
The Journalist and The Billionaire

I have heard a lot of rumors and gossip about Alexander Reddington - How he had gotten rich at a young age, without any family connection or inherited wealth. I am curious and I wanted to find out the truth. I signed a contract marriage with him, In order to investigate. But as I get closer to him, I began to fall in love with him. I was turn between my work and my heart

GodwinMiracle · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter Four

Chapter Three

Some minutes after the weird moment, I regained myself and I was looking so sad, what did I just do? Is that why I came here.

He smiled and dropped note of money on my bed.

"The money for your sister's hospital bill, my regards to her and I wish her quick recovery"

"Thank you, I really appreciate and I am sorry"

He smiled and left to work.

"Rachel, what did you just do? What did I just do? Did I just kiss him? Why couldn't I even I control myself that moment? But honestly, he is so handsome, he looks like someone I am going to marry in the future that is if everything he is doing is legal" I said.

I sat down and took the money on the bed.

"Ssh.. like I need it"

My phone rang again, it was Isabella.

"Hello, have you sent the message to him, what was his reply" She said immediately I picked the call.

"I haven't, Alexander just came in with the money"

"Yes, didn't I told you he doesn't know anything about it, but to be on a safer side, whenever you want to meet him, let me know, anytime he wants to meet you and wherever he wants to meet you, let me know, I will go instead of you, I just thought about it, we need to be smarter than the person"

"Hmmm, that is so thoughtful of you, so I'll reply now" I hang up.

I went to the diner to eat when I was sure that he had left for work, I opened the food and as expected, the food they knew we couldn't finish was prepared.

I tasted it and it was so delicious but I never concentrated on it.

I was eating and pressing my phone, well I just want to reply to the anonymous police, maybe we could work together to achieve this.

I replied, texting "Alright no problem, you

know my mission and I am sure I don't need to explain what it is, so when are we meeting?"

I replied while eating and before I could check again, he already replied. "Alright, let's meet at Elizabeth hotel at exactly 2pm"

Immediately I saw it, I put a call across to my friend to inform her and she assured me that she will go there instead of me.

It's already 1pm, and I was tensed already, I was patiently waiting for 2:00pm so I can know the person who is behind all these, but my mind keep telling me Alexander is the one behind it.

This time, to me the time was so slow, my eyes kept on watching the clock as it was tickling, it felt like 2pm was taking too long, I was so worried and so devastated.

Some minutes later, it was 2pm and I called my friend. To my surprise, she told me she was at the hotel already and she's still waiting for the anonymous police.

"Do not expect the person to put on a police cloth" I said in a silent tone while talking to her on the phone.

"I am not daft and I won't expect the person to put on a police cloth, I am just watching around if I saw someone who I knew"

"What color and type of cloth are you putting on so I could tell the anonymous police"

"I am putting on a yellow gown with a white cap, tell him that so he could come and meet me, or do you think we are not calm enough, the person might be on his or her way"

"Let me text the person"

"Let us wait for like ten minutes before you text the person….. wait ….. someone is walking towards me, I don't know the person, ooohh, he's here"

"Do not hang up, let me hear the conversation"

"No problem, this is not who you think, this is not Alexander, I don't even know this person"

"Then if it's not the person I thought, let me start coming, or what do you think?"

"You can start coming"

"I will start coming and make sure you do not hang up the call"

"Alright…. Hello, I am the journalist" She sàid as the person walked down to her.

"How are you, I was the one that sent mail to you, what would you like them to give you?"

"No, I think we should just go straight to the conversation, I have a lot of things to find out, I am busy"

"I know you went to Mr. Alexander house for a purpose, and I would like you to share it with me, but as for me, I have been making research about him since, but I haven't found anything to hold against him, he is very smart"

"He is so smart, we have done everything to know the reason behind his wealthiness, but we haven't, you asked if we can work together to accomplish this mission, and I am in support of it, let's do it, as you can see this is not just a job to me, this is my passion, what I love doing, let's make more researches"

As they were still discussing, I appeared there, I sat down and we all continued discussing.

"How are we sure you won't sly us while doing this, Isabella do you think we can trust him, see anonymous police, my friend and I are not doing this for money, it's just something we have interest in and passion for"

"Just like you have passion to do that, that is same why I am doing it without collecting a dime, but I guess you two are serious about it, for you to have signed a contract with him, to start living in his house, you really want to know everything"

"But how do you know she signed a contract?" Isabella was confused.

"How do you know I did that? Who is your source?"

Isabella and I was confused and as we try cracking our brain, we saw Alexander came in