
The Journey of Rulers

The three people are said to be the most powerful people with their extraordinary strength. They could conquer a continent at such a young age. They have the most dangerous powers in the world, some can control mountains, some can control the air around them, making people suffocate to death. But the most dangerous is the youngest among them. lThe one with the rarest power in this world. Modify natural disasters. But not only that, they also have abilities that ordinary people don't have. They were too extraordinary for a young child.

Eshaa_ · Fantasi
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11 Chs


Steve smiled, staring at the box containing the money from the sale of tiger skins and two huge swamp crocodiles. He will save this money for sudden needs later. The young man touched the box containing the money then in a blink of an eye, the money disappeared from sight. Steve saves it in his own time dimension. It is the safest storage place. No one will be able to take or steal it. Even if it's Zeo or Leo. Zeo would obviously use the money to gamble and Leo would use it to shop for useless items. Their only hope is that Steve is able to manage finances quite well.

Zeo sat cross-legged on his cloud. They were now flying as high as twenty meters above the ground. People probably wouldn't notice them because Steve had put the illusion of time around them. Which would make people only see the usual sky like he saw the previous time. Zeo moved his aching body unbelievably. Immediately changing the shape of the cloud he was sitting on became a soft bed. Likewise with Steve who uses the rocks as a bed and water which every edge compresses to form a comfortable soft mattress and pillows.

Leo himself used the fire. Since he himself was fire then the young man would not be bothered. By using Steve's momentum deceleration and Zeo's air modification, Leo was finally able to fly comfortably using the fire he had.

They've already cleaned up all their stuff by the way. Leave without leaving a word or two to others. Just a letter saying, 'We're going on an adventure. If grandpa comes back, tell him not to worry. We are strong and will only get stronger. Grandpa would be proud. We will unravel this world,'

"The capital city of Miller Island looks small and like an anthill from up here. I love flying and taking in the views," Leo laughed, using his ice to block the dazzling sun, "Where are we going now?"

"I don't know. But grandpa used to say, go south to start an adventure. Then we should go straight south. We'll get off at the first town we meet later. Don't forget to check anything below. We might just find something later," Zeo answered casually, enjoying the view from above, "I feel we are moving very slowly but why when looking down, it feels like we are moving very fast,"

"I used time expansion. It creates a time difference on the ground and up here. It would make us feel like we're moving normally but we're actually moving really fast. But don't forget to keep an eye on the scenery below. It looks like we've arrived in a forest. snakes. The forest is full of snakes. To the south of Ceber City. Maybe about five miles away. It is bordered by the Giant Forest and a long river full of crocodiles and piranhas," Steve explained.

"I think all the rivers on Miller Island are filled with giant crocodiles and piranhas. Or even giant pythons," Leo took a deep breath, "I hate snakes. I'm not going to die from their poison. Nor am I ever going to be eaten by them." giant snakes. It's just that their shapes are ridiculous. I can't help but shudder at the sight of them,"

"Your strength is not equal to your guts in seeing snakes. It's really sad," Zeo laughed crisply, the young man looked down. Observing every thing they passed until suddenly Zeo stopped his movement. Which suddenly also made his two best friends stop, "Obelisk is something like a monument with something pyramid-shaped on top, isn't it?"

Leo annoyingly confirmed "We've seen that a hundred times because even Steve always looks at it a hundred times. Making sure we don't miss a thing in there"

"I think I saw him," Zeo replied, lowering his height as he looked down. Making sure that his vision wasn't wrong, "Is that an obelisk? The shape is the same, only it has a gray color. It's not brown like the one we see in the forest of Timeo Village,"

"I've never heard of a gray obelisk. I don't know if it's real or fake but we should check it out in person. Do you guys want to get closer? There's a lot of snakes there. There's even a few giant pythons surrounding it. Hmm Leo? You okay?" Steve glanced at Leo who had turned pale in his seat.

The young man looked at Zeo and Steve alternately. Shaking slowly without any effort while heaved a heavy sigh, "Can you guys get rid of those snakes? I'm not sure I can survive among those horrible snakes. My phobia of snakes can't be tolerated anymore,"

"Yes, I understand," Zeo finally nodded, wagging his fingers until the tendrils started to come out of the ground. Get rid of every snake that is around the obelisk. Then a circular hedge of thorns began to emerge from the ground. Block every snake that is there. Making sure no one gets past that fence.

Steve smiled with satisfaction seeing him, "Good I know I can count on you, Zeo. Now what should we do with this person with a snake phobia? Do I have to throw him down there right into the swarms of snakes until his phobia heals by itself?"

"You are crazy?" Leo stared at Steve in horror. Shaking his head, he rejected the suggestion. Of course he would not obey Steve's words. He was clearly going to die when they literally threw him down there, "Don't be mean to me, you guys really are devils incarnate,"

"I'll give it to the python. Maybe Leo will soon be swallowed in one bite, seeing how Leo's body is so small," Zeo said mischievously.

"I'll kill you both before you can do that," Leo glared resentfully, looking down with a horrified look. The snakes there really gave him goosebumps. It's terrible, "Let's go, I won't be afraid if I don't see them,"