
Chapter 18

"You disgusting piece of mortal, after everything I have done for you this is how you repay me."

The pleas that came from the slobbering fool, were like fuel to his anger. The man was thrown into one of the pillars that supported the large warehouse.

"Just because I wasn't there, you thought I wouldn't find out, right? Mercy, really? You think I have mercy? Fool!"

Another man-shaped dent was created into the already battered pillar. The sound of bones breaking echoed through out the empty space. The man was finally quiet. He wasn't dead yet and it took every restraint he had not to end him.

"Why did you hide it from me? Give me one good reason to spare you."

Picking up the filthy mortal by the neck, he propped him on the pillar and listened to the barely there whispers that struggled out of his mouth.

"Oh really? Interesting.Why didn't you say so before?"

The man's strained speech reached his ears and he smirked. Putting on a remorseful face he stepped closer to where the man was and placed a gentle hand on his cheek.

"If only you had told me of how you have redeemed yourself then this wouldn't have happened. Forgive my bout of fury but I had honestly thought that you had betrayed me."

Seeing the silent apologies that were in the man's eyes he almost laughed. Just a little touch and they came back like puppies ready to do his bidding. Pathetic.

"You are extremely wise if you were able to do this. Next time, remember to tell me the important thing first before my anger harms you. I would honestly regret losing you."

The man obviously needed more than just words to restore his former loyalty. He stretched out his wings and made a show of floating one of his feathers to the awestruck man. Feigning pain, he watched as the feather came to rest in the man's trembling hands.

"There, something to pay for the harm I have caused you and to show how much I value you. You can leave now."

The man whose bones had probably healed already bowed deeply before and made his way out, the golden feather safely clutched next to his heart. How easy it was to manipulate mortals, all he had to do was feed their sense of importance and they would humbly give away their souls to him.

"I never thought I'd see the day you allowed one of those creatures you hate so much have something of yours, brother."

The person was hidden in a dark corner, the only spectator to his flawless acting. The mocking tone in his words didn't escape him and he knew it wasn't supposed to.

"You never let anything that is your get away, so why are you here giving them out. Don't tell me you grew a heart while I was away."

Finally stepping out into the light, his so called brother smiled and bowed, not as deeply as the man who had just left. Dressed in a dark suit he could have passed off as a mortal man.

"Why are you here?"

"Honestly you didn't expect me to miss out on the fun, did you?"

He stared at his blue winged brother and reconsidered his reason of kept them alive. They dealt with the other lowly demons on his behalf and had given him time to heal after the battle.

"I'm just kidding, this seems far more exhausting than handling the demons back at home."

He did not miss the sarcasm that dripped from his brother's words.

"Actually I am here to warn you. Your presence in this realm is stirring up quite the ruckus among the mortals. If this goes on we might as well expect a visit from the Sire's guard dogs."

The time away from the human realm had made him forget completely about his effect on their feeble human minds. Prolonged exposure to his aura gave rise to their most murderous thoughts. After a few nightmares and hallucinations most of them either committed suicide or killed the subject of their hatred.

"I see that time has made you weak. Don't tell me that you are afraid of them?"

His brother laughed but stopped when he saw that no humor appeared on his face.

"What do you take me for? Of course I'm afraid of the angelic hosts. We are not what we used to be brother. I suggest that you stop whatever it is you are doing before they find you."

The blue winged man left as mysteriously as he came leaving him alone in the bare room. Stop? How could he stop when the game was just getting interesting? Fine, he would go back and keep the Angels noses out of his business but not before he made a few house calls. His pieces were about to play the game for him.

The first on his list was someone could count himself as a useful piece and he was certainly about to be.

"It is rare to see you these days, with your little darkness gone."

Even an eternity in Hell wasn't enough to break the man's will. If slicing off his tongue would have solved the problem, he would have done it already. The man in question lay on the stone steps, his eyes closed, basking like a lizard in the sun.

"If you continue staring, I'll start thinking that you actually missed me."

"But she won't be gone long, right? I mean if you are still here then I presume our little hero must be on her way to save you."

The man's lazy facade didn't change in the least, as if he wasn't threatened by the words. A small smile played on his lips.

"I wouldn't be so sure, the child and I aren't as close as you might think."

" Oh silly me I wasn't talking about the child, a little bird told me that the Dark spirit was back, but then again maybe not."

The man's eyes opened, his face stark. strands of his dark hair reached his eyes from the sudden movement but the man made no effort to remove them.

"You are bluffing."

It was his turn to smile, getting him riled up was easier than he thought.

"You know I cannot lie brother, so why would I bluff at your expense."

"Giving truths in half or twisting them to your advantage can also be considered as lying. But even so why are you here instead of going to get your precious spirit back?"

Unfortunately he had the Angels on his tail so he couldn't but that did not mean he wouldn't let someone else do it for him.

"If you are so intelligent then why don't you tell me?"

The smile on his face grew as he saw anger red and bright shining in the man's eyes. It was hopeless too easy.

"Is turning me human and torturing me not punishment enough for you?"

The man really had guts, as if that was enough to pay for everything he had done. Even the man's life blood wouldn't have been enough to sate his thirst for revenge.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to save her for last after I am done with the Guardians. You are welcome to say your final words if you like, but before that -"

The man on the steps collapsed and he lowered himself to pick him up. Tucking the hair that obscured the man's face behind his ear, he slowly whispered to him.

"I once heard that human minds were able to travel the galaxies while their bodies slept. Your mind is stronger, find my little darkness and warn her not to come for you."

Knowing the spirit was loyalty bound to rescue the fallen human, he only had to wait until she arrived. With the extra time in his hands he could as well prepare a surprise for her but just to make sure she didn't arrive too early, he needed something to delay her. A beautiful glowing sphere came to mind and he laughed. Why didn't he think of that sooner?

Gently picking up the man in his arms, he secured him next to his chest. The bright light of a doorway opening shined behind him before it closed. He turned slowly and found a silver haired woman waiting for him, her eyes cast downwards.

"Master, you summoned me."

That he had, having the Isle's Matriarch at his Beck and call was proving to be advantageous in many ways.

"It is time to call your grandson home don't you think?"

Her violet eyes rose to meet his. The humble look seemed foreign to her face. He imagined how the real Matriarch would sneer if she ever saw this.

"He had previously refused the Matriarch's request to return to the Isle."

That wouldn't be an issue, not with the plan he had in mind.

"He wouldn't miss a special dinner hosted in your honor, now would he?"