
Saiyan preparation: Gohan and Piccolo

Piccolo should have been happy. Goku was dead and no one was left to stop him from taking over the planet. It was perfect, if not for those Saiyans. Now if he wanted to achieve his goals Piccolo was going to have to do something good. Just ten thought of it made Piccolo sick.

Eventually the demon landed on the ground. Gohan was still unconscious, so Piccolo threw him into a pond. Gohan finnaly woke up. He looked around trying to figure out where he was.

"Where am I?" Gohan asked as he turned around and saw Piccolo. His heart beat a hundred miles an hour when he saw the demon.

"Listen up you obviously know me but just in case you don't. My name is Piccolo I fought against your father before you were born. You showed great potential when you fought that guy. So as of now, I will be your teacher." Piccolo shouted as Gohan started to cry.

"Where's my daddy?"

"Your dad is dead!" Gohan began to cry even louder. This made Piccolo even more frustrated. "Quit that Pathetic snivelling!" Gohan instantly shut up after that. "Thank you. Now one year from now, two more of those Saiyans will be coming to this planet. I will train you."

"But what if I'm not ready?" Piccolo smirked.

"Well that's why I have devised a plan. I am going to leave you for a month. If you manage to survive until the end I will train you."

"Leave me alone? I have no idea where I am. Or where there is any water and food."

"That's not my problem. I will return in one month. Don't even think about trying to leave. We are on an island in the middle of the ocean." Piccolo flew into the air. Leaving the little boy all on his own.


That night Piccolo was out of sight, looking down at Gohan. He was watching the son of Goku stare at that fire. He must have been doing that for about three hours now. Surprisingly the boy wasn't actually terrible when it came to surviving. He had made a fire and found a clean water source. Piccolo actually smiled when he had accomplished those.

What was this feeling in his stomach. Was it pride? Did the son of the demon king actually have pride in someone else? No it couldn't have been. After the saiyans were defeated he still planned to take over the world. No way he could grow soft.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked as Piccolo looked towards the voice startled. He recognised her, it was the woman at the island. Diana.

"Training the boy. Better question what are you doing here?" Piccolo replied.

"Your friend gave me a map to a 'Kame House'."

"They are not my friends!"

"I don't care what they are. What are you doing with that boy?"

"I'm teaching him to be tough. If he can survive on his own then he can survive anything." Diana was now mad at the green creature.

"Teaching him what? To get himself killed." Piccolo didn't like his methods being questioned.

"You heard what that man said. Two more of these guys are coming to earth. If we don't make some sacrifices then it will be destroyed." While the two of them were arguing Gohan looked up. He saw the two of them and smiled.

"Hey mr Piccolo is talking to that woman..." Suddenly Gohan was distracted by what was behind them. "Wow that must be the moon. I don't think I have ever seen it before." Then it happened. Gohans mind went blank as he transformed into a giant ape. A huge roar came out of the apes mouth as both Piccolo and Diana looked startled.

"What?" Diana stuttered as she looked over at Piccolo. The demon however was too shocked to say anything. "Did you know about this?"

"I. I." Before piccolo could say anymore both of them dodged an oncoming attack from the ape. Diana tried to punch it, but nothing happened.

"Gohan is it? Try to think." However her words didn't go anywhere as yet again Diana had to dodged an attack.

"Where? Where did he get that kind of power?" Piccolo then had a realisation. The moon. It had to be the moon. "I can't let you destroy everything Gohan." Piccolo the started to charge his attack but was stopped by Diana.

"Are you crazy? What do you think is going to happen if you destroy the moon?" Piccolo however wasn't listening.

"What do you think will happen if we don't stop him." Both of them while arguing however were sent to the ground by Gohans fist. Piccolo and Diana both gut up And flew out of sight.

"Look there must be another way!" Piccolo started to think about Goku.

"I've battled Goku in the past and he has never transformed like this. Even in the moon. What's the difference between Goku and... His tail!"


"Gohans tail. It must react to the moon to give him this power."

"So if we chop off his tail then he will return to normal?" Piccolo nodded as they both charged at the ape. Piccolo distracted the beast while Diana flew behind and cut off Gohans tail. The ape gave one last roar as Gohan shrank down to his usual body. The boy was unconscious and naked. Piccolo rectified that by shooting a clothes beam. "You can do that?"

"Yeah neat huh." Diana was to busy however looking at the young boy.

"That was totally insane. What is he?"

"Remember his father?" Diana nodded. "Turns out he was an alien. Who was sent here to wipe out the human race. Until an accident made him forget." This news should have shocked the Amazon. Yet to her it made sense.

