed that Dick didn't look very good.

"Are you ok master Dick. Did you not like that tv show?"

"No I like 'the adventures of Dumplin'. That's not why I'm upset." Dick sighed as he continued. "Ever since I had that fight with Mr Wayne he has been avoiding me more than before. I really think that I messed up on this one Alfred." Alfred hugged the boy as he knelt down.

"Listen to me. Master Wayne has always been one to... Let's say be independent. Normally he would have kicked anyone out like that. With you though, he let Dick Grayson stay. I think that says a lot." Dick felt slightly better after that.

"Thanks Alfred!"

"Any time, now head to bed." Dick then ran into his room as Alfred went down to the cave. He saw Bruce at his computer in his bat costume. "Sir I really think you should smooth things over with Master Grayson."

"I will do, however right now I need to go out for a patrol." Bruce replied as he went to the batmobile. "Oh by the way get the jet ready for tomorrow, I'm heading off to Central city." Bruce then got into his car to head of fighting crime.


Central city, it was magnificent. At least it was, now it was just a reminder of everything that Barry Allen had lost. He was in a lot of debt, had little to no friends and lost his parents. Barry was walking back to his house, it was raining hard and dropped in temperature. Of course Barry could be home in two seconds if he wanted to. However Barry needed to keep his head down, if the press ever found out who he truly was.

No he couldn't think about that, no one knew what Barry could do. And he intended to keep it that way. After a long walk Barry had finally got home. He opened the door to see his step dad, Joe West.

"Hi Barry." Joe said with a concerned look on his face.

"Hi Joe, is everything ok?" Barry asked, Joe then smiled.

"Everything is great thanks, there is actually someone who would like to speak to you."

"Ok... Am I in trouble?"

"Quite the opposite Mr Allen." A voice shouted out. Barry looked into the kitchen where a man in a business suit stood. When he saw him, Barry almost fainted.

"Your... Your Bruce Wayne?" Bruce laughed as Barry had to take a seat.

"You are quite the detective Barry. May I call you Barry?" Barry nodded as Bruce continued. "I'm sure your both wondering why I'm here."

"Yes we are." Joe replied.

"Well, I need your help Barry." Bruce said as the young scientist just looked at him.

"What do you need my help for?" Barry asked.

"A few days ago my mansion was broken into, I need a forensic scientist to go through the evidence. However I don't trust the GCPD, they have a history of being corrupt. So I use private detectives. I would like you to be my forensics expert." Barry was left speechless after this.

"There are so many more people that are more qualified than I, why me?"

"Barry in my life there are very few people I can trust. I usually rely on the young because they usually haven't been corrupted by politics. Plus the fact that you are one of the highest rated young forensics experts in the country. Do I need to go on?" Barry was overwhelmed, for once his hard work payed off.

"No just tell me what I have to do?"

"I have a jet waiting to take us to Gotham city. You will stay in a five star hotel, for a couple of days. I will take you to my mansion on the first day. You can do your thing for however long you need then we will fly back to central city where we will part ways. So what do you say?" Barry knew what he was going to say instantly.

"Yes, of course I will. Thank you so much for this opportunity mr Wayne.

"Please it's me who should be thanking you Barry. Come meet me at Central City airport at midday tomorrow." Bruce then left as Barry jumped in the air.

"I can't believe it."

"No neither can I." Joe said as Barry realised that something was wrong.

"Joe is everything allright?" Joe then looked at Barry.

"Barry, a rich guy like Wayne comes in here looking for you of all people when there are others more suitable. And you don't think that something is up?"

"Look Joe, I admit that it seems a little fishy. I'm not a kid anymore though, and you can't sit there and say that this isn't worth trying out." Even though he didn't want to admit it, Joe knew that his step son had a good point.

"Fine, but you are gonna be extra careful!" Barry laughed.

"Of course."


Bruce and Barry had arrived at Gotham airport where they were greeted by Alfred.

"Master Wayne! I see you picked up mr Allen." Alfred said as Bruce hugged his butler.

"Barry Allen this is my butler and closest friend, Alfred." Bruce replied. The other two shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." Barry said.

"A pleasure, mr Allen." Alfred whispered as he turned to Bruce. "Master Wayne the car is ready."

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce replied as all of them got into a limo and drove towards Wayne Manor. During this time the billionaire and the scientist both got to know each other. Both of them had keen interest in forensic science. Very soon they were all near their destination.

"Master Wayne we are two minutes from the manor."

"Thank you, Alfred." The butler continued driving, while Bruce knew it was time to come clean.

"Look Mr Allen, I haven't been entirely honest with you." Barry looked at the billionaire with a concerned look on his face.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked.

"Well Mr Allen, prehaps it would be better if I show you." Bruce replied as the car went underneath Wayne manor. At first Barry thought it was just an underground car park. However he soon realised that there was far too much security. Even for a billionaire like Bruce Wayne. Soon he saw it though, a cave with unspeakable amount of tech. A super computer, a flashy car of which Barry had no idea the manufacture.

Though the icing on top of the case is what Barry saw after getting out of the limo. A highly advanced Kevlar suit, that was shaped like a bat. Barry was stunned by this discovery.

"Your... The... Batman?" Barry stuttered as Bruce went towards the computer.

"Yes Mr Allen I'm the batman." Bruce replied as Barry sat down next to Bruce, speechless. "I needed to gain your trust because of what I'm about to tell you." Barry was still in shock as he tried to regain his composure.

"Why? Why did you bring me here? Why me?" Bruce just looked at Barry.

"No one else has your power. Yes i know your that red blur in Central City." Barry again looked up even more suprised now.

"What? How?"

"A couple of things. Every case that Barry Allen works on also, coincidently, all the criminals have been caught by the red blur. My satellites also tracked your movements. Or at least tried, even they found it hard to keep up with your speed." Barry looked at him concerned. "Don't worry no one else knows who you are."

"Ok that's how now why?" Bruce then explained everything to Barry. About the Dragon balls, the island of women and both Saiyans. "Well that's quite a story."

"Now you know why I need you. If these Saiyans..."

"Don't worry we will stop them." Bruce for the first time actually felt confident.

"I know, I will call you when your needed. Your welcome to stay here for a couple of days as an alibi. Just don't do your thing, this is my city!"

"Don't worry, I won't steal your thunder." Barry started to head upstairs when Bruce called out.

"By the way, what do I call you." Barry turned to him and smiled.

"Who am I? I'm the Flash!"