
The journey of a goddess

Please don’t read this if you don’t like extremely dark novels. My new novel memories undone will be no where near as dark as this novel and I don’t want this novel to turn you away from my new book . (Warning this is a dark Gods Novel. .It is a book that takes you through a fight between dark and light Gods fighting for power. It stems around a romance that is in the middle of it all. It will have violence, sex, suicide, cheating and extremely dark scenes in it. Read at your own discretion. This is a dark Gods war and romance book, it is not your typical heart felt romance. It will pass border line dark at times. The book will take you through a war over all magic. At times you will questions things. The more you read the more it will help you understand how the war started and how things truly turned out to be. I hope anyone reading enjoys it even though it’s unconventional. Also I have been editing and soon will be posting more chapter.) This is a continuation to The Goddess of wisdom and creation. It can be read as a stand-alone and I hope you give this book a chance if you don’t prefer my first one. My writing improved in this one and the storyline is amazing even through my unconventional writing style. Ariella is a powerless Goddess who has been locked away from exploring the royal realm since she was born. For years she begged her father to allow her to go to the royal academy but he never seemed to budge. After what seemed like an eternity her dream finally became reality. She was enrolled in the most sought out school for Gods and Goddesses. She would finally be set free of her chains. The life she wanted was in her grasp. All dreams were possible, the fear of not fitting in was squashed instantly and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect but what happens when word goes around that the Goddess who teaches royal laws is being replaced by none other than the high king himself? Ariella rolls her eyes and keeps walking, that's what happens. That is until she's proven wrong the moment she walks right into the most addicting and magnificent God she had ever laid eyes on. The high king to be specific. All the promises she made, all the rules she followed were pushed aside as soon as she realized that her crush was more than a simple crush. The high king consumed her mind and every other part of her. A simple obsession you say? Well she's in for a rude awakening when the simple life she had, turns into a neverending roller coaster when secrets of the past threaten to take away everything. From her freedom to her sanity. Will Ariella be able to escape the ghosts of a past she doesn’t remember or will everything come crumbling down with every turn she takes. Join Ariella on her journey as she gets thrown into a world of war, manipulation, and complete darkness.

Ashley_loo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Save myself

Ariellas pov

I hadn't seen that white haired Goddess since she first gave me the book and it had been days. I looked over the students in the class searching for her again but still nothing.

"Ariella if you could find your seat." King Alexander said from his desk. I gave a slight nod and slowly walked towards my seat. The walk to class did nothing to help prepare me for what awaited for me.

I had went days without talking to Blake and Alax using the incident as a reason for not talking but it seemed like today would be the day they would corner me.

I guess skipping break every day and never talking would eventually get old. I guess it was more fun to pretend. Alaxs narrowed eyes had me dreading sitting down. Why he had to be sitting down on my side of the table was pretty obvious.

I had turned and went the other way every time I seen one of them but this was the one time I couldn't avoid them nomatter how badly I wanted to. The betrayal was eating away at me but I refused to cry or bring it up.

Every step I took felt like my walls were getting torn down. I had done my best to ignore them because I was an open book and wore my heart on my sleeve. Every part of me wanted to ask how they could hurt me and use me just for their own fun. Eventually I would break and spill my heart out but until than I would pretend.

"Cut the crap." Alax said as soon as I sat down. His annoyance breaking away at the wall alittle bit. "You aren't in this class." I decided to go the safer route than to entertain him.

I set the book down that King Alexander gave me back a few days ago and sighed. "You've been avoiding us and ignoring us for days. Today that ends." Blake said from the side of me. I didn't even bother to look at him because I was over it. I still allowed them to take me to the classes I needed help getting to. I think that was more than sufficient.

"You're in my way Alax." I said as I tried to look at the board but every time I went to look around Alax moved his body to match my movement.

"Ariella." Alaxs narrowed gaze had me groaning inside. "I just want to be left alone. Can't you see that." I snapped at him a little to aggressively. I was a sweet Goddess by nature and I tried my hardest to be cool but they were pushing me.

"Well your alone time is done." Alax said right as he pushed my chair over making it bump into Blake. He set a chair down and sat to close for comfort.

"Can you scoot over." I asked in my most neutral voice I could muster up. Alax completely ignored me and took out his book and opened up to the page that was written on the board.

"Alax give miss Ariella some room." King Alexander ordered out in a nonchalant way. So he cared about him being close but not them tricking me. Nice.

"Did you need any help understanding the chapter?" Blake asked in a faux innocent tone. "I understand it now. Thanks though." I said as I flipped to the chapter on the board and sighed. When would I be able to stop pretending? If I would've seen this page the first day I found the book I would've known it was fake.

"Let me hear your summary so we can make sure ours match." Blake said. I looked down at the book and read the small passage to myself. Knowing that none of it made any sense.

"It says not to tell anyone and since I don't need help I'll just give my notes to king Alexander." I said with a mocking smile.

Turn in the notes that would make me fail because none of it was real and if I put the real laws down they would know. So I had to pray that my tests would help me pass because the notes definitely wouldn't.

"Ariella. What's wrong?" Blake demanded as he forced my face to look at him. His eyes looked so sincere but I knew they were that of a snake. I was so naive.

"Ariella can you please come here." King Alexanders voice had my heart fluttering with butterflies that needed to find a new home because he was just like his son's.

"Class dismissed." King Alexanders sharp voice had everyone confused and chattering before they all headed out without a clue to why he ended class right when it started.

I went to go but Blake and Alax were blocking my way. Alax looked up at me and smirked. I couldn't even stand up because their legs were blocking the chair from scooting back.

Movement in front of me had me look up to King Alexander standing up and slowly walking towards me. My heart fluttered with every step he took. The gracefulness that he had while walking was memorizing. He was a masterpiece all alone. Add being a king and that was a plus.

"I know what happened with Ace must be upsetting but your notes have been off." King Alexander said which made a tear fall. He was purposely going to fail me because of his son's.

"I wrote what I read." I whispered as a few more tears fell. Why would they do this to me? I didn't deserve this.

"Let me tell you what. Explain your summary and even if you are off I'll give you a pass for effort." King Alexander said which gave me alittle hope.

"You promise?" I whispered as I looked into his grey eyes with hope. Even if they were tricking me, if he could promise me a pass this one time that meant I could sway him into not failing me. I could save myself.