
Chapter 35


Miran heard Dorian shout from were he was. They had split into two inorder to find the gates faster but he hadn't come across anything yet. He ran to where Dorian's voice was coming from hoping that maybe the two had found a clue to what they were looking. Reyna was nowhere around and Dorian banged his hands on a rock that was part of the mountain side. His movements were frantic and he didn't stop even when he sensed Miran behind him.

"Reyna went into the rock and it's not opening up. Miran help me find the secret door."

How could she have gone through the rock? The last time he checked Reyna didn't possess any Earth energy and couldn't command it in anyway. Even if she did, Earth was a stubborn energy, it would never yield to anyone so much as to let the person walk through it.