
Battle of themyscira

Piccolo hovered above the so called 'Z warriors', with the exception of Goku. Every single one of them were shaking in their boots. Piccolo landed on the breach and was confronted by his rival.

"Look piccolo. I know you want to kill me, but I have bigger problems." Goku said.

"I heard." Piccolo replied. "Listen as much as I hate to admit it. I don't stand a chance against this, Saiyan."

"So what do you suggest?"

"I suggest we team up to stop this guy." Goku had a suprised look on his face. He had never expected Piccolo to help him. "Don't think I'm getting soft, Goku. Once this threat has been dealt with, I plan to take over the world." Everyone took a step back after hearing this. Goku however stood there and smiled.

"I won't let that happen! However teaming up does sound like a good idea."

"Goku, are you crazy? You can't trust him!" Krillin shouted.

"What choice do I have? You said it yourself. I go alone and it will only end in defeat." Goku told his friend as Krillin sighed.

"Ok, just watch your back."

"I will." Bulma then stepped in between the two of them.

"Goku take this." Bulma passed a dragon ball radar to Goku. "Gohan had the dragon ball on his hat. With that you'll be able to track that monster down." Goku nodded as he and piccolo flew into the air to get Gohan back.


Diana looked inside the pod. This whole situation fascinated her. She lived on Themyscira, an island of only women. Who were taught from birth that man were beyond saving. Now not only can man find her home. An alien has found it.

"Diana, what have you found?" Her mother Hippolyta asked. Diana responded.

"Just a bunch of machines. No armour, no weapons, not anything." This confused Diana. Why would someone come here by themselves? Especially with no weapons?

"That's because I don't need any weapons!" A new voice yelled. Diana and Hippolyta looked up to see Raditz floating above them. He chuckled as he landed on the island. Diana noticed that the device on his face started to beep. This made Raditz laugh even more. "Pathetic your power levels are non existent."

"Mother, we need the army!"

"They are all off, fixing the force field. This man broke it when he landed here." Hippolyta replied. Both of the noticed a boy in his hands. He had obviously knocked the boy out.

"I'll tell you what. Leave me alone and I won't blow this island into oblivion." Raditz said as he threw Gohan into the pod. Hippolyta however stood tall against the alien.

"You do not know us amazons then. We are proud warriors. We do not back down from a fight!" Hippolyta shouted.

"You know I'm impressed. You 'Amazons' remind me so much of us Saiyans." Diana wondered what a Saiyan was. "Too bad your in my way." With one punch Raditz had knocked Hippolyta out. Diana ran to her mother.

"Mother!" Diana had now lost her temper. "You'll pay for that!" Raditz again laughed.

"You. What are you going to do against..." Raditz couldn't finish his sentence before his scouter started to beep. "That signal, it's. No. How could they find me? In a matter of seconds Diana looked as two more people stood. One was green and clearly not of this earth. The other more human. He had spikey black hair and looked similar to this alien.


Bruce was in the batwing approaching the signal. What he would find when he got there was anyone's guess. Alfred suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Master Wayne, there is something interesting." Alfred said.

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce asked.

"Sir when the ufo entered our atmosphere it landed on an island. However that island shouldn't be there."

"So what up your saying is. Not only is there potentially an alien on our planet. There is an island that has appeared out of the blue. That has never been picked up by any satellites in orbit."

"Yes Master Wayne. Sir if I may, I believe you should turn back."

"If whatever is in that Ufo decides to hurt anyone and I potentially could have stopped it... I could never forgive myself. I'll be careful Alfred. I am activating the stealth mode."

"Just be safe master Wayne." Alfred the disconnected the call, as Bruce was approaching the island.

"Well at least things can't get any weirder." Bruce then looked out the window to see four people standing on the beach.


Goku stood there, angrier than ever. It was one thing to threaten his friends, but kidnapping Gohan crossed the line.

"Give me my son Raditz and I'll let you go." Goku shouted. Raditz however just smirked.

"I'm disappointed Kakarot. Even after I gave you another chance. You still betray your race." Raditz responded.

"I don't care about the Saiyans. I was born on this planet. And as far as I am concerned. I'm human!" Goku looked at the women next to him.

"Are you going to defend my home?" She asked.

"We just came here to defeat him!" Piccolo said.

"Good enough. I'm Diana."

"Hi I'm Son Goku. The guy next to me is Piccolo." Goku replied.

"If you two are done we are about to fight." Piccolo butted in.

"Ok." Goku charged at Raditz first. He gave a quick double jab which was blocked by his brother. Goku then sent a kick flying. Though again Raditz dodged it. Raditz then let out a flurry of punches that sent Goku flying backwards.

