
The world of Giga

The world of Giga, my new home. A total of 17 contents. There is the central content, the largest of the 17 and around are the other 16. 11 of the surrounding contents are occupied by different races, they use these contents as there 'home base'. There are a total of 10 superior races living on this planet.

Dragons, Fairy's, Vampires, Elf's, Dark Elf's, Orc's, Humans, Dwarfs, Ogres and Goblins.

They are the superior races on this planet, there are other races like slimes, beastmen, Gnomes, Aquatic Elf's, Trolls, Centaurs, Lizardfolk and Kobolds but they ether have to small of a population, they are to week, they don't have a 'strogman' to represent their race or they sometimes fall under that subcategorie of other races. The beastmen and Aquatic Elf's are good examples. Beastmen fall under human because 90% of them are half beast and half human. (Yes you still get your bunny girls and cat girls).

Aquatic Elf's live together with your Elf's, there naturally affiliates for water and nature works well together.

Each of the superior Races has there own content, except humans took 2 contents for themselves.(Mybe it's over populations or greed, only they know.) Not that the other races really care because these contents don't hold much value. The real value lies in the Central content, the largest of the 17 and the only place you can find Dungeons. With a surface area of 865 million km2

it is true a high level world, even larger that the totally surface area of the Earth. Combine that with tens of thousands of Dungeons scattered all over, it is a level up paradise.

Dungeons. The best place to level up and also get rewards. From monster drops, skill books, equipment and even coins. Dungeons are divided into 3 categories, Bigginer, Intermediate and EndRun.

Bigginer Dungeons are the most common they are everywhere on the Central content and are floor 1 to 100. Clearing a bigginer dungeon can get u rewards ranging from normal to epic.

Intermediate Dungeons are 1 out of 100. The probability that there is a town built around these Dungeons are quiet high. They are floors 1 to 500. Clearing one you can get rewards ranging from normal to Legendary.

Laste but not least are EndRun Dungeons there are only 16 of them and there are huge cities built around these Dungeons. Clearing them gets u rewards from Normal to Divine.

Rewards are divided in Normal, Epic, Legendary and Divine. They range from equipment, materials (special metals) or fruits that enhances the your status. Skil books and monster materials are drop at random from any Dungeon monster.

The system panell is the most convenient way of communication and exploration in the world of Giga. You can add friends and family to always stay in contact. The map tab scans everything within 10km of the person, you can see friends, dungeons, and towns. In teams in can help with the distribution of loot and exp. The equipment tab can help u keep track of status boost equipment you wear. There is no limit on equipment you can wear and if u wanna do 100 necklaces go for it. The downside is you physically have to put it on. Imagine having that many necklaces or 20 rings while you battle a monster.

With so many races you would think there is a lot of conflict but that's actually not true at all. Most of the races are aiming to become gods and reach lv 1000. There are some small conflicts but nothing huge. Most of the races put all the energy in clearing dungeons. But as time goes on and more and more people jump in dungeons and new generations come along it gets harder and harder to get to that level 1000. The last race to have a god transcend the world was from the dragon race over 1000 years ago. These days you can be a top expert if you reached level 600 and be a superior race if you have someone in the 800 to 900 level range.

I was sitting there on my rock ponder the information i just read, there is much more, but is basically the information about the different races and where the cities are and which race controls what cities. It's a lot to swallow down. Looking at the sun last breath i decided not to move around much at night. 1 i already went to my map tab and there are about 3 bigginer dungeons in my area and 1 intermediate dungeon. There is no town or villages but i don't know it there is 1 around the Dungeon. The second point is i want to read my magic and magical swordsman book. I have no way to protect myself. I have never been in contact with manna or swordpaly.

As i was sitting in the dark on the rock still emanating heat for basking in the sun i decided on my path ahead.

Tomorrow morning I'll go check out the intermediate dungeon, if it's unoccupied I'll dive in and only come up when if cleared it at least 2 or 3 times. After that ill go to 1 of the 16 cities, I'll choose 1 with the least people. I'll quickly get in there and only come up after reaching lv 900 minimum.

I have looked at my Quest tab and basically it said : Get swoll, start a clan and transcend.

The dungeons im targeting is about 7km from me if my map is correct. I can make it there easy. And not getting tired is just a bonus. I'll also have to read my other books, it's a shame the sun is set. I have to say i can actually see pretty well in the dark but I'll wait for morning.