
The journey of finding the trickster

The labyrinth of tales is the domain ruled by The God of Tales, an outer god who loves their worlds and stories more than anything. Sora, a boy whose love for book reaches no end. His idea of reality is different and unusual even for himself. Trickster the dimensional jumper who ruins worlds. Not much is know about him. Sora is the key to saving the stories in the world of tale but will he be able to save them from the nasty Trickster....That will only be revealed by fate of his imagination.

zodiac_stars · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Young Duke Sora (II)

They smiled at each other both feeling a little silly about the compliments they gave each other. 

"Then let's go young duke." Mary said as she extended her hand towards Sora.

He gently took her hand and placed it in his arms. But something puzzled him in the way Mary addressed him. 

'Young Duke?'

The Ducal household of Salvini believed in selecting a head that would be a perfect leader, a genius both academically and in magic, a fighter in politics and on battlefield and most of all a person who is kind.

Sora was always treated kindly by his family and they rarely had a fight. They were a happy family overall. The Salvini Family consists of the Duke and Duchess and four sons and one daughter.

But they were not known for their family bond or the fact that they have the biggest region after the capital but known for being the strongest family creating genius stronger than the predecessor every generation. 

They possess a rare blood line that links them to the god who loves their world-The God of Hope. Every member of the family is granted a special power when they turn sixteen. A tradition which has lasted since the beginning of this family till now.

Both Sora and Mary walked the hall in confidence while talking about what food and drinks will be served at dinner today. 

'Since it's dinner time I must have taken a nap after training. Well I can't remember why I was sleeping but that probably doesn't matter anymore.' 

They arrived in front of a big wooden door.

The guard announced their name and opened the door for them. 

"Young Duke Sora Salvini and Young Lady Mary Salvini are entering."

They walked into the dining room which was as lavish as the whole manor.

'Now that I have Sora's memories this does not feel that special at all.'

Mary separated from Sora and greeted the family sitting at the table.

'I guess we are the last ones to arrive.' 

Sora also greeted his family and went to the only available seat at the table which was a seat next to the Duke and in front of the Duchess.

'I don't know why I am nervous but my palms are sweaty.' 

It was already weird for Sora that he was sitting next to Duke considering that seat was reserved for the next head but adding on that everyone was calling him young duke could not have been a coincidence. 

He looked at his family members one by one.

Duke Russell Salvini is a striking figure with an air of mystery about him. His jet-black hair falls in loose, tousled waves that frame his sharp features, giving him a brooding appearance. His most captivating feature, however, is his dark violet eyes, which seem to hold the secrets of the universe within their depths.

These eyes have an intensity that can pierce through the soul, making it difficult for anyone to look away once caught in their gaze. His tall, lean physique and confident posture only add to his commanding presence, making him a figure of both intrigue and authority wherever he goes. 

Next is the beautiful lady sitting next to the Duke.

Duchess Adeline Salvini exudes an ethereal grace that captures attention as soon as she enters a room. Her hair, a soft shade of lavender, cascades down her back in elegant waves, contrasting beautifully against her pale complexion. Her dark brown eyes, deep and expressive, are like pools of warmth and wisdom, often hinting at an unspoken kindness beneath her composed demeanor.

She carries herself with a regal elegance, every movement precise and deliberate, yet there's a softness in her smile that makes her approachable. Dressed in fine, flowing garments that complement her unique hair, she possesses a timeless beauty and a quiet strength that draw people to her.

"So how is your vacation going so far, Sora." the Duke asked him as their first dish was served. 

Sora noticed that his dish was different from others and looked at it in confusion before answering "it is going well father. I missed the Salvini estate while I was at the academy." 

"That's good to hear." the Duke said as they began a short prayer and picked up their spoons after. 

Sora was not sure what he was eating so he was a little hesitant in putting the spoon full of what looked like soup but was much watery and yellow then usual.

"Don't worry dear, it is a medicinal soup that helps with headaches." the Duchess explained after noticing Sora's discomfort. 

"Thank you." Sora felt the warmth of the family and tasted the soup. 

Sora sipped the warm, comforting soup, its rich flavor soothing his headache -which he didn't know he still had- with each spoonful. The broth was light yet flavorful, a perfect blend of herbs that tasted both good and refreshing, bringing a sense of relief with every sip.

"You liked it?" the Duchess asked.

"Yes, it's good." Sora said with a bright smile feeling refreshed. 

The Duchess smiled and the atmosphere at the table brightened a bit more.

"Mind telling me Sora how I didn't know about this said headaches I could have helped you" Mary said pouting.

Mary was awakened with the ability to heal a rarity in itself. But she was also blessed with so much holy magic that she can even heal a broken arm.

"Well I was feeling better and I didn't want to burden my sister Mary." 

"Nonsense, you can never trouble or burden me." Mary said to Sora while pulling his checks till they turned a little pink. 

"Well it's probably from all the night sword training you keep doing on your own. And if you think I won't notice you sneaking out then you think wrong." Ace said with a smirk from across Mary.

"Hehe." Sora could only laugh because he does not have a memory of sneaking out at all.

'Damn it why don't I have any memories of this. Don't tell me not everything was given to me and I will have to fill in the hole's myself....Shit.'