
The Journey of Becoming A Demon Slayer

The main character ( Rem Tsubaki) will go on a dangerous journey as a demon slayer to find the demon responsible for killing her Family but is travelling with her brother which is a demon who promised to help her with her mission but later on she meets another traveler who made the same promise to find the demon who did this to her family. She does not want to trust anyone that is unknown to her so she keeps her distance, but her wish came true and she loved the boy ever since, will they get together?

delvena_thompson · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a cold night when Rem and her brother 'Timmy' got called for dinner by their mom 'Karen' their father wasn't present at the moment because he had to work overtime to afford a stable life style, Rem would sometimes go sell coal to earn some money for the family also since it was winter it was very profitable because no one wanted to go out in the forest to cut wood it was too cold in the mountains, but we were smart to stack up on wood.

"Mhmmm smells good mom what is it" Rem asked with excitement, they would regularly eat vegetable soup to save money but this time it was going to be different, they would eat shushi, sashimi, and Yakitori with Onigiri. This was considered a feast to them they had to thank the Gods for this wonderful blessing but this was regular meal to everyone around them since they could afford all these expensive things but Timmy had to ask " wow mom!! where did you get all these, they smell and look amazing" "no need to worry about that just enjoy while its still hot " she told them with a warm smile.

Rem's POV

After eating we headed to our bed but i stayed up hoping that our dad 'Eric' would come home but I always falls asleep before dad could come home he always encourages me to study hard so I could become a great lady in the future, even though we cant afford to go to school a friend of my mom would always teach us. I was reluctant at first but I found a way to make it seem fun I find it funny. Timmy is 16 years old so he gets different lessons than me I'm 15. Few minutes later mom came into the room and started to tell a tale about demon slayers and the evil demons I find it interesting there are so many things out there in the world I don't know about but I let everything fade away as I drifted off to sleep letting my mind take over.

The next morning was even colder than before so Rem woke up ate the leftovers from their dinner then got ready to sell some coal. She told the her mom, dad and brother goodbye until later on in the day because their dad was on a day off so she finally got to see him again but she sadly couldn't stay , on her way to the village she overheard someone talking about 'Man eating demons' like such a thing exists she rolled her eyes in disbelief saying to herself that those were just rumors but it seemed familiar to her......... but she shrugged it off, maybe she remembered it from the story last night her mom told her, but lets move on she then headed to the person she knew would definitely buy some coal for her.

which was the lady that was teaching her and her brother 'Miss Rose' Rem is still grateful, so whenever she bought coal Rem would always give her a little extra for a thank you. the lady admired her for that so she would purchased as much as she could knowing the state in which her family was in. After selling a huge amount of wood she moved on to the surrounding neighbors. Surprisingly she sold all of the coal she had but it was already late in the night ,Rem knew that she would have to take a day off tomorrow so she just sold off all the coal she had in her basket it was about 20-30 lumbers of wood cut in smaller lumbers.

Rem's POV

"Wow its this late already" I was going to go back home until miss Rose called "Psssssst come here" she whispered I walked slowly looking around for anything or possibly anyone in the area cause she whispered so it must be a secret right? She called again sounding angry " hurry up child!" I ran this time, she grabbed me by the shirt sleeve and pulled me inside, I looked at her confused like why would she do this all of a sudden? "look I don't want you walking alone in the night" she told me a little worried I told her not to " I'll be fine miss Rose"

"no child you are not, there are man eating demons lurking around this place you never know what might happen " I was really shocked because miss Rose is not one for gossip but she some how believes there are demons, seriously what is happening " you will sleep here for the night then leave in the morning I don't want anything happening to my student, you need to grow up to become a wonderful young lady" I smiled hearing those words she is so sweet I agreed knowing that she would probably get angry at me if I had said otherwise, she handed me a bowl of udon.

After eating such a wonderful meal I know that I'll sleep well then she threw a pillow in my face then incoming a fluffy sleeping bag specially made for an unexpected visitor she would sleep in her room while I sleep in the living room so I set up everything then went to bed.

Unknown Persons POV

" Hmmmm this place seems okay to hunt for food right? I'll just take a quick bite then just go, I have to take care of those lower beasts of children, they're really hand fills aren't they "

The next morning

I woke up with a "yawn" I had slept very peacefully last night, I feel like I have the energy of a bull I got up to use the bathroom specifically to brush my teeth but forgot I'm not at my house so I went in the kitchen hoping that miss Rose would be there and to my surprise she was the sweet smell coming from the kitchen filled my nose as I walked closer.

"good morning miss Rose" "Good morning Rem I hoped you slept well" she replied still focusing on her cooking "yep I did but, I was wondering do you have any spare toothbrush I want to brush my teeth" I asked in the most polite way possible " yeah I actually do but you will eat first then brush your teeth" she told me "oh ok then" I went to the dining room sitting around the table reading a news paper I saw on the table " miss Rose must have been reading this and forgot it here, oh well why not just read it" with minutes passing by I flipped pages after pages.

"This page seems interesting, a girl show casing a rare item. Wow its pretty a diamond where did she even find this!" I exclaimed suddenly miss Rose came walking into the room with 2 trays of food there was udon again of course takoyaki, miso soup and other side dishes man I hope days like these continue for me honestly. After I finished ate miss Rose went for the toothbrush then directed me on where to go to get water, " I finally get to see my family again I hope they didn't worry about me much, but bye miss Rose see you again soon".

I then started on my journey home. I was walking in a route that I knew would make me reach home faster but then heard " I heard that the demons strike some where in the mountains to the east" I almost had a heart attack in the east? that's where I live.

She started to panic as she ran to her house only to slide on the snow then fell flat on her face she got up and ran but only to fall again she knew that she had to stop worrying or else she would run then slide over and over again so she took some time to calm down she then rolled on her back and looked in the blue sky she relaxed. When she felt relaxed enough she got up and went up the hill only to hear someone call her " young lady please stay safe a demon has been lurking up there" she was confused why would miss Rose warned her in the night but now someone is warning her in the morning, she started to panic even more " Ok sir I will" she finally reached her house only to find......................