

Leysa Silas stood in front of a huge bulky building, the once red bricks charred black due to the heat of the activities going on inside it. She was desperately trying to stop her anxious brain from spouting uncertain thoughts and doubts, trying to focus instead on the clanging sounds of hammers striking metal, giving hunks of material a valuable and masterful shape. A large sign in front of the huge iron doors declared that Leysa was currently standing in front of "Valiant Forges," a smaller sign underneath boasting it to be the only forge officially recognized by the Royal Family itself.

The cause of her agitation was not the forge itself. On the contrary the place was like a second home to her. What was eating away at her nerves was the enormity of the task in front of her. What went down here decided the entire decision of the Empire.

Taking a deep breath, Leysa steels her nerves and pushed open the front door.

The inside was mostly empty, save for two blacksmiths poring over some blueprints. They paid no attention to her as she made her way around the familiar space, feeling a slight pang of nostalgia. She hadn't seen these blackened walls and stone tables since she went off on her mission four months ago, one which had been hastily aborted due to the task at hand.

Suddenly, a gentle voice called out, "Leysa?"

Smiling to herself, she turned around and saw a middle aged man with light brown hair streaked with Grey and smile crinkles under his eyes. His overall appearance was delicate and gentle, but his muscular build indicated decades spent hammering metal into cohesive shapes. Leysa's heart swelled with emotion, seeing her somewhat father figure after such a long time. "Hey, Enver."

The man hurried over to her and placed his scarred hands on her shoulders, filled with compassion and slight concern. "You OK? You're back earlier than expected. Not that I'm complaining," he added, somewhat sheepishly, "But it's kind of unusual for you to be back so early. Mission's done?"


Leysa's throat constricted slightly at the thought of lying to this kind man, but she relented anyways. Focus on the princess, Leysa. The fate of the empire depends on this.

" Yeah, I came here first thing after seeing my family."

Enver smiled knowingly (Making her heart feel a slight stab), and said, "She's in the backroom. You know her."

Leysa smiled slightly.

"Better than anyone."

"Alright then, I'll leave you be. It's great to have you around again, lass."

"Thanks, Enver," She responded warmly and made her way through the curtains at the back.

A lone figure was hammering away at a shapeless mass which would soon take shape of a masterpiece, wiping away the sweat from her forehead from time to time. Messy curls were tied up into a messy ponytail, brows furrowed in concentration as the hammer continuously hit a single spot repeatedly with practiced precision.

Feeling herself relax in the presence of her best friend, Leysa called out.

"Hey, squid."

Aramis Marlon looked up, startled like a deer caught in headlights. Slowly, realization dawned on her face and her face split up into a large grin. "Greetings Leysa. Charming as always."

"You know I am," Leysa replied, effortlessly slipping into the playful banter that had become their habit over the long years of their companionship.

"Quit deluding yourself, hunter. You're the densest rock that ever existed on the face of this planet," Aramis responded, smirking, glasses flashing anime style (A/N: Had to, sorry XD)

"I swear Aramis, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna shove that hammer up your nose bridge," Leysa quipped back, smiling despite herself. Said brunette clutched at her heart in mock hurt.


Leysa grinned, then suddenly remembered the reason she came here in the first place, and the smile slipped off her face. Noticing the sudden shift in her demeanor, Aramis tilted her head, concern lining her expression. "Hey L, you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just.... wanted to talk to you about something."

Putting down her hammer, Aramis turned her full attention to Leysa. "What's the matter? You seem nervous about something."

Leysa collected her thoughts for a few moments, then took in a deep breath.

"Promise you won't freak out."

Aramis raised her eyebrows. Leysa felt a slight headache building up, as was inevitable when talking to the infernal craftsman (or woman?).

"Promise me first."

"Alright, alright, I promise," Aramis responded, exasperated, flailing her hands in the air. Suddenly, she straightened out, smirk slowly taking place on her face. "Now, spill the tea. Did Tieran do something to embarrass himself? Or maybe... Maybe Hadeo-"


Shocked, Aramis looked at her friend. "Say, what now?"

"The princess. Of the empire. Requested my help. For a super important mission."

Aramis's mouth slackened and she looked at Leysa as if the latter had sprouted chicken legs out of her head.

"...Explain. Now."

Leysa glanced at her.


Aramis deadpanned." You're joking."


This is what I feared... Leysa thought, face-palming internally, then mentally prepared the explanation she had practiced in front of her mirror several times before coming here. "I know it sounds crazy, but-"

"Crazy? It sounds batshit insane and I'm in!"

"Yeah! I know, that's why I wanted to.... You what."

Aramis got up from her chair, unable to contain her excitement. "Leysa, this sounds like each and every single one of my fanatic fever dreams all rolled in one, of course I'd agree! If the princess needs our help, I'd happily oblige."

Leysa breathed out a sigh of relief she didn't know she'd been holding so far. Then she smiled." So, you're in? "

Aramis grinned." I am so in. Now what do we need for our mission to help the runaway princess?"

" Excuse me, the what now? "

Both girls flinched, then looked back towards the entrance of the room, where a delicate girl dressed in a green halter dress had dropped her books.

" What in the ever loving heavens is this talk about a runaway princess? "
