
The Journey of a New Progenitor

When the vampire king was close to his ascension, he was planning to hand over the throne to a worthy heir,  And he will find the chosen one to carry the weight of a race after him. This is the journey of a new progenitor, who will create his own destiny.  the cover is generated by Ai

Mallu_sage · Fantasi
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7 Chs


"Welcome to Twilightfall, Alaric. You are the first human from outside to ever come here in the last 500 years."

"It must be an honor for me to visit this dark, gloomy place, right?"

"Alaric, this dark, gloomy place is much better than your so-called human relam; here we are not twisted like you humans." 

"Whatever soon it will be my home to right, can you show me around, dear Scarlet?"

"Dear? When did I let you call me like that? I only permit you to call me Scarlet because of our age, and I'm not your dear."

"Oh, come on, Scarlet, we are friends, right? Let's go for a walk around this place. I'm eager to visit here."

"Ok, fine, come follow me.".

We both walked through the entrance of the city. The city was not like anything like human civilization; it was surrounded by big walls and had many castles inside the walls. Everything gave him a mysterious vibe. When we reached the entrance of the city, we were stopped by the guard. When he saw Scarlet, he just moved back and gave her a bow.

"Welcome back, princess."

She just shook her hand at him when she saw the ghost looking at me. 

"He is the man invited by the king."

"Oh, welcome, sir. Welcome to the Twilightfall."

"Thank you; see you around."

We both walked through the gate, and the things I saw inside the walls made me awestruck. It was a wonderful city. Even though the city was situated in the dark relam, it was bustling with vampires and humans native to the relam. Everyone had a happy smile on their faces, and they were all living in the relam happily without any prejudice.

"Scarlet, it's a wonderful city. By seeing this, I can really tell that your father is an amazing person, right?"

"It's all because my father is here; if he is not here to watch over them, everything will change.and that's why you are here."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying, my dear."

"Be patient; my father will tell you everything. and you must prepare yourself for this; you don't have a choice here; it is the only way for you to change your destiny; you must grab it tight."

"Ok, I am ready for anything if it will let me live my life to the fullest. Now tell me more about this place. Scarlet."

"This place was founded accidentally by my father and my mother during their travels long ago. We lived in your realm, and vampires used to consume human blood by hunding, which led to a huge decrease in the human population, and eventually the humans started to hund our kind. My father had the power to destroy everything, but he didn't do it. He eventually found some special human clans from the human realm and found a kingdom ruled over both vampires and humans, and humans served us vampires wholeheartedly.And it was a peaceful kingdom with six founding vampire counts directly turned by my father himself; they are the foundation of the kingdom, and they are the ones who created the most of the vampires. The original six are the purest vampires after the royalty, and the other nobility like barons and others are earned by the merits they have done for the kingdom. The kingdom was heaven for everyone, but my father thought that we must keep our existence secret so the humans can live there without worries, so he relocated our kingdom to this relam after asking the permission of the being that owns the relam, and it's been 1500 years and we are living happily here."

"He is a good man, Scarlet. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, he is the best after all. What is it?"

"How old are you, Scarlet?"

"Alaric Didn't your mother tell you that it's not gentlemanly to ask a lady about her age?"

"Hey, just tell me, dear. I am just curious."

"I am 19 this year."

"Only 19; why is that? I thought you were in your 100."

"We vampires have a lower birthrate. Alaric and I are my father's only children, and he only had my mother, and I was born so late."

"So you and I are the same age, right?"


"Yes, are you happy now?".

"More than that, princess,do you know I haven't had any friends till now?You are my first friend, and I'll cherish our bond more than anything."

"It's good that you are adapting to the new reality. I'll introduce you to my friends after the meeting with my father. Let's just walk around for some more time."

"Hmmm, it's really good to walk around. You guys also use electricity here, right?"

"Yes, we do. We are not some backwater countries; we have the same things that you have in the human relationship, but we didn't want to change our lifestyle, so we kept the old era alive."

"I think I'll love living the rest of my life here."

"You will, and you can visit your old world; ok, let's speed up. We kept my father waiting for a long time."

"Scarlet, do we need to see him now? How about tomorrow morning? Let him rest."

"Alaric, look around you. Do you think we have a day here? We only have a night here, and most vampires do not sleep, and if we do, it'll take us years to wake up from that slumber.So be a good boy and follow me; we are near."

Looking into her eyes, I didn't want to say no to her, so I followed her without saying another word, and I saw many things through the street, and everything that I came across was fascinating.When we were walking through the city, many greeted us. And we reached the end of the road, and there stood a majestic castle, and at the entrance of the castle, he saw the words that were most heard in his life. praeesset noctis


Hey guys authore here

Sorry for the short chapter