
The Journey of Mew

Meet Mew. A small furry little creature that loves to play. It plays pranks on the people he meets, helps whenever he feels like it and naps if he's tired. But hold on, after having played so much, how come he doesn't know where he is? Follow Mew as he goes to play in not only the Pokémonverse, but also other anime/multi verses. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime or characters that are mentioned in the story. I don't own the cover. I don’t own any of the multiverses that are bound to be mentioned in this fanfaction. The story is Completed! Still figuring out how to post side stories, so if you know, please post it in the comments.

LaughingSnowFox · Komik
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203 Chs

Mew meets Hestia

After following the group up, Mew waved at Ais as she and her companions went back into the dungeon to continue their expedition. Mew however, followed Bell towards the sickbay, where he was diagnosed and proclaimed healthy.

It wasn't surprising as Mew had fully healed his injuries. It would hurt his pride if he couldn't heal such small wounds. Still, his head was bound with a bit of cloth soaked in health potion to be certain. Looking down at Bell from the bedframe, Mew could still only see him as a small child. It was surprising he was able to be so strong as to take on a Minotaur.

Still wondering about it, Mew glanced sideways as he saw a big breasted loli come into the room. She had two black twintails boucing about as she hurried to Bell. She looked really worried as she had a relieved smile on her face after she heard everything was fine.

She seemed happy for him as well.

"You did great."

The girl said after she kissed him on the head. Mew wasn't prepared for such public display as he covered his eyes with his paws, occasionally sneaking a peek around them.

She grasped Bell's hand a bit more tightly which responded to hers. Mew found the scene a bit ambiguous but didn't say anything about it. They seemed to have a special relationship. A bit like a mama Altaria and her Swablu.

Mew continued to watch as Bell's breath slowed to a peacefull pace.

"Thank you for healing my child." The loli said as she glanced at Mew.

Mew wide eyed pointed at himself, asking if she meant him.

"Yes, you. I, Goddess Hestia, thank you for taking care of my child."

Mew smiled shyly at Hestia as he scratched his head. Mew hovered above her and patted her head, as he had no idea how to respond otherwise. Hestia laughed a bit at the clumsy action but let Mew continue what he was doing.

Taking his paw back, Mew waved at Hestia as he left the room to look after the other person who was with Bell. She was called Lilli if Mew was right. Entering her room, Mew could see her head covered in bandages as well. Not thinking much of it, Mew healed her injuries in a second on left the room before Lilli would wake up and spot him. All thing said, Mew was a bit shy when others thanked him right in his face.

Too bad thank you's came with doing good deeds. Maybe he should remain a bit further away from gods? They seem to always notice him. Feeling a gaze fix on him, Mew looked upwards and spotted some hazy pink eyes looking at him. The squinted in delight as the met Mew's eyes. Feeling a disgusting energy coming from them, Mew shuddered and hurriedly teleported away into his garden, the one place these gods couldn't come to without his permission.