
Chapter 1:

Its like the afternoon-evening of that day, I had a sudden urge to go to a journey. I dont know why but I packed my bag and got out of the house. Suddenly everything felt..strange. It was gloomy. It almost felt like it's going to rain soon. But still I got out. There were no sign of life forms in the street. Maybe its just me who always saw the street busy and this is just normal, or maybe something was wrong. Whatever the case was, I just kept walking. The road felt kinda strange. It seemed shorter than usual. The same road that took me almost ten minutes felt like it only took thirty or forty seconds. That was an odd experience for me. There was a train track that seperated the sectors from my living place.

After I crossed the tracks I saw a mysterious girl. She looked like she has the same plan as me, that is to set out for a journey. Her face was covered with a mysterious shadow that I cant see through it. So I asked her... nothing. It was like some of telecommunication that I know where she is going but dont know how to express it in words. There were two lanes in the road. After going a certain point I crossed the road. But suddenly some random cars start rushing towards me. It looked like they planned it. Calling it "they" is not the proper word in this case, because I still dont know if "humans" were driving the cars. But I crossed the road. When I looked behind I saw that she didnt cross the road. But I said nothing. I saw her go through a road that I didnt recognise. But its her will where she goes. But I felt like a criminal by not stopping her, I dont know why...

The school that I study in was near, so I thought of going there. When I reached there I saw what I expected, nothing. But I felt something strange. It was like something or someone was following me. But I just shook it off my head and decided to go to my nearest train station. But the fun fact is that I dont know if there was a train station in this area. But I just went a certain road and found it! I was like my mind was making all these places so that which direction I go, I go to the right place. And this road was a completely different experience from any other place I travelled, that the road was filled with many male figures, and all with that shadow in their faces. But I ignored them and went to the train station.

I went in the train station. I waited there for a while. I still dont know where Im going. Then the train came. As soon as I were to enter the train, someone grabbed me. I looked back and saw a girl. It was not the same girl as before, I could understand that she was trying to say, "The girl that you met previously was my friend. Please help her, she is in danger". I asked,"Was it you who was following me previously?". She said yes. So I along with her went out to look for her before its too late. As soon as I went out, everything changed. It was like a new world. I didnt know where to go. But she started to run in a certain direction. I started ro follow her. But some unknown force distracted me and I lost her trail. This place was a new world for me. This world was foggy, the sky was red and it felt like I have to rush. Then I saw her footsteps, but it was disappearing. I knew I have to hurry. I ran as fast as I can before It disappeared, but an invisible wall separated a part of the world from me. But I can see that part of the world. The footsteps were not disappearing in that part. I felt relief and went looking for an entrance. But did I know that things will just escalate from this part onwards.

I went looking, it was like forever. But then I blinked, it felt weird. I've never had this experience of blinking than before, it felt like I've blinked in one or two hours. But when I opened I was n great shock. The area was the same but there were now tall skyscraper like buildings. But the buildings were like infinitely tall. But the invisible wall became visible and it was like a chain barricade wall and I could cearly see the door, but it was locked. So I went looking for a key. I entered a building and got to level 20 by a lift, I choose this level as random. Then I left the room and explored a little bit. And I saw the key! But the joy would soon fade away as I saw through the window that the whole world was starting to disappear. I took the key and rushed to the lift but it suddenly stopped working. Having no other choice I jumped out of the window and fell to the ground. But I didnt get injured. Well, that was weird. But I ran as fast as my limbs could move and rushed and opened the gate and entered. My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it in my brains. If I were any late then I would've been turned to dust and pure void. I felt relief and took some rest. Then I got up and started following her trails. This was only one of the many levels that I had to face throughout the whole journey...

I then blinked. Now Im in a desert, I didnt know where to go and what to do. I then saw a puddle of water in the middle of the desert. I went there, it felt like ages while I was going there. I almost forgot what my goal was. There was also a tree. I sat under the tree and I recalled everything I did in the journey. I stood up to drink some water but I fell in the water, I almost drowned. I tried my best to get up. Just I was going to lose hope in reaching the other end I reached the surface of the water. But I was in a pool on top of a skyscraper. There was a parkour type obsticle course in front of me. I saw a man. He was wearing a mysterious mask that was completely black... Like the blackest black I've ever seen in my entire life. He dared me to complete the obsticle course and reach the end for a surprise. As I have no choice, so I decided to agree. But he warned me about the dire consiquences that I have to face if I dont complete the course.

When we hear something like 'obsticle course' we generally think something fun and enjoyable. This was not the case. The course was covered with blood and iron bricks that supported was so rusted that if I jumped a little hard the whole course was going to fall off. And dont even question the height. So I carefully jumped on every single platform. The course got even harder each step. I saw the skeletal remains of the ones who dared to complete this. But I got to the end. But just as I got to the last jump I slipped in the blood and fell in the infinite abyss. The whole world turned black. I heared someone saying,"You dared to complete the course, now face the consiquences". Then I fell unconscious.

Then I woke up in a maze. I was tired. I was depressed. I didnt know what to do. There was no way out....

I sat for a while. Then I stood up and start to go through it. But it was creepy. I saw a mysterious figure just stalking me every time I take a turn. I was scared. But it did nothing so I just ignored it. But the closer it get to the exit, I see him for much longer than before he goes away. The wall of the maze was filled with blood. There was blood everywhere. I felt that the longer the time spent, the bloody the atmosphere. As soon as I realized this, I began to hurry. It felt like forever going through it. The more I stayed, the soggier the walls would get in blood. Then my worst nightmare happened. It started flooding with blood. So it was a live or die situation. As I thought I was gonna drown in blood, I found the exit. I couldn't swim because I was tired. I lost hope. But the flow of blood lead me to the exit. Never thought that something that wants to kill me just saved my life. I fell unconscious again.

I gain my consciousness again.I was in the forest. I saw that girl. But this time I wasn't going to lose her from my sight. I kept chasing her, but I was tired. I would take some stops while chaseing. Sometimes I fall unconcious slightly, but regain instantly. I kept chasing her through the woods. Then I saw a steep mountain. It was taller than the mount everest. I saw her climbing up the mountain. But I wasn't going to let it down. The constant anger and fustration gave me the motivation to climb the mountain. I went to the peak of the mountain chasing her. I saw her friend standing in the edge of the mountain. The girl stood right beside her. As soon as I went there, everything started to turn into dirt and sand, even me and them. It was the scariest experience of my life...

Then I woke up. It was a dream all the time? Without hesitation I rushed to my table and started to write this chaotic experience in my life.

This is the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it. But if you just read it for entertainment than this knowledge that you gained is of no use. It becomes useless knowledge. So I want you to think it like this way. The girl that you were chasing is your physical body. The person reffered as "I" is your mind and the girl that you were going to save is your dreams and the scenery where everything turns into sand and dust is your death. So in this prospective it is seen that you are chasing your mind and body is always chasing your dreams until your demise. So remember, life is not only chasing your dreams, there is an afterlife after this life. So do good deed while you're alive, and enjoy it in the afterlife.