Diana then flew in with her sword. She swung it a couple of times at Raditz. She even managed to cut his arm at one point. Raditz was none to happy as he punched Diana. The Amazon however saw it coming and blocked with her bracelets. Though Raditz had recovered earlier than expected and threw Diana into Goku.

Piccolo was next as he charged against the Saiyan. Piccolo decided that he was going to pretend to punch Raditz in the face and when he was distracted. Piccolo would trip him up. It would have been a good plan, if Raditz had not seen it coming. He dodged Piccolos leg and grabbed the demons exposed arm. Raditz then tore his arm right from his body. The demon cried in pain as he retreated to the others.

"Listen we can't beat him like this. I have an idea but it's a long shot." Piccolo said.

"It's not like we have any better ideas." Diana replied.

"Ok. I have a technique, it's something I was practicing on you Goku. It should have enough power to kill this guy." The good news is I can use it with one arm."

"What's the bad news?" Goku asked.

"You two are gonna have to distract him while I charge it." Piccolo responded.

"Well that's not so bad..."

"For around five minutes." The other two just looked at him.

"Five minutes? You know that's pretty abysmal in terms of usability right?" Diana said.

"Just do it." Piccolo shouted. Diana and Goku got into a fighting stance as the confronted Raditz. Piccolo had started to charge his attack.

"So are you three actually going to hit me?" Raditz sarcastically asked. The two of them didn't respond to him. Diana and Goku looked at each other and nodded. They both charged at Raditz together. With both of them now fighting the Saiyan warrior, Raditz was starting to have trouble beating them.

The Saiyan warrior was now being pushed by both of them. Diana and Goku may have had different techniques, however they were both working together in unison. Diana hit Raditz in the face. This sent him flying backwards. Raditz breathed heavily for a minute before shouting at them.

"This isn't happening. I am a Saiyan. We are the strongest race in the galaxy!"

"Wrong! You are nothing!" Diana replied as Piccolo finished charging his attack. "Are you done yet?"

"It's ready." Piccolo said as Raditz looked at him.

"What's ready?" Raditz asked as Piccolo just laughed at him.

"Your destruction. Special beam canon!" Piccolo fired his attack. It was much faster than either Goku or Diana had expected. It continued to go forward until it hit the ocean and created a large splash. Piccolo stood there confident, until the dust had settled. Raditz has dodged his attack. "No, that's impossible." Raditz stood there laughing.

"I have to admit. That was a smart plan Kakarot. After this though I will not fall for the same mistake twice." Piccolo charged his attack again as Diana rushed into combat. It didn't take very long however for Raditz to overpower the Amazon. He flung her next to piccolo. Goku though saw an opportunity. When Raditz was distracted, Goku grabbed his tail. This left Raditz unable to move.

"Ha. I learnt about that weakness when my tail was grabbed." Goku said. Raditz now on the floor tried to move, but was unable to.

"Kakarot, would you really kill your own brother?" Raditz asked him.

"Brother? You kidnapped my son! You tried to force me to kill innocent people."

"I only did that so you'd join us. I can see now, that this is not going to happen. If you spare me, I'll leave. You will never see me again."

"Don't do it Goku! For once in your pathetic life do the smart thing and help me kill him!" Piccolo yelled at his rival. Goku was now conflicted. He kept thinking what if Raditz was telling the truth and he was about to kill him. Goku let go of the tail. This gave Raditz the opportunity he needed. He elbowed his brother in the stomach. Then when Goku was on the floor Raditz stamped on his ribs.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that Kakarot!" Raditz said to his brother. Goku yelled as his ribs shattered. Raditz then continued to stamp on Goku. "You are pathetic. I can not believe that you even have this high a power level." Diana and Piccolo could only look as Goku kept taking an onslaught from Raditz. Suddenly the Saiyans scouter beeped. This had scared Raditz. Gohan had leaped into the air and stared his uncle down.

"Gohan get out of here." Goku whispered to his son. Not being able to speak any louder. Raditz stood there shocked at the power Gohan was showing. Even Piccolo and Diana were shocked by the boys power.

"Leave. My daddy. Alone!" Gohan shouted as he flew and head butted into Raditz. His power was so great that it actually damaged the Saiyan warriors armour. After that Gohan looked at his father still on the floor.

"Gohan. That was incredible." The boys smile suddenly dissapeared as his uncle was standing in front of him.

"What power! You would have been a powerful Saiyan. Too bad you picked the wrong side." Raditz yelled as he hit Gohan. He then powered up an attack. "Time to die kid." However before Raditz could fire, Goku got him into a lock.

"Piccolo fire now!" Goku shouted.

"Ten seconds." The demon replied. Raditz now was scared.

"Kakarot what are you doing? We will both die." Raditz said.

"So be it. Piccolo are you ready?" Goku asked as piccolo just smiled.

"Oh yeah I'm ready. Special beam canon." Piccolo shouted as he fired. The blast went through both Raditz and Goku. The brothers both flew backwards. Diana got up and went towards Goku while Piccolo stood over Raditz.

"Why Kakarot?" Raditz said as Piccolo just laughed.

"Cause Goku knows his friends will wish him back with the dragon balls." Raditz looked at the demon confused.


"The dragon balls. There are seven of them and when assembled can grant you any wish you like." After hearing this Raditz just laughed. "What's so funny?"

"This scouter acts as a communicator as well as sensing energy. My fellow comrades will be here in a year. They will avenge me." This was the last thing he said before dying. Over by Goku. Diana was doing her best to tend to the wounded.

"You know that was a stupid thing to do." Diana said.

"Yeah, but my sons life was at stake. I had no choice." Goku looked at Diana, who had a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing don't worry about me. Worry about the hole in his chest." Goku laughed as he looked over to see master Roshi and Krillin carrying Bulma flying down.

"Goku!" Krillin shouted as he knelt next to his friend. "Just stay still. I have a senzu bean." It was too late however as Goku was already gone.

"Goku!" Bulma yelled. Yet there was no reply from him. Everyone felt a piece of their heart was being ripped out as they watched Goku die. "Well at least it's all over."

"Not by a long shot." Piccolo said as the others looked at him. "Before he died Raditz told me that another two Saiyans were on their way. They will be here in about a year." Everyone stepped back when they heard piccolo say that.

"So there are more of them coming?" Master Roshi replied as Gokus body disappeared.

"What just happened?" Diana asked. Piccolo had an annoyed look on his face.

"Kami! So the old man obviously has plans for Goku huh." Piccolo said as he looked at Gohan who was still unconscious. "Well I have plans for his son. I'm taking the kid. Bye." Piccolo then flew away with Gohan before any of them could realise.

"Sounds like these Saiyans are a massive threat." Krillin said as he looked at Diana. "You know we could really use you."

I'm sorry, but I am forbidden to leave this Island." Diana replied.

"Ok but if you change your mind. Come find us here." Bulma yelled as she showed a map to Diana. "You know Krillin your going to have to tell Chi Chi about Gohan." The three of them then flew into the distance leaving Diana to review the day's events.


Batman had seen a lot of things. A crocodile human hybrid, a man who left riddles at every crime he committed. Never before though, had he seen anything like this. People moving faster than a mortal eye could track, energy blasts and an island that shouldn't exist. All to top it off there were two more aliens coming to take over. Or destroy. The batwing entered the cave, as the cape crusader exited the plane he was greeted by Alfred.

"Master Wayne? I saw what happened on the batwings cameras. Are you Ok?" Alfred asked. Bruce however just took his helmet off and sat down next to the computer. He replayed the fight that had just taken place. "Master Wayne?" Alfred tried to get through to him, but nothing. Finally Bruce spoke.

"Where is Dick?"

"He's currently at a friends house. Master Wayne please, if you need to talk I'm here."

"I don't need to talk I need to act. There are aliens coming in a year and I need to stop them!" Bruce continued to look over the footage. After fifteen minutes he finally got up. "Alfred get the private jet ready for take off."

"At once sir. Might I ask where we're going?" Bruce looked back at his butler.



Nighttime at Themyscira was peaceful. The green scenery, the lights. All of it however was based on a lie. That is what Diana had realised. She was up when everyone was asleep. Diana had one chance at this and she knew it couldn't be wasted. Diana was going to do what no other Amazon had ever done. Leave the island.

Before she left however Diana had to get a few things. Her trusty sword, shield and bracelets were a given. She also stole her mothers old outfit. Made in Olympus it consisted of a red top with a gold eagle. Plus a blue skirt with blue stars on. Diana went through the the building without anyone noticing. She continued towards the beach until a voice called out to her.

"Where are you going?" The voice called out. Diana stopped and instantly recognised who it was.

"I'm leaving mother." Diana replied as Hippolyta confronted her daughter.

"Why are you doing this Diana?"

"I already told you. More of these Saiyans are coming and will destroy this planet." Hippolyta shook her head after hearing this.

"That's what you keep telling me. However I know when your holding something back Diana." Diana knew she couldn't lie any longer.

"I was bought up to believe that all men are evil. That mans world was nothing more than a lost cause. What I witnessed today was a man who sacrificed his life to save not only his son but the entire planet. How can I continue to believe that there is no hope for mans world!" The two of them looked at each other before Hippolyta gave Diana a lasso.

"This is the lasso of truth. Anyone caught inside it will be unable to lie." As Diana looked at it she smiled.

"Thank you mother."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Once you leave you will be unable to return." Diana paused for a second before making her mind up.

"I am mother."

"Then may the gods watch over you." Mother and daughter hugged each other before one left the island for good. Hippolyta even shed a tear as she watched her daughter leave.