"I must find this 'Kame house'. Just please look after the boy." Piccolo just looked away as Diana flew of into the distance. He then looked down at the unconscious boy. Piccolo had no idea how or what that was. Yet he knew one thing, if Gohan could become an ally. No one could stop him.


The next day Gohan woke up with a headache. The last thing he remembered was Piccolo talking to that woman. After that everything was a blur. As he continued to gather his thoughts, Gohan felt something wrong. He couldn't feel his tail. As he started to panic, Piccolo flew to the ground.

"Mr Piccolo, thank kami your here. Someone cut off my tail."

"Yeah I did!" The demon replied as Gohan looked at him.


"Cause when we fought Raditz he became weak when your father grabbed his tail. I don't want you having that weakness." Gohan nodded as Piccolo continued. "I have had a change of heart. There is only a year till the Saiyans come. And both of us need all the training we can get. Therefore I am skipping the survival part and going straight to combat training. This actually got Gohan exited.

"Great what are we learning first. How to make energy blasts? Power ups? Or just strength?" Piccolo just smiled.


"What?" Suddenly Gohan was sent flying backwards from Piccolos punch. The demon approached him looking disappointed.

"That was sloppy. You didn't even try. Let's do it again." Gohan managed to get up. Though just barely.

"Wait can I just have a minute." Gohan realised the answer was no as he was sent flying backwards agin by Piccolo.

"Those Saiyans won't give you a minute. They are cold, calculating and above all ruthless. They will kill you in an instant before they turn on everyone you care about." Gohan felt fear like never before as those words kept ringing in his head. "Now let's try this again. Dodge!" Piccolo threw the punch as Gohan dodged it.

"Yes, I did mr Piccolo." Suddenly Gohan was smashed into the ground by the demon.

"Tip number one. Never let your guard down."


The next six months were tough for poor Gohan. Piccolos training had only gotten more intense with each day gone. However it was paying off. Gohan was not only physically stronger. He also was now able to use Ki blasts. He even managed a new technique called the Masenko Ha.

Gohan was sitting next to a fire as he started reminiscing about his family. He had always known about the dragon balls. So he expected his father to be back by now. So where was he? And his mother? Gohan knew that his mum would be worried sick about him. She also would never approve of him getting combat training. Gohans thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Piccolo threw him some fish.

"Here you go." Piccolo whispered as Gohan used a energy blast to cook the fish. The young boy sat down as he started to eat his food.

"Hey mr Piccolo, I just wanted to tell you thanks." Gohan said as Piccolo looked at him.

"For what?"

"For training me of course." The demon just shrugged. "You know I always wanted to be a fighter." Piccolo laughed at that statement.

"Let me guess you wanted to be like your daddy."

"No not really." Piccolos laughter soon turned into confusion as he looked at the young boy.

"Wait. You want to be a fighter, yet you don't want to be your dad?"

"I just don't want to be a fighter, because of him." This confused Piccolo even more. "Look my Dad is my inspiration. But I don't want to fight because of him, or even because I like it. I want to fight because I want to help people." Piccolo just stared at the boy.

"You don't feel like you have to live up to your dad?"

"No not really. I mean sure I love him. But at the end of the day we are two separate people. He can't control me. So why do I have to be exactly like him." Piccolo was left stunned which Gohan was oblivious to. "Well I'm finished and off to sleep. Goodnight Mr Piccolo."

As the half Saiyan slept what Gohan had sent kept eating away at Piccolo. Was Gohan right? Was he just being a puppet to his father? Suddenly world domination wasn't what Piccolo wanted. He looked over at the child and said.

"Sweet dreams kid."


The rest of the year was spent further training the young half Saiyan. Gohan had noticed something in Piccolo change. He was no longer cold. He even spoke more. Granted it was about training, but for Piccolo it was a huge step. Gohans thoughts turned to the Saiyan. What were they going up against? Was it going to be enough.

So many questions yet so few answers. Gohan then blocked an ongoing attack from Piccolo. A flurry of punches were headed Gohans way. Yet the son of Goku had blocked every single one of them. Piccolo jumped back as he smiled.

"Very good. Though you must know that I am still only using seventy five percent full power." Piccolo said as Gohan laughed.

"Who's says I'm going all out?" Gohan replied as a felt a sense of pride listening to the boy speak. Suddenly the demon looked up. "Is everything alright mr Piccolo."

"They're here!" Gohan suddenly started to have cold feet.

"Are we ready?" Piccolo the looked at him.

"We better be!"