
The Johnson case

Detective Alex Harper and his team are plunged into a chilling and complex investigation when a series of murders, kidnappings, and attacks on their own precinct lead them to an elusive and calculating criminal mastermind known only as The Orchestrator. The story begins with the discovery of two seemingly unrelated murders and the kidnapping of a child, Emily Johnson. As Harper delves deeper into these cases, he finds himself entangled in a web of deceit, manipulation, and fear orchestrated by a man who is always one step ahead. The situation escalates when Harper's partner, Marcus, is brutally attacked and left in a coma, pushing the team to its breaking point.

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31 Chs

Chapter 9: The vhs tape

Harper, Lopez, and Captain Raymondl were back on the case, their determination renewed by the taunting messages from the kidnapper. They knew they had to follow every lead, no matter how obscure, to find Anna Johnson.

The trio decided to investigate nearby slaughterhouses and farms, hoping to find information about who might have purchased a calf recently. They visited several locations, showing the owners and employees photos of the calf and asking if they had seen anyone suspicious.

After hours of fruitless searching, they sat down at a small diner to take a break and regroup. As they sipped their coffee, they discussed their next move.

"This is getting us nowhere," Harper said, frustration evident in his voice. "We need a new angle."

Lopez nodded. "Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. The kidnapper is toying with us, trying to distract us. We need to focus on what we know about the connections between Mary's murder and Emily's kidnapping."

Just then, a little girl, no more than six or seven years old, approached their table. She had curly brown hair and wide, innocent eyes. She held a piece of paper in her hand and looked up at them hesitantly.

"Excuse me," she said softly, "an uncle told me to give this to you. He said you would take me home."

Harper, Lopez, and Captain Michael exchanged startled glances. It was Anna Jhonson. Harper crouched down to the girl's level, his voice gentle. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Anna," she replied.

Harper took the paper from her and unfolded it. It was another taunting note from the kidnapper: "Tick tock, Detective. Time is running out. You're getting closer, but can you catch me in time?"

Lopez's eyes widened. "Emily, where is this uncle now?"

"He told me to wait here and give you the note," Emily said. "Then he left."

Harper looked around the diner, but there was no sign of anyone watching them. He handed the note to Captain Raymondl and turned back to Emily. "Do you know where you were, Emily? How you got there?"

Emily's face scrunched up in confusion. "I don't know. I just want to go home."


Back at the precinct, John Johnson arrived to pick up Anna. Harper, Lopez, and Captain Raymond regrouped in the conference room, going over the latest note and trying to make sense of it.

"The kidnapper is getting bolder," Lopez said. "Kidnap a child and give back the child to deliver a message? He's taunting us."

"That means the kidnapper has been watching us closely," Captain Raymond said grimly. "We need to move fast."

"Where is Marcus?" Harper asked.

"He's not responding to my calls or texts," Lopez said.

"I told him to check the school footage to see if there's any evidence," Captain Raymond said.

Lopez's phone rang. It was Dr. Patel. She took the call and spoke briefly before hanging up.

"They found a VHS tape in the calf," Lopez said.

"Let's go," Raymondl said.


They met with Dr. Patel, who handed them the VHS tape. "The calf was Wagyu, which is only raised in Japan," Patel explained.

"I'll check the VHS. You guys check with the imports," Lopez said.

Raymond and Harper visited various transport offices. Barely any of them imported Wagyu, and those that did had strict protocols ensuring the calves were slaughtered and processed immediately.

They returned to the precinct and met up with Lopez.

"Got anything on the tape?" Harper asked.

"Yep, it's footage of a building near the house," Lopez replied.


The team wasted no time. They immediately went to the location from the tape, hoping to find any clues. What they saw shocked them.

It was Marcus.

Marcus was crucified in the abandoned building's parking lot, unconscious. His hands and feet were nailed to a makeshift cross, and his body was covered in bruises and cuts.

"Call an ambulance!" Harper shouted, rushing to Marcus's side. Lopez dialed 911 while Captain Raymond searched the area for any signs of the kidnapper.

"Marcus, can you hear me?" Harper asked, his voice trembling with urgency.

Marcus's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned in pain. "Harper… it's a trap… the kidnapper… he's playing with us."

"Stay with us, Marcus," Harper said, gripping his hand. "Help is on the way."

As the sirens of the approaching ambulance grew louder, Harper knew they were in a race against time.