
The journey of the last Dragon

The Dragons vanished 600 years ago. And only now a new Dragon arises... but in the form of a cute little Girl? Follow her in her jouney to uncover the mysterious past and a dangerous future! Picture from https://anime-pictures.net/posts/618311?lang=en

Agnitio · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

A visit to the Guild (Small Addendum)

He took Valeria back to an empty counter and manned it himself. He took out a grey blank card and asked Valeria to let some mana flow into it (If one does not have the ability to do so another which can use the applicant's mana to do it). Valeria did as she was told, and he card changed color to green and a few things appeared on the card. Her name, her rank (G-rank), her class and a signature of the guild.

"So little lady, your now officially a part of the adventuring guild. You may take on quests from the board which are two ranks above your own. It's a special favor"

He looked at her with his usual composure.

" Got it! Thanks mister Guild master. Ehm, I wanted to ask can I sell some stuff?"

He raised one of his Eyebrows.

"What sort of 'stuff', when you're talking about materials from monsters, yes we do. But other than that, not. Valeria smiled.

"Yep I have the hide from a Sabretooth" and with that she took out the hide from the Sabretooth she had slain a few weeks ago out of her bag.

"Oh, very well. Let me take a look at it" a slight expression of surprise came across his face.

"Hmm Well, don't know why I was able surprised at that point..." He mumbled.

"That pelt is in very good condition, you dissected it perfectly... I would give you 2 gold pieces for it"

"Is that much?"

"The things you don't know are really of the oddest nature. 2 gold is plenty. Some workers aren't earning 2 gold in a whole month"

"Hmm got it! I'll take it"

Ferous smiled.

"As you wish young Lady"

Valeria stored her two gold coins in a small

Pouch in her crude leather trousers.

"Bye Bye! Im gonna explore the city for a bit. See ya tomorrow!" Valeria said with a cheery smile.

"See you tomorrow little lady"

Valeria left the guild with a smile.

Hello! As I said I am quite busy and have thus only published a small addendum to the last chapter, as a little something. But I am currently writing a bit so maybe I can publish a more proper chapter tomorrow. In general the chapters will become a little smaller (around 2000 words) I just dont have the time to do it properly otherwise and may have to postpone releases. With this system I will (hopefully) always have a little backup for when I am busy. a few more info's in the next chapter

